Is it possible to detect the entire face region (only) in IOS? - ios5

I need to detect the full face region in my app...
Is it possible to detect that region ?
Currently i was using the CIDector to get the face features...
CIDector detects only nose,left and right eye...
how do i detect the entire full face(not as square marked face entire space. I attached the image below exactly what is the need) from the source image...?
any idea or solution for this problem is highly appreciated...
Thanks in advance....

I am not sure, if it is possible to do it using CIDetector. I would recommend you more sofisticated solution like OpenCV. Take a look here:
and to the OpenCV documentation:
Hope it helps. It is ore complicated way but you can handle it.


How to get a single entity from an image?

I am using this image. I would like to have only the human part from this image. I don't want the background of this image.
How to do this? Any logic, links or the best and simple way?
here is the thing i want Link but i want this in objective c
There is no easy and fast way to satisfy your requirements. For the beginning you can learn how to detect objects in OpenCV.
After this you can check haarcascade_fullbody.xml from OpenCV sources. This cascade is for detecting bodies, open it in text editor, there is additional information in header.
Anyway, I'm not sure that existing cascade is too accurate for your needs.
From iOS5 and above you can user face detection API. By using FaceDetection APi you can easily find the face of the person. For reference and sample code here is the link.
All the best !!!
For ios5.1+, using a CIDetector and CIFaceFeature class can be easily face recognition.
Body recognition, is you will need to use opencv library. Not yet supported by apple.
Have a look at this:
Cropping an image in iOS using OpenCV face detection

iOS image retouching

im trying to find out a way to retouch an face picture.
the way i want to retouch is make the eye a little bit bigger.
anyone know a library/framework for iOS which might be useful for it?
Core Image might help with detecting eyes on a face.
See for example!

Image processing Iphone

I like to develop a hair styling application for which allows the user to take a picture and try different predefined hair styles.I need to correctly place the predefined hair in correct position of image.I really don't know from where i need to start.If any one have any ideas please share it. Thanks in advance .....
Start looking into OpenCV (image processing library) to detect the eyes position and face bounds. You can then compute the location where the hair has to be placed over. - A sample project which exactly answers you

Cocos2D camera movement?

What is the best way I center the screen to follow the character? Should I use CCCamera or just move the background around?
I am new to cocos2d so please show me exact code.
BTW: I am also using box2d in this project.
Try this...
[self runAction:[CCFollow actionWithTarget:(your hero) worldBoundary:CGRectMake(0,0,1050,350)]];
It will follow your character (your hero).
Hey there,
You have always to choose between the best way and the best way in your situation. A problem has multiple ways how you can solve it. So I can just tell you how I did it.
A few weeks ago I released my first game. (If you are interested check it out: Birdy!) I also used Cocos2d and had the same problem like you. The player should always be in the center of the screen. I've choosen the way to move the background. I added 2 things to the GameScene: The background and the bird. And I set the background as the bird's delegate. So as soon as the bird performs a jump for example, the background is moved in the opposite direction.
I think for my situation it was the best method. But I can't talk about CCCamera because I never did anything with that class...
I hope I could help you a little bit. But it's always a bit difficult to find the right way. So you should also think about things you will optionally add in the future. So perhaps my way does not fit your requirements...
I hope also my english is understandable...
Sandro Meier

iPhone: An UI question

I want to implement an UI which should look like Speedometer. Is there a way to implement like that? Some of apps i seen that they have implemented. For ex. an app called "TaxCaster" implemented it. Could someone help me how can i achieve it?
Thank you in Advance.
That is possible yes, but it will not be easy. You will have to either use OpenGL or Core Animation. I would suggest the latter if you want something like they have in TaxCaster.
You can find more about Core Animation here.
I hope it helps.
A possibility is to simply have two UIImageViews:
A background that has all the measurement listings (i.e. the ruler part), and another that would act as your needle, pointing to the current measurement. All you would need to do when changing the current measurement would be to use the transform property to rotate it into the correct position.
Not a trivial amount of work, but it shouldn't be too hard.