How can I create test user for application page? - facebook
I read above page, yet I could not get how to do.
I am preparing application with sandbox mode till it has completed.
But I want to let the people in charge available to access on this application.
Could you please let me know how can I make it?

You can add people as a "Tester". Go to your list of apps:
Choose the app you care about. In the "Roles" section, add the person in charge as a Tester. A Tester can use the app even when it's in sandbox mode.
Here are what all the different roles mean:


App Store Rejection With Reason: your app requires users to register personal information to purchase non account-based in-app purchase products

For last few days this cat and mouse game is going on between me and App Store Reviewers. And despite searching everywhere, I have not been able to find an answer to this question, so seeking help here.
I have submitted an app with auto-renewable subscriptions in it.
My app requires that users sign-in in order to see additional options, which includes subscription option as well.
App Store Reviewers keep rejecting my app citing this same text every time:
Regarding 5.1.1, we continue to notice that your app requires users to register with personal information to purchase non account-based in-app purchase products, which does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines.
To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to make it clear to the user that registering will enable them to access the content from any of their iOS devices and provide them a way to register at any time, if they wish to later extend access to additional iOS devices.
We look forward to reviewing your resubmitted app.
Best regards,
App Store Review
What is non account-based in-app purchase products by the way?
I have also made it clear in my app what App Reviewer have asked above, i.e. make clear to the users that registering will enable them to access the content from any of their iOS devices. I didn't say iOS devices specifically, but said other devices since I'll have the same app on Android devices as well.
While I appreciate App Store Reviewers to help me improve my app, but I am totally lost here. I have submitted two updates to my app but every time it got rejected with the same reason.
Over this period I have also read their guidelines, read many similar cases online, but am still not clear what is required of me here.
Do they want the users to be able to purchase subscriptions even if they are not signed in? If so then technically how does this work? First it'll break the core functionality of the app since without registration I don't have user's info to create an account for them. Secondly how will I know which user purchased the subscription? I have to tie the subscription to the user's account on my backend. This means first I need to create an account for the user before user can purchase a subscription.
Please help me to get this right.
Currently I am waiting App Store's reply and my screens looks like these, with all other options removed when not signed in, and added text bottom of the Sign-In option, and help icon on top right of the screen where there is more information available for the user; and the one when user is signed-in.
If I would be a user of your app, I think I would find this behavior quite odd.
I would expect a login/registration screen when starting your app. If I decide to create an account, the Subscription button would always be visible within the settings.
However, there would also be an option "Continue without registration". If you do not create an account, the settings page could show some info text like "Some features are only available for registered members. Please tap here to create an account". Tapping the corresponding cell would show the registration page that is also shown when starting your app for the first time.
Maybe some users created an account in the past but forgot their passwort? Then they would not be able to restore their purchases, right?
Your login/registration form should also contain a "Forgot Password" option.
My app was eventually approved last year. The change I made was to remove the Subscriptions button from the Settings menu. And move it inside the user profile page. This means that user can see the Subscription option only after signing in and by going to their profile page. While this doesn't make sense to me, but that's how probably Apple wanted it. Subsequent updates to my app were also approved without any problem.

problems with Facebook share button

The goal is to use facebook share button.
"App Not Setup: This app is still in development mode, and you don't have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions."
This is a message when I want to login with other than my app account. When I login with my app account I can use the button otherwise not. Is it because I use test apps delails? When I use my original website app id it gives the same message. In settings it is available to public. Test application is in development mode, it doesnt change to available to public. Should I remove test version or?
Thanks in advance.
Your application is in development and no one user can use this application except developers and organizers. You can see list of all people who can use your app at menu item "Roles" at application dashboard. To make your application available to other people make next steps:
Go to app dashboard at facebook -> Settings -> set contact email -> App Review -> swith first slider to YES position.
After this manipulations other people can login to your app correctly.

How to add application to facebook as a developer

I want to know how to create/add an application in Facebook as a developer?
I tried from Facebook developer, but after click create new app, I have given app name and name space, but it shows one pop regarding you can't create app because of no authentication. so I can't move up. I don't know how to overcome this?
Is there any way to add an application to Facebook?
You'll have to verify your Facebook account as a developers account.
You can read about it here -
Basically there are two options. You can verify your account
via mobile phone
by adding a credit card to your account details.
Don't worry - they do not charge your credit card - it is only to be able to track back applications to "real" people so that they can be held accountable for "bad" apps that violate Facebook's terms of service...

In-App-Purchasing iPhone application?

I am facing problem on In-App-Purchasing in my iPhone/iPad application.
My Issues are :
1> What is the use of Shared Secret - Where we have to use this?.
2> How we can all our application form store?
3> How we can test our application?
4> To enable in app purchase - We need application on app store?
Please give me some guide line for implementing in app purchasing.
Thank you.
I am gone through the apple process to enable in app purchase but I dn't know what I missed in my steps that's why I need more clear steps to understand the In-App-Purchasing with in my application?
Basically I need full steps for In-App-Purchasing.
Thank you.
Start with reading the Apple "In App Purchase Programming guide":
2)Sorry, didn't get you on this one
3) To test in-app-purchase
step1: log into iTunes connect, Navigate to manage your applications-->add new application (FILL THE INFORMATION)--> Availability date can be set at a later stage, select the price range-->enter the METADATA.
step2: Navigate to contracts, Tax & banking section in Itunes Connect & complete the IOS PAID APPLICATIONS CONTRACT.(Enter bank details, tax & contacts).If your app is free complete IOS FREE APPLICATIONS CONTRACT as well.
step3: Navigate to the manage users section & create a TEST user account.
step4: ADD products to your application.
step5: Transfer the application to your device using developer provisioning profile. The developer provisioning profile should use the SAME BUNDLE ID which was used while adding the application. before transferring the application navigate to settings--> store--> logout from any iTunes user account.
I don't fully understand what you exactly need
Apple has a really good documentation on The Store Kit framework.
I myself never created something for in-app purchase but to clarify a little bit.
I believe there are 2 ways to implement this
one is writing predefined stuff in youre source
for example, in infinity blade they let you buy extra gold.
The user asks for the list of available purchases from the app store the app store produces a list of in-app identifiers (which are predefined in code and on itunes connect)
the user selects for example "10.000 extra gold" for 0.99 dollar cents
The transaction will be made to the app store, the app store after succes returns a ok message in which the code should have a listener implemented that basically in this example add 10.000 to your "currentGold" variable.
The other way I don't know much about is connecting via an app to app store which in his turn connects to a server that is set up by you.
From what I can gather is that is what is being uses for level unlocks in for example sudoku games etc
as for Testing the purchase.
Whenever you have store kit implemented and try to connect it in the iOS Simulator.
The simulator automatically connects to a Sandbox envirenmont and therfore simulates the payment too

Is there any mechanism provided by Apple Store to make the user sign-up to my website before he/she can download the application?

I am creating an iphone application that requires the users to have an account at my website.
But if i have to distribute it through apple store, how should I make the users of this Iphone Application first create an account with my website. There could be a few options like :
1) Ask the user to create an account when he/she tries to run the application on iphone.
2) Provide a 'Sign-Up' page in the Iphone application itself.
My question is "Is there any mechanism provided by Apple Store to make the user sign-up to my website before he/she can download the application".
Kindly give in your suggestions for the same. Which would be the best approach for solving my problem.
There's no way to do this through the app store.
Yes: your two options are to create a sign in / sign up screen with cocoa, or to display your login webpage with a NSWebview.
I'd recommend the native control route...
No, you can't do that through Apples App Store.
You could provide the user with aviability to register to your site when opening your app, throug, say a NSWebView.
There are many ways to solve this, just not the one you might like.