Detecting Hair Open CV iPhone - iphone

I just ran a sample code using opencv for face detection. It is detecting the edges and face quite nicely.
I was wondering, if anyone has any idea how I can somehow differentiate hair and face? I know we can probably use the hair colour contrast but someone else pointed out that if the person is blond, it won't work.
Any ideas or suggestions are more than welcomed.
Many thanks.

Here is another thread in SO about detecting hair in a face picture with OpenCV: Detecting hair in a portrait image? . It has some cool ideas and links to a paper which might be the solution you're looking for.


Blinking lights detection and tracking

I have a video of a set of blinking lights(LED in different frequencies) over a dark background and I want to detect LED , then track them in the video.
How can I do it if the number of LED is not given ?
I would suggest colour tracking from a video, try this link. There is example code and an explanation to how this is achieved in openCV.
The code is written in python, but once you have an idea of how it works, porting it to C++ shouldnt be too hard (Or you could do it in Python)
I think if you would like a more in-depth answer you should try providing more information in your question, it is rather vague. Explain more about what you are trying to achieve as an end goal, and hopefully people will be able to give you better information.

iOS image retouching

im trying to find out a way to retouch an face picture.
the way i want to retouch is make the eye a little bit bigger.
anyone know a library/framework for iOS which might be useful for it?
Core Image might help with detecting eyes on a face.
See for example!

Matlab. Image processing on 8 ball pool flash game. Small cheat. Hehe

See the picture below. It's a flash game from a well known website :)
I'd like to capture the images, frame by frame, using Matlab, and then lenghten the line that goes from the 8 ball, the short one, so i can see exactly where it will go. And display another window, in which the exact pool table will appear but with longer lines for the paths :)
I know, or can easily find out, how to capture the screen and whatnot, the problem is that i'm not sure how to start detecting those lines, to see the direction they are heading towards. Can anyone suggest an idea on how to accomplish this? Any image processing techniques i could use to at least filter out everything except those lines.
Not sure where to even start looking, or for WHAT.
And yeah, it's a cheat i know. But i got programming skills, why not put them in practice? :D Help me out people, it's a fun project :)
I would try using the Hough transform in the Matlab Image Processing Toolbox.
Basically the Hough transform is a technique for detecting linear structures (lines) in an image.

Is it possible to detect the entire face region (only) in IOS?

I need to detect the full face region in my app...
Is it possible to detect that region ?
Currently i was using the CIDector to get the face features...
CIDector detects only nose,left and right eye...
how do i detect the entire full face(not as square marked face entire space. I attached the image below exactly what is the need) from the source image...?
any idea or solution for this problem is highly appreciated...
Thanks in advance....
I am not sure, if it is possible to do it using CIDetector. I would recommend you more sofisticated solution like OpenCV. Take a look here:
and to the OpenCV documentation:
Hope it helps. It is ore complicated way but you can handle it.

Image processing Iphone

I like to develop a hair styling application for which allows the user to take a picture and try different predefined hair styles.I need to correctly place the predefined hair in correct position of image.I really don't know from where i need to start.If any one have any ideas please share it. Thanks in advance .....
Start looking into OpenCV (image processing library) to detect the eyes position and face bounds. You can then compute the location where the hair has to be placed over. - A sample project which exactly answers you