receiving this msg from zend: 'Zend_Soap_Client_Exception' with message 'Invalid URN' - zend-framework

does anyone know what this means
im doing a pretty simple call here in my indexAction -
private $wsdl = "";
$options = array(
$client = new Zend_Soap_Client($this->wsdl, $options);
fyi i have tried this with and without the options
when i set the options i get the error
when i dont set the options i get an empty client
what id like to get back
is the xml i get when i just put in the addressbar
thanks for your help

The error indicates that the URL you are passing in the options is not valid. The one in your example is fine, so presumably this is not what you are really using.
However, the location and URI options don't apply in WSDL mode, so you're best off omitting them completely. See the docs for the Zend_Soap_Client constructor at:


Can someone help me with POST method in Slim Framework?

I can set a GET method in Slim to get data from my database but my problem is the POST method, i don't know how to use it correctly. I do some code like:
$app->post('/login',function() use ($app){
$inputs = json_decode($app->request()->getBody());
$result = json_encode($inputs);
return $result;
I wanna make a login function by POST method but this is just an example I want to show the data that have been sent in the body by json. I used Advanced Rest Client to test but the result is always "null".
I'm new to Rest and Slim Framework too. Thanks for any helpful idea !
using return doesn't do anything in terms of viewing the output within that route callback function. use print, print_r, echo, $app->response->setBody('Foo'), or $app->response->write('Foo')
in terms of the post, did you try using $data = $app->request()->post() to get your data?

Joomla JError doesn't show but then appears

I have 3d party component which set JError warning
JError::raiseWarning( 99, "Set your name please" );
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
Redirect goes to controller with code
function saveUserDetails(){
//some code here
//now I try to get that error which was set by raiseWarning
$other_errors = JError::getErrors();
It returns just empty array. Why It doesn't contain that error?
Ok, I try to check session var with Joomla messages
$session =& JFactory::getSession();
$mes = $session->get('application.queue');
Again empty. Where is that error, I can't understand.
If there is new request immediately after the redirect you might be loosing the session variable (JError content) inspect the fired requests with FireBug, Net tab, and see what happens there. Post any information you get there but if it's not in JErrors it shouldn't show on the site.
Can you give a link to the live site so I can test there and see the HTTP requests that could help.

How can I check my post data in Zend?

I am a beginner and I am creating some forms to be posted into MySQL using Zend, and I am in the process of debugging but I don't really know how to debug anything using Zend. I want to submit the form and see if my custom forms are concatenating the data properly before it goes into MySQL, so I want to catch the post data to see a few things. How can I do this?
The Default route for zend framework application looks like the following$controller/$action/$param1/$value1/.../$paramX/$valueX
So all $_GET-Parameters simply get contenated onto the url in the above manner /param/value
Let's say you are within IndexController and indexAction() in here you call a form. Now there's possible two things happening:
You do not define a Form-Action, then you will send the form back to IndexController:indexAction()
You define a Form action via $form->setAction('/index/process') in that case you would end up at IndexController:processAction()
The way to access the Params is already defined above. Whereas $this->_getParam() equals $this->getRequest()->getParam() and $this->_getAllParams() equals $this->getRequest->getParams()
The right way yo check data of Zend Stuff is using Zend_Debug as #vascowhite has pointed out. If you want to see the final Query-String (in case you're manually building queries), then you can simply put in the insert variable into Zend_Debug::dump()
you can use $this->_getAllParams();.
For example: var_dump($this->_getAllParams()); die; will output all the parameters ZF received and halt the execution of the script. To be used in your receiving Action.
Also, $this->_getParam("param name"); will get a specific parameter from the request.
The easiest way to check variables in Zend Framework is to use Zend_Debug::dump($variable); so you can do this:-
Zend framework is built on the top of the PHP . so you can use var_dump($_POST) to check the post variables.
ZF has provided its own functions to get all the post variables.. Zend_Debug::dump($this->getRequest()->getPost())
or specifically for one variable.. you can use Zend_Debug::dump($this->getRequest()->getPost($key))
You can check post data by using zend
and for retrieving post data
For example
if ($request->isPost()) {
$postData = $request->getPost();
Zend_Debug::dump($postData );

PHPUnit and Zend Framework assertRedirectTo() issue

I'm having an issue with assertRedirectTo() in a test I have created, below is the code I have used:
public function testLoggedInIndexAction() {
'type' => 'login',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'asdasd',
You log in through / (index.php/) and submit post details there and the it redirects you to /feed/ (index.php/feed/). The details I have supplied are correct and should work however I am having issues whereby PHPUnit is saying they are incorrect:
There was 1 failure:
1) IndexControllerTest::testLoggedInIndexAction
Failed asserting response redirects to "/feed/"
#poelinca: No, it is simply a case of Zend_Test being unreliable in registering a redirect (even if it has been called correctly!)
In his case, the real app is no doubt redirecting the user properly, but the Zend_Test environment is having trouble registering properly called redirects. The best response I can think of is to omit any failing assertRedirect which actually works in the application.
This is not an optimal situation, but unless you're prepared to dig into the Zend code to see where the problem is, this may be your best bet for efficiency. This is an example of what causes unit testing to get a bad name: Having to alter code to pass tests which actually work already.
See Which is misleadingly specific in its title: the problem relates to all redirects, especially those which must set headers and exit instead of dispatching the original controller.
For whatever reason, this behavior causes Redirects not to always fail, but to be highly unreliable instead! If anyone knows a better workaround to this problem (which is general, and probably unrelated to the OP's code) please let us know.
stumbled on this question while having the same problem. I ended up doing the following:
$responseHeaders = $this->response->getHeaders();
$this->assertTrue(count($responseHeaders) != 0);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('value', $responseHeaders[0]);
// in my case I'm redirecting to another module
$this->assertEquals('/module/controller/action', $responseHeaders[0]['value']);
I've responded this answer in
I'm having this same issue... A possible way to assert it could be in
PHPUnit and Zend Framework assertRedirectTo() issue
But the problem is there.. My example is (wich actually works if done manually):
// controller modules/picking/orders/product
$orderId = $this->_getParam('oId');
if (empty($orderId)) {
return $this->_redirect('picking/orders/browse/invalid/empty');
// test
$this->assertRedirect(); // ok
$this->assertRedirectTo('picking/orders/browse'); // error
$this->assertRedirectTo('picking/orders/browse/invalid/empty'); // error
After I've found the error!
Actually, following the example above i've found that the string comparizon in my example has an error:
... fixing the preprended slash solve the problem! ;)
So if i understand right , you wrote a test that fails ( id say this is perfect ) .
In order to make the test pass you need to debug you're app and see where the problem is , in this case you need to have a look at the actual redirection ( or eaven the post fields sent by the form ) , maybe check the routing too . I gues nobody here will be able to answer you're question unless you post the code in you're index controller/form/view and feed controller .
For future reference, I had this issue today and it was caused by the Url class failing to build a valid url (I was passing the wrong parameters) but not reporting an error to PHPUnit (probably because PHPUnit masks the error).
Correcting the url parameters fixes the url and with it the assertion.

Zend_Test - Setting redirect in Controller Plugin for PHPUnit

I have been trying to use PHPUnit to test an application. I have it all working, but cannot test redirects.
My redirects are occurring inside an Acl Controller Plugin, not inside an Action in a Controller.
I have changed them to use the suggested format of
$r = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
$r->gotoSimple("index", "index", "default");
But this fails in the tests, the response body is empty and I get errors like
Zend_Dom_Exception: Cannot query; no document registered
If I then change the test so that the dispatch method does not result in gotoSimple() being called then the test runs correctly.
How am I supposed to do a redirect in my application so that it runs correctly with Zend_Test's response object?
The Zend docs cover this in about two lines, which I have tried and it fails.
To test that redirect has occurred, you need to add
$this->assertRedirectTo( 'index' );
after running $this->dispatch();
You cannot query the response body, since it's empty in case of redirect (that's where your exception comes from).
You can always check what the response actually looks like with
print_r( $this->getResponse() );
Make sure, your actions return anything after redirections, because Zend_Test_PHPUnit disables redirects, so the code after redirect is executed as well.
$r = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
$r->gotoSimple("index", "index", "default");
$r = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
return $r->gotoSimple("index", "index", "default");
To test the redirect itself, you may use assertRedirect* assertions.
Read the above manual, because there are important notes about action hooks.