Why is IntelliJ using autocomplete in a plain text file and how do I turn it off? - autocomplete

In trying to edit a 2300+ line .ini file Intellij is really slow, as in 1-2 seconds after keystroke before the letter appears. I see autocomplete popping up and I assume that's why its slow, but its a plain text file, why is it even giving me autocomplete?
And ok, its only registered as plain text because I haven't figured out how to get it to support hierarchical config files nicely, and autocomplete could be useful here, but it shouldn't be that slow.

Have you tried clicking the police icon in the right lower corner? Setting the "Highlighting Level" to None it speeds up most things when working with large files of any kind.


Change size of whitespace tab arrow character in VS Code

I am currently setting up VS Code on a new computer and want to maintain all the same configuration, addons etc that I had on my previous computer. I was able to copy all of the settings, fonts, themes I like, etc; however for some reason I can't figure out how to change the size of the Tab arrow character for whitespace.
In my old editor, the Tab arrow spanned two spaces, whereas on my new computer, the tab arrow only spans one space.
I've been looking all over, and tried googling any variation of "change tab character size", "modify tab arrow span" etc that I could think of. I seem to remember changing the arrow size at some years ago, which is how I got it in my old editor, but I've totally forgotten, and can't find the setting anywhere, neither searching in the VS Code settings, nor on google like I mentioned; the only things that turn up are for changing tab indent size from 2, to 4 spaces etc.
Here are some screenshots of what I mean, from the new VS Code editor and from the one on my older computer:
Current tab arrow size in VS Code:
Old tab arrows size (what I want in my new editor):
This is driving me crazy, and I'm sure it's a simple setting somewhere that I'm missing. Any help would be appreciated!
Edit: In case it is relevant, I'm using JetBrains Mono as my font, and its the same version of the font as from my old computer as well, I copied it over and installed it on the new PC.
To my shock, the issue resolved itself after rebooting my PC. Once again it would seem that the tried and true "have you tried turning it off and on again" continues to ring true in many cases.
The only explanation I can think of is that perhaps some of the font symbols for whitespace characters weren't fully updated for some reason after installing the JetBrains Mono font, which I had installed earlier the same day, and after rebooting my PC I guess all the characters were fully updated/refreshed, and now the longer arrow is displayed for the tabs; I guess this also means that there is no arrow resizing per se, and the arrow symbol for the tab is simply the font symbol.
In any case, I figured I should write this update as an answer in case something like this happens to anyone else in the future.

Smart Caret in Eclipse stops working for some files

I am using Eclipse and I am coding java. I really like the "Smart Caret" option for the Home and End buttons since it allows you to go the start and end of a line but not past any whitespaces. Also the Home key will take you to the start of a comment, rather than the start of the line. And you can cycle through different positions with these keys. And this is how the editor was by default, from installation.
However one thing that has happened a few times now is that when I am writing code in the editor, this functionality just vanishes. It is seemingly random when it happens and the weirdest part, I think, is that it is file specific. So all of a sudden when I am writing, the Home and End keys start taking me to the very start and end of the line I am on. It is as if I am accidentally pressing some hotkey to disable these Smart Carets for the specific file.
It does not help to disable and re-enable the Smart Caret option in Preferences. And beyond that I do not really know what to do. Is this a bug? It is incredibly annoying when it happens. Being used to things working one way, then having them spontaneously change and then again having them back to the default when I am editing a different file.

In Eclipse, Is there a way to change the 15 character limit on the open file names displayed in the editor tabs?

The source code I'm working with has many files where the first 15 characters of a file name are the same. When multiple files are open in Eclipse the tabs all look the same. I have searched online and not come up with any answers, including a vague reference on this site, where someone asked a similar question, but the suggestions more had to do with configuring the number of tabs, not the number of characters in the file name appearing on the tab.
As far as I can tell, the ability to configure this does not seem to appear in Preferences for Eclipse; but then again, I'm relatively new to it. I would like to have wider tabs, displaying the unique portion of the file name.
No this can't be changed using a preference.
The width seems to be hard coded in the stack rendering code (org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.sw.StackRenderer) so it would require a custom renderer to change.

How to stop FlashDevelop suggestions in text files

I'm using FlashDevelop in Windows, using it with HaxeFlixel.
The autocomplete suggestions appear when editing code - this is wanted, it is good.
They also appear when editing text files though - this is not wanted, it is not good.
Specifically, if I create a new text file in flash develop (so the file is called "readme.txt" or something), after typing a few words, FD tries to "guess" what I'm typing and pops up the suggestions list. This, of course, makes no sense when trying to type out things that aren't code.
Yes, I've seen this Flashdevelop - Disable autocomplete for txt files and no, it doesn't work - even after a restart.
Here is a screenshot showing it not working...
Can confirm, setting that option doesn't prevent completion in .txt files. Consider opening an issue on the FlashDevelop repository.
Looks like a bug.
For now you can simply disable the BasicCompletion plugin (check Disable and restart FlashDevelop).

Cut and paste from eclipse into MS word appears as large blue blob

This has been bothering me for years. Every time I cut a block of code from a java file in eclipse and paste into a word document, the text just appears as a big block of text. Does anyone know of a way to fix this?
This mostly happens with single line copying. Try copying by including the white-space from the above/bottom line.
Try pasting your code into a basic text editor first, like notepad; it should get rid of any attributes that are coming from where you cut from.
See http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word-help/control-the-formatting-when-you-paste-text-HA010215708.aspx and look for the "Keep Text Only" option.
This is well known problem. It is registered as a Eclipse bug:
Unfortunately, for today, this problem is not solved.