First facebook-app: Hosting and Framework suggestions [closed] - facebook

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm planning to do my first facebook-app.
The core of the app would be to choose certain photos from your profile and show them to others users (of the same app). My background is more on the C++ side and low-level programming.
I want to know your suggestions for the following:
1- Which hosting do you suggest? I have read about google-app-engine and Heroku, however I am not sure which one fits best for a free plan until it grows to a significant number of users.
Heroku seems great for a beginner since they give you a sample code, but I am not sure about their databases and their scalability while being free. From here I understand that I have only 5 mb of databases for free which seems too little... right?.
And one more thing: I'm assuming is possible to show photos from others users directly from facebook without hosting it
2- Which framework and language do you suggest given the core of my app? It is not a sophisticated app, so I want to do it as fast as I can without many technical troubles.
Thanks in advance

I think Heroku is good choice for you.


Testing MongoDB [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am a Mongo newbie and wanted to know if there are any tools that will help me test MongoDB? Especially, if they help me automate testing of the tables (or collections) in MongoDB. I did a few internet searches but got very confused. Any help will be appreciated.
Two clients I found useful when testing/looking at data within the db are:
MongoVue - It's free and allows you to see up to 3 documents at a time; and has multiple ways of displaying the data (text form, table form, etc.) Quite nifty, but the cool features expire after 14 days, then you have to pay.
MongoExplorer - It's a little less friendly looking thatn MongoVue, but it is very simple to use, and it is absolutely free. It has some more advanced options as well - such as the ability to see GridFS data (this is a paid feature in MongoVue).

high volume database choice for php [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am about to develop website using YII framework. But i am not quite sure about which database i should use.
Generally insertion and selection would be there in a website. Data would be come from different relational tables as i will have more than 50 filters so that user can see what ever database they want to see.
Here is the example of website.
I want to design something like this.
which new concept i can use for the optimization, for better performance.
I have few concept in my mind which i am supposing to use.
1) MemCache
2) HipHop PHP
3) Doctorin ORM
I am just wondering how facebook search is working, are they using any advance tool for search??????
Facebook architecture is a fascinating one, and you shouldn't try to copy it, because you don't need it, and as we all know, premature optimization is the devil.
scaling issues are not something you prepare for, unless you're working for an enterprise and know first hand that you'll recieve huge amounts of traffic from day 1, like the new mega.
if you're talking about a large de-normalized table, which sounds so by applying up-to 50 filters, maybe you should consider a NoSQL solution, like mongoDB.
from what I know about facebook search, is that the servers are clustered, and are basically pointers to the "real" data, which means that alot of their data isn't a physical one, but as I said, unless you plan on sporting 1 billion users - that's over your head as of now.
good luck

best server/hosting for mysql/php with ability to scale for iphone app [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am working on an iPhone app for which I built a web service using PHP/MySQL. The app has potential for scaling, though it might also not so popular, but I want to be ready in case it scales. I want to make sure that my server can support if numbers of users exceeds let's say 100.000. The data will be mostly text, maybe some small to medium images.
Does anyone have recommendations for something that's optimum in price, and allows you to increase bandwith/storage as you need to by charging more? Since I don't know if the app will grow I don't want to make a big investment upfront, and would rather pay more as the bandwidth and storage needs increase.
Maybe Amazon server would be a good choice:
Amazon and GoDaddy are both really good fit from my experience.
I use Bluehost. They have a great plan and we are running multiple apps APNS (push notifications) from the 1 account.

Suggest an iPhone project [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am guiding an intern in learning iPhone development.
I need to give him a sample project or I can say an app as part of his project work.
Please suggest some ideas.
1. It should be a project for which the requirements data can be easily searched on Internet.
2. It should be a 20 days project.
How about an app that given a current geolocation, position, it fetches all stores, bars, restaurants, etc. Using a RESTful API, like simplegeo, google places or cityserch. And annotated a map view. For each pin replace the image with category based icon and annotate the name of the location.
The Stanford iPhone development course once offered a pretty substantial mid-term project to its students, the Paparazzi, .
I suggest you take a look at the Paparazzi 1-4 pdf files. It seems it perfectly meets your needs, (1) Flickr data can be easily accessed on the internet, (2) it is pretty substantial and therefore requires quite a few weeks work, (3) It is meant to be help the student learn the skills along the way, therefore is easy at the beginning and gets harder and harder when the student wants to further polish their work.
Create a browser with tabs functionality on ipad.

What iPhone push notification services are out there? (Hosted services, not the APNS) [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking to avoid running my own server all the time when dealing with Apple's push notification service. From my understanding, I need a constant connection to the APNS which I can't afford... I was planning on releasing my app for 0.99 or for free and I really don't want to spend a lot of money elsewhere.
After a bit of googling I found sites like which seems really interesting (and may be a perfect match for me). Are there any other services similiar to this one out there?
We found the following services
They are all different and some of them don't look updated. We have been using for a while and it works great.
I know of these two: appNotifications, and urbanairship.
there are also these two: and
Watch out for iLime too.
PushIO has great pricing, nothing on their website, but when I contacted them their pricing was better than most of these.