Adjusting the volume with a uislider cocos2d - iphone

Im trying to add a slider for the settings page in my game, i have looked around but there doesnt seem to be much info.
Anyone help at all?

Maybe this thread on the Cocos2d forum will help you. It tackles the problem you describe. As a conclusion it says that:
It can only be done using MPVolumeView
Read this piece in the Apple Developer documentation for more about the MPVolumeView.


iOS : Getting screenshot

Guys I'm looking for the way to retrieve the application screenshot by mean other than CoreGraphics.
I know that Apple has recommended to do it using CoreGraphics here
But I have an issue by doing so when drawing on UIView using UIBezierPath which I've described it here.
So does anyone know any alternative of getting the screenshot of the application by means other than CoreGraphics?
That is pretty mush the only way, but if really can't try guiding the user into pressing the home and power button at the same time.

Adding Mobfox to AdWhirl rotation

I want to have Mobfox in my AdWhirl rotation but I can't seem to find any documentation on how to do this, I know that Mobfox is unsupported with AdWhirl. Any one got any experience with this? I'm an iPhone developer.
there is a way to do this! check out this post:
Combining MobFox/AdWhirl on iOS
hope this helps

Rolling Effect - Cocos2d

How would I go about making a sprite "Roll Up" like the app "Roll It Up" on the App Store?
Does anyone know? Can anyone lead me in the right direction?
See this Mac Apple app. Here they used CoreImage. This might helps you.
This is incredibly basic. My "jerk" answer is this: Do some tutorials and learn how to use cocos2d.
My non "jerk" answer is this: You need to use CCTouchesBegan to find what is being touched, CCTouchesMoved to move the sprite (hint: touch position = sprite position), and CCAction methods for animating the sprite.
The best advice I can give is to go to this site (iOS development tutorials)

Customize Curl animation in iphone?

I want to set animation for my UIView. I am using CurlUp animation for that. My requirement is to use CurlLeft and CurlRight. These are not available in CoreAnimation as I know. So is there any way by which I can handle the CurlLeft and CurlRight. I don't know a lot about OpenGl. But I don't have any problem with that too. Please guide me and provide me any link by which I can handle CurlLeft and right animation using either OpenGL or CoreAnimation.
Thanks a Lot.
For page turning animations, Ole Begemann has done something like that. His code is available on Github. See my answer to this question for a link.
iBook page flip transaction
His sample project is available for download and shows page curling left and right.

What is autoresizesForKeyboard and how does it work?

I was trying to find a way to adjust my screen when keyboard slides up so that the text field being edited (UITextView in my case) slides up and stays in focus instead of getting hidden behind the keyboard.
I saw a few discussion on google groups mentioning - autoresizesForKeyboard -
I was not able to figure out how to use it or find any documentation for it.
Then I saw how Apple recommends to do it -
However autoresizesForKeyboard sounds too intriguingly simple. Can someone please shed some light on this?
autoresizesForKeyboard is part of the Three20 library and is a property of the TTViewController class.
"Three20 is an iPhone development library. It's the code that powers the Facebook iPhone app and many other apps in the app store."