When to embed documents in Mongo DB - mongodb

I'm trying to figure out how to best design Mongo DB schemas. The Mongo DB documentation recommends relying heavily on embedded documents for improved querying, but I'm wondering if my use case actually justifies referenced documents.
A very basic version of my current schema is basically:
(Apologies for the psuedo-format, I'm not sure how to express Mongo schemas)
users {
email (string)
games {
user (reference user document)
date_started (timestamp)
date_finished (timestamp)
mode (string)
score: {
total_points (integer)
time_elapsed (integer)
Games are short (about 60 seconds long) and I expect a lot of concurrent writes to be taking place.
At some point, I'm going to want to calculate a high score list, and possibly in a segregated fashion (e.g., high score list for a particular game.mode or date)
Is embedded documents the best approach here? Or is this truly a problem that relations solves better? How would these use cases best be solved in Mongo DB?

... is this truly a problem that relations solves better?
The key here is less about "is this a relation?" and more about "how am I going to access this?"
MongoDB is not "anti-reference". MongoDB does not have the benefits of joins, but it does have the benefit of embedded documents.
As long as you understand these trade-offs then it's perfectly fair to use references in MongoDB. It's really about how you plan to query these objects.
Is embedded documents the best approach here?
Maybe. Some things to consider.
Do games have value outside of the context of the user?
How many games will a single user have?
Is games transactional in nature?
How are you going to access games? Do you always need all of a user's games?
If you're planning to build leaderboards and a user can generate hundreds of game documents, then it's probably fair to have games in their own collection. Storing ten thousand instances of "game" inside of each users isn't particularly useful.
But depending on your answers to the above, you could really go either way. As the litmus test, I would try running some Map / Reduce jobs (i.e. build a simple leaderboard) to see how you feel about the structure of your data.

Why would you use a relation here? If the 'email' is the only user property than denormalization and using an embedded document would be perfectly fine. If the user object contains other information I would go for a reference.

I think that you should to use "entity-object" and "object-value" definitions from DDD. For entity use reference,but for "object-value" use embed document.
Also you can use denormalization of your object. i mean that you can duplicate your data. e.g.
// root document
//duplicate part that you need of root user
user: { FirstName: "Some name", Id: "some ID"}
// root document
LastName:"last name",


MongoDB Data Model Design for Meteor.js App

I'm not much of a backend guy and even worse when it comes to MongoDB, however, I've been taken with Meteor.js so I'm giving it a try as I play around.
I'm creating a project management/ticketing app and would like your opinion on the data model design. In my app you create a ticket, assign other team members to the ticket and allow people to access it and manipulate the data like a todo list, attachments, comments, etc. Pretty basic.
From my research, it appears that a normalized data model with references makes sense. In that case, is a good model:
A collection for all my users.
A collection for tickets (each ticket/project its own document) with a field for team members in which I insert them into an array using a reference. Then I'd have fields for comments, todos, etc.
Or would this be best:
A collection for all my users.
A unique collection for each ticket with a field for team members kept in an array.
Sorry if this seems rather basic. I'm taking the MongoDB University classes for Node, so I hope I don't have to rely on too many basic questions for too long.
Thanks everyone!
You should store each ticket/project in its own document in a single collection (the first option).
If you give each ticket its own collection you have no effective way to index and query tickets.

Many to many relationship on Mongodb based e-learning webapp?

I am relatively new to No-SQL databases. I am designing a data structure for an e-learning web app. There would be X quantity of courses and Y quantity of users.
Every user will be able to take any number of courses.
Every course will be compound of many sections (each section may be a video or a quiz).
I will need to keep track of every section a user takes, so I think the whole course should be part of the user set (for each user), like so:
_id: "ed",
name: "Eduardo Ibarra",
courses: [
name: "Node JS",
progress: "100%",
section: [
{name: "Introdiction", passed:"100%", field3:"x", field4:""},
{name: "Quiz 1", passed:"75%", questions:[...], field3:"x", field4:""},
name: "MongoDB",
progress: "65%",
Is this the best way to do it?
I would say that design your database depending upon your queries. One thing is for sure.. You will have to do some embedding.
If you are going to perform more queries on what a user is doing, then make user as the primary entity and embed the courses within it. You don't need to embed the entire course info. The info about a course is static. For ex: the data about Node JS course - i.e. the content, author of the course, exercise files etc - will not change. So you can keep the courses' info separately in another collection. But how much of the course a user has completed is dependent on the individual user. So you should only keep the id of the course (which is stored in the separate 'course' collection) and for each user you can store the information that is related to that (User, Course) pair embedded in the user collection itself.
Now the most important question - what to do if you have to perform queries which require 'join' of user and course collections? For this you can use javascript to first get the courses (and maybe store them in an array or list etc) and then fetch the user for each of those courses from the courses collection or vice-versa. There are a few drivers available online to help you accomplish this. One is UnityJDBC which is available here.
From my experience, I understand that knowing what you are going to query from MongoDB is very helpful in designing your database because the NoSQL nature of MongoDB implies that you have no correct way for designing. Every way is incorrect if it does not allow you in accomplishing your task. So clearly, knowing beforehand what you will do (i.e. what you will query) with the database is the only guide.

Mongo for Meteor data design: opposite of normalizing?

I'm new to Meteor and Mongo. Really digging both, but want to get feedback on something. I am digging into porting an app I made with Django over to Meteor and want to handle certain kinds of relations in a way that makes sense in Meteor. Given, I am more used to thinking about things in a Postgres way. So here goes.
Let's say I have three related collections: Locations, Beverages and Inventories. For this question though, I will only focus on the Locations and the Inventories. Here are the models as I've currently defined them:
_id: "someID"
_id: "someID"
fillTo: "87"
name: "Beer"
orderWhen: "87"
startUnits: "87"
name: "Second"
number: "102"
organization: "The Second One"
_id: "someID"
0: Object
name: "Diet Coke"
units: "88"
location: "someID"
timestamp: 1397622495615
user_id: "someID"
But here is my dilemma, I often need to retrieve one or many Inventories documents and need to render the "fillTo", "orderWhen" and "startUnits" per beverage. Doing things the Mongodb way it looks like I should actually be embedding these properties as I store each Inventory. But that feels really non-DRY (and dirty).
On the other hand, it seems like a lot of effort & querying to render a table for each Inventory taken. I would need to go get each Inventory, then lookup "fillTo", "orderWhen" and "startUnits" per beverage per location then render these in a table (I'm not even sure how I'd do that well).
TIA for the feedback!
If you only need this for rendering purposes (i.e. no further queries), then you can use the transform hook like this:
var myAwesomeCursor = Inventories.find(/* selector */, {
transform: function (doc) {
_.each(doc.beverages, function (bev) {
// use whatever method you want to receive these data,
// possibly from some cache or even another collection
// bev.fillTo = ...
// bev.orderWhen = ...
// bev.startUnits = ...
Now the myAwesomeCursor can be passed to each helper, and you're done.
In your case you might find denormalizing the inventories so they are a property of locations could be the best option, especially since they are a one-to-many relationship. In MongoDB and several other document databases, denormalizing is often preferred because it requires fewer queries and updates. As you've noticed, joins are not supported and must be done manually. As apendua mentions, Meteor's transform callback is probably the best place for the joins to happen.
However, the inventories may contain many beverage records and could cause the location records to grow too large over time. I highly recommend reading this page in the MongoDB docs (and the rest of the docs, of course). Essentially, this is a complex decision that could eventually have important performance implications for your application. Both normalized and denormalized data models are valid options in MongoDB, and both have their pros and cons.

Links vs References in Document databases

I am confused with the term 'link' for connecting documents
In OrientDB page http://www.orientechnologies.com/orientdb-vs-mongodb/ it states that they use links to connect documents, while in MongoDB documents are embedded.
Since in MongoDB http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/data-modeling-introduction/, documents can be referenced as well, I can not get the difference between linking documents or referencing them.
The goal of Document Oriented databases is to reduce "Impedance Mismatch" which is the degree to which data is split up to match some sort of database schema from the actual objects residing in memory at runtime. By using a document, the entire object is serialized to disk without the need to split things up across multiple tables and join them back together when retrieved.
That being said, a linked document is the same as a referenced document. They are simply two ways of saying the same thing. How those links are resolved at query time vary from one database implementation to another.
That being said, an embedded document is simply the act of storing an object type that somehow relates to a parent type, inside the parent. For example, I have a class as follows:
class User
string Name
List<Achievement> Achievements
Where Achievement is an arbitrary class (its contents don't matter for this example).
If I were to save this using linked documents, I would save User in a Users collection and Achievement in an Achievements collection with the List of Achievements for the user being links to the Achievement objects in the Achievements collection. This requires some sort of joining procedure to happen in the database engine itself. However, if you use embedded documents, you would simply save User in a Users collection where Achievements is inside the User document.
A JSON representation of the data for an embedded document would look (roughly) like this:
"name":"John Q Taxpayer",
"name":"High Score",
"name":"Low Score",
Whereas a linked document might look something like this:
"name":"John Q Taxpayer",
"somelink1", "somelink2"
Inside an Achievements Collection
"name":"High Score",
"name":"High Score",
Keep in mind these are just approximate representations.
So to summarize, linked documents function much like RDBMS PK/FK relationships. This allows multiple documents in one collection to reference a single document in another collection, which can help with deduplication of data stored. However it adds a layer of complexity requiring the database engine to make multiple disk I/O calls to form the final document to be returned to user code. An embedded document more closely matches the object in memory, this reduces Impedance Mismatch and (in theory) reduces the number of disk I/O calls.
You can read up on Impedance Mismatch here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_impedance_mismatch
I should add, that choosing the right database to implement for your needs is very important from the start. If you have a lot of questions about each database, it might make sense to contact each supplier and get some of their training material. MongoDB offers 2 free courses you can take to learn more about their product and best uses at MongoDB University. OrientDB does offer training, however it is not free. It might be best to try contacting them directly and getting some sort of pre-sales training (if you are looking to license the db), usually they will put you in touch with some sort of pre-sales consultant to help you evaluate their product.
MongoDB works like RDBMS where the object id is like a foreign key. This means a "JOIN" that is run-time expensive. OrientDB, instead, has direct links that are created only once and have a very low run-time cost.

Ensure data coherence across documents in MongoDB

I'm working on a Rails app that implements some social network features as relationships, following, etc. So far everything was fine until I came across with a problem on many to many relations. As you know mongo lacks of joins, so the recommended workaround is to store the relation as an array of ids on both related documents. OK, it's a bit redundant but it should work, let's say:
field :followers, type: Array, default: []
field :following, type: Array, default: []
def follow!(who)
self.followers << who.id
who.following << self.id
That works pretty well, but this is one of those cases where we would need a transaction, uh, but mongo doesn't support transactions. What if the id is added to the 'followed' followers list but not to the 'follower' following list? I mean, if the first document is modified properly but the second for some reason can't be updated.
Maybe I'm too pessimistic, but there isn't a better solution?
I would recommend storing relationships only in one direction, storing the users someone follows in their user document as "following". Then if you need to query for all followers of user U1, you can query for {users.following : "U1"} Since you can have a multi-key index on an array, this query will be fast if you index this field.
The other reason to go in that direction only is a single user has a practical limit to how many different users they may be following. But the number of followers that a really popular user may have could be close to the total number of users in your system. You want to avoid creating an array in a document that could be that large.