Do I have to have a website in order to have a page on FB? - plugins

I offered to set up a FB page for our upcoming 30th high school reunion. I went in and created the page, but cannot seem to figure out how to add the "LIKE" button. Everything I have read: Getting Started / Websites as well as the Social Plugins page all seem to begin with the assumption that I have a website. I don't have one.
So my bottom line question is: do I have to CREATE a webpage (outside FB) in order to move ahead with adding the social plugins?
Obviously I am a newbie, have no technical experience but can read and follow directions.
Solutions, O Great Ones?

If you create a page, other users will see a Like button on the page. So, they can like that page and then you can publish posts to it. This is a good way to keep people informed, involved, and engaged.

That's what the plugins are for (to include in html), they are not necessary to use to just have a page.
You might not see the like button because you created it, i'd imagine.

You don't need to have a website in order to use the Social Plugins, but it does help. Otherwise, you need permission to use the HTML on websites / pages you don't own but have access to.
E.g. You can ask your school to add the Social Plugins to their existing website that will let students like the fan page you created.


Facebook like us fields

I want to add a feature on my Drupal site its as follow hope someone can help.
I have a field called link which contains the link to download stuff and it is visible to all.
I want visitor to 1st like us on Facebook and only then the link should be available to see.
I am using Drupsl for Facebook module
Like-Buttons are restricted by fb. To realize your project you have to start a request on graph.facebook if the user is likinig your... whatever.

Multiple Facebook share button/link on the same page refering different TITLE & LINK

I need to create a "contest" page where user will be asked to submit picture.
After that, they should be able to share their picture on FB, Twitter, G+, Pinterest, etc for other people to come and vote.
I want the page to be displayed as a jQuery gallery and whenever people select a thumbnail, the bigger picture open with the associated vote and "share" button.
When a user share an image, I want a specific TITLE & URL associated with that particular image... something like ""... or ""
How is this possible if I only have one page?
I wouldn't have problem if I could use the old "" with parameters... but it seems that the Open Graph Protocol is "overiding" the sharer.php parameters....
Works fine with Twitter and Pinterest... I might have the same problem with Google+.
Excuse my bad english, thanks!
Well, set up a (“dummy”) page for each picture, and fill it with the appropriate OG tags … and have your users like that. And then put a JS redirect into that page, so that users following the link when it’s shared on Facebook will get to the “real” address you want them to end up at.
(Btw., IMHO this is what happens too often these days when people think doing everything client-side and client-side only is so “fancy” and that a “good” and “modern” site requires all that AJAX/one-page-only nonsense instead of a real good and working URL structure, and then are not able to handle all that this implies properly …)

Facebook Like button - only 1 line whhen no comment

Im using Facebook's like button plugin on my own website product pages, also using opengraph tags
Everything seems to work fine, the problem is when people 'like' a product, the comment box shows up but if they leave it empty only single line is posted on their feed like:
Jon Doe has liked "title here".
But when they write that comment when they click Like or even post the the link manually all the image,text,description information is correctly displayed.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
Well, that’s the basic difference between a like and a share. Since Facebook has merged these to functionalities into one social plugin, it’s up to the user which action he takes.
The old share button has been deprecated, so not much use in implementing it now, because even if it’s still possible(?) it will stop working eventually.
If you want shares instead of likes, your one alternative IMHO is implementing the Feed Dialog on your site, triggered by a click on a button of you own making.

problems with - Facebook Like Button Admin access

I've been having trouble accessing admin privledges for the like buttons on my website (along with other things).
This is the situation:
I have made a facebook page for my website
I have made a facebook app for my website that allows people with facebook accounts to register and login to the site. This works fine.
Like buttons are associated with different php dynamically created pages on my website i.e. These Like buttons work when users click on them. I also have a like button for the main page which works a bit funny as it seems to sum up all the likes from the other pages (even though they all have different URLs associated with them)
Now what I'm having issues with:
I have put 3 facebook UIDs into the metatags for admin purposes for the Like buttons. I have tested some links with the fb Linter ( and it doesn't seem to have any issues, but when I click the like buttons myself, I get no admin features. I have also tried accessing admin priv directly from facebook, but no luck with that either.
I read that you can tie admin rights to a fb page, so then I tried it with the facebook page (page_id) for the site, but no luck with that either.
I then tried to give admin rights from my website to the facebook app, but when i test it with the linter it says that i have associate it with the specific page, which seems to defeat the purpose of what i'm trying to do (tie all the website pages together so i can easily administrate them).
The furthest I've got is to see the insights for the domain (where i wasn't able to before), but I can't seem to see likes for individual pages and I don't seem to have any admin rights about publishing to user's feed or seeing who the 'likers' are! Am I missing something now?
It 'seems' to be that i'm doing all the correct things specified by the documentation, but I have getting nowhere and don't know what else to do. I have searched forums for answers, but they're just all over the place. I hope that stating my exact problem and what I've done will hopefully find someone able to help me!
Thanks in advance.
2 things I have found:
It seems the Admin link will only appear when you are using the default like button settings (ie faces on etc)
For the times that I could not get the Admin link to appear, I ran the linter and it suddenly did.
Perhaps try emptying the cache for your browser too but I have a feeling the first point might solve your problem?
I could be wrong, would love to hear someone else's opinion!
This issue has been driving me crazy ever since I accidentally discovered that these magical pages existed. I've had them show up with and without appIds in the fb js snippet. There doesn't seem to be any logic.
Item 1 from Sam Hammond doesn't seem to matter. Most of my Like buttons have data-show-faces set to false.
<div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="100" data-show-faces="false"></div>
From the above example I have seen the following:
Actual Web Page Like Button shows "9k"
My admin page shows "1.7k"
It's great. I can reach 1.7k people who Liked the page. But what about the rest and what about any new pages I create?
For now, when in doubt, drop the Facebook Page Like Box on your web page because at least it works consistently:
I also have to wonder how facebook users react when they start seeing posts in their feed from sites they Liked. It seems a bit intrusive.
I frequently use the Linter/Debugger tool on my web pages, doesn't seem to make anything appear. But this tool is highly recommended for other purposes:
updated link from above is:

How can developers force users to share facebook pages?

I've been seeing this for quite a while now, and am wondering how people achieve it: They create facebook pages, and then require users to like and share the pages in order to see links.
First, the user must be authenticated with your app. You can't force anonymous users to like your page, etc. After they are authenticated the easiest way to do this is just to use the graph api and call (you will need the extended permission user_likes). After that you can just ensure that your page is listed as one of the user's likes and take action accordingly.
I found an answer to my question after spending quite some time googling. Turns out, as usual, that it was simply the matter of picking the correct keywords.
Create the fan page you wish to use
Allow Static FBML application to your page
Set Static FBML tab to show your title, and publish the content there. With static FBML you can 'choose' who you want to show certain content, accomplishing the desired goal.
Here's a code sample:
<fb:fbml version=”1.1″>
<a href=’’>Webmaster help</a>
<fb:else>Non-fans will see this content.</fb:else>