Ensure data coherence across documents in MongoDB - mongodb

I'm working on a Rails app that implements some social network features as relationships, following, etc. So far everything was fine until I came across with a problem on many to many relations. As you know mongo lacks of joins, so the recommended workaround is to store the relation as an array of ids on both related documents. OK, it's a bit redundant but it should work, let's say:
field :followers, type: Array, default: []
field :following, type: Array, default: []
def follow!(who)
self.followers << who.id
who.following << self.id
That works pretty well, but this is one of those cases where we would need a transaction, uh, but mongo doesn't support transactions. What if the id is added to the 'followed' followers list but not to the 'follower' following list? I mean, if the first document is modified properly but the second for some reason can't be updated.
Maybe I'm too pessimistic, but there isn't a better solution?

I would recommend storing relationships only in one direction, storing the users someone follows in their user document as "following". Then if you need to query for all followers of user U1, you can query for {users.following : "U1"} Since you can have a multi-key index on an array, this query will be fast if you index this field.
The other reason to go in that direction only is a single user has a practical limit to how many different users they may be following. But the number of followers that a really popular user may have could be close to the total number of users in your system. You want to avoid creating an array in a document that could be that large.


Nosql database design - MongoDB

I am trying to build an app where I just have these 3 models:
topic (has just a title (max 100 chars.))
comment (has text (may be very long), author_id, topic_id, createdDate)
author (has just a username)
Actually a very simple db structure. A Topic may have many comments, which are created by authors. And an author may have many comments.
I am still trying to figure out the best way of designing the database structure (documents). First I though to put everything to its own schema like above. 3 Documents. But since this is a nosql db, I should actually try to eliminate the needs for a join. And now I am really thinking of putting everything to a single document, which also sounds crazy.
These are my actually queries from ui:
Homepage query: Listing all the topics, which have received the most comments today (will run very often)
Auto suggestion list for search field: Listing all the topics, whose title contains string "X"
Main page of a topic query: Listing all the comments of a topic, with their authors' username.
Since most of my queries need data from at least 2 documents, should I really just use them all together in a single document like this:
Comment (text, username, topic_title, createdDate)
This way I will not need any join, but also save i.e. the title of topics multiple times.. in every comment..
I just could not decide.
I appreciate any help.
You can do the second design you suggested but it all comes down to how you want to use the data. I assume you’re going to be using it for a website.
If you want the comments to be clickable, in such that clicking on the topic name will redirect to the topic’s page or clicking the username will redirect to the user’s page where you can see all his comments, i suggest you keep them as IDs. Since you can later use .populate(“field1 field2”) and you can select the fields you would like to get from that ID.
Alternatively you can store both the topic_name and username and their IDs in the same document to reduce queries, but you would end up storing more redundant data.
Revised design:
The three queries (in the question post) are likely to be like this (pseudo-code):
select all topics from comments, where date is today, group by topic and count comments, order by count (desc)
select topics from comments, where topic matches search, group by topic.
select all from comments, where topic matches topic_param, order by comment_date (desc).
So, as you had intended (in your question post) it is likely there will be one main collection, comments.
The user and topic collections with one field each, are optional, to maintain uniqueness.
Note the group-by queries will be aggregation queries, for example, the main query will be like this:
db.comments.aggregate( [
{ $match: { date: ISODate("2019-11-15") } },
{ $group: { _id: "$topic", count: { $sum: 1 } } },
{ $sort: { count: -1 } }
] )
This will give you all the topics names, today and with highest counted topics first.
You could also take a bit different approach. Storing information redundant is not a bad thing in all cases.
1. Homepage query: Listing all the topics, which have received the most comments today (will run very often)
You could implement this as two extra fields in your Topic entity. One describing the last date a comment was added and the second to count the amount of comments added that day. By doing so you do not need to join but can write a query that only looks at the Topic collection.
You could also store these statistics independently of the other data and update it when required. Think of this as having a document that describes your database its current state (at least those parts relevant to you).
This might give you a time penalty on storing information but it improves reading times.
2. Auto suggestion list for search field: Listing all the topics, whose title contains string "X"
Far as I understand this one you only need the topic title. Meaning you can query the database once and retrieve all titles. If the collection grows so big this becomes slow you could trigger a refresh of the retrieval query that only returns a subset (a user is not likely to go through 100 possible topics).
3. Main page of a topic query: Listing all the comments of a topic, with their authors' username.
This is actually the tricky one. If this is really what it is you want to do then you are most likely best off storing all data in one document. However I would ask you: what is the problem making more than one query? I doubt you will be showing all comments at once when there are thousands (as you say). Instead of storing each in a separate document or throwing all in one document, you could also bucket them and retrieve only the 20 most recent ones (if you would create buckets of size 20). Read more about the bucket pattern here and update the ones shown when required.
You said:
"Since most of my queries need data from at least 2 documents, should I really just use them all together in a single document like this..."
I"ll make an argument from a 'domain driven design' point of view.
Given that all your data exists within the same bounded context (business domain). Then it is acceptable to encapsulate it all within the same document!

To relate one record to another in MongoDB, is it ok to use a slug?

Let's say we have two models like this:
_ _id
- name
- email
- _id
_ name
_ slug
Now let's say I need to connect a user to the company. A user can have one company assigned. To do this, I can add a new field called companyID in the user model. But I'm not sending the _id field to the front end. All the requests that come to the API will have the slug only. There are two ways I can do this:
1) Add slug to relate the company: If I do this, I can take the slug sent from a request and directly query for the company.
2) Add the _id of the company: If I do this, I need to first use the slug to query for the company and then use the _id returned to query for the required data.
May I please know which way is the best? Is there any extra benefit when using the _id of a record for the relationship?
Agree with the 2nd approach. There are several issues to consider when deciding on which field to use as a join key (this is true of all DBs, not just Mongo):
The field must be unique. I'm not sure exactly what the 'slug' field in your schema represents, but if there is any chance this could be duplicated, then don't use it.
The field must not change. Strictly speaking, you can change a key field but the only way to safely do so is to simultaneously change it in all the child tables atomically. This is a difficult thing to do reliably because a) you have to know which tables are using the field (maybe some other developer added another table that you're not aware of) b) If you do it one at a time, you'll introduce race conditions c) If any of the updates fail, you'll have inconsistent data and corrupted parent-child links. Some SQL DBs have a cascading-update feature to solve this problem, but Mongo does not. It's a hard enough problem that you really, really don't want to change a key field if you don't have to.
The field must be indexed. Strictly speaking this isn't true, but if you're going to join on it, then you will be running a lot of queries on it, so you'll need to index it.
For these reasons, it's almost always recommended to use a key field that serves solely as a key field, with no actual information stored in it. Plenty of people have been burned using things like Social Security Numbers, drivers licenses, etc. as key fields, either because there can be duplicates (e.g. SSNs can be duplicated if people are using fake numbers, or if they don't have one), or the numbers can change (e.g. drivers licenses).
Plus, by doing so, you can format the key field to optimize for speed of unique generation and indexing. For example, if you use SSNs, you need to check the SSN against the rest of the DB to ensure it's unique. That takes time if you have millions of records. Similarly for slugs, which are text fields that need to be hashed and checked against an index. OTOH, mongoDB essentially uses UUIDs as keys, which means it doesn't have to check for uniqueness (the algorithm guarantees a high statistical likelihood of uniqueness).
The bottomline is that there are very good reasons not to use a "real" field as your key if you can help it. Fortunately for you, mongoDB already gives you a great key field which satisfies all the above criteria, the _id field. Therefore, you should use it. Even if slug is not a "real" field and you generate it the exact same way as an _id field, why bother? Why does a record have to have 2 unique identifiers?
The second issue in your situation is that you don't expose the company's _id field to the user. Intuitively, it seems like that should be a valuable piece of information that shouldn't be given out willy-nilly. But the truth is, it has no informational value by itself, because, as stated above, a key should have no actual information. The place to implement security is in the query, ensuring that the user doing the query has permission to access the record / specific fields that she's asking for. Hiding the key is a classic security-by-obscurity that doesn't actually improve security.
The only time to hide your primary key is if you're using a poorly thought-out key that does contain useful information. For example, an invoice Id that increments by 1 for each invoice can be used by someone to figure out how many orders you get in a day. Auto-increment Ids can also be easily guessed (if my invoice is #5, can I snoop on invoice #6?). Fortunately, Mongo uses UUIDs so there's really no information leaking out (except maybe for timing attacks on its cryptographic algorithm? And if you're worried about that, you need far more in-depth security considerations than this post :-).
Look at it another way: if a slug reliably points to a specific company and user, then how is it more secure than just using the _id?
That said, there are some instances where exposing a secondary key (like slugs) is helpful, none of which have to do with security. For example, if in the future you need to migrate DB platforms and need to re-generate keys because the new platform can't use your old ones; or if users will be manually typing in identifiers, then it's helpful to give them something easier to remember like slugs. But even in those situations, you can use the slug as a handy identifier for users to use, but in your DB, you should still use the company ID to do the actual join (like in your option #2). Check out this discussion about the pros/cons of exposing _ids to users:
So my recommendation would be to go ahead and give the user the company Id (along with the slug if you want a human-readable format e.g. for URLs, although mongo _ids can be used in a URL). They can send it back to you to get the user, and you can (after appropriate permission checks) do the join and send back the user data. If you don't want to expose the company Id, then I'd recommend your option #2, which is essentially the same thing except you're adding an additional query to first get the company Id. IMHO, that's a waste of cycles for no real improvement in security, but if there are other considerations, then it's still acceptable. And both of those options are better than using the slug as a primary key.
Second way of approach is the best,That is Add the _id of the company.
Using _id is the best way of practise to query any kind of information,even complex queries can be solved using _id as it is a unique ObjectId created by Mongodb. Population is the process of automatically replacing the specified paths in the document with document(s) from other collection(s). We may populate a single document, multiple documents, plain object, multiple plain objects, or all objects returned from a query.

Is it possible to group multiple collections in mongodb

so I'm working with a database that has multiple collections and some of the data overlaps in the collection . In particular I have a collection called app-launches which contains a field called userId and one called users where the _id of a particular object is actually the same as the userId in app-launches. Is it possible to group the two collections together so I can analyze the data? Or maybe match the the userId in app-launches with the _id in users?
There is no definit answer for your question Jeffrey and none of the experts here can tell you to choose which technique over other just by having this information.
After going through various web pages over internet and mongo documentation and understanding the design patterns used in Mongo over a period of time, How I would design it depends on few things which I can try explaining it here in short.
if you have a One-To-One relation then always prefer to choose Embedding over Linking. e.g. User and its address (assuming user has only one address) thus you can utilize the atomicity (without worrying about transactions) as well easily fetch the records without too and fro to bring other information as in the case of Linking (like in DBRef)
If you have One-To-Many relation then you need to consider whether you can do the stuff by using Embedding (prefer this as explained the benefits in point 1). However, embedding would help you if you always want the information altogether e.g. Post/Comments where your requirement is to get the post and all of its comments by postId let say. But think of a situation where you need to get all the comments (and it related posts) which contains some specific tags in comments. in this case you should prefer Linking Because if you go via Embedding route then you would end up getting all the collection of comments for a post and you have to filter the desired comments.
for a Many-To-Many relations I would prefer two separate entities as well another collection for linking them e.g. Product-Category.

Structuring cassandra database

I don't understand one thing about Cassandra. Say, I have similar website to Facebook, where people can share, like, comment, upload images and so on.
Now, let's say, I want to get all of the things my friends did:
Username1 liked you comment
username 2 updated his profile picture
And so on.
So after a lot of reading, I guess I would need to do is create new Column Family for each single thing, for example: user_likes user_comments, user_shares. Basically, anything you can think off, and even after I do that, I would still need to create secondary indexes for most of the columns just so I could search for data? And even so how would I know which users are my friends? Would I need to first get all of my friends id's and then search through all of those Column Families for each user id?
Ok so i did some more reading and now i understand things a little bit better, but i still can't really figure out how to structure my tables, so i will set a bounty and i want to get a clear example of how my tables should look like if i want to store and retrieve data in this kind of order:
So let's say i want to retrieve ten last uploaded files of all my friends or the people i follow, this is how it would look like:
John uploaded song AC/DC - Back in Black 10 mins ago
And every thing like comments and shares would be similar to that...
Now probably the biggest challenge would be to retrieve 10 last things of all categories together, so the list would be a mix of all the things...
Now i don't need an answer with a fully detailed tables, i just need some really clear example of how would i structure and retrieve data like i would do in mysql with joins
With sql, you structure your tables to normalize your data, and use indexes and joins to query. With cassandra, you can't do that, so you structure your tables to serve your queries, which requires denormalization.
You want to query items which your friends uploaded, one way to do this is t have a single table per user, and write to this table whenever a friend of that user uploads something.
friendUploads { #columm family
userid { #column
timestamp-upload-id : null #key : no value
as an example,
friendUploads {
userA {
12313-upload5 : null
12512-upload6 : null
13512-upload8 : null
friendUploads {
userB {
11313-upload3 : null
12512-upload6 : null
Note that upload 6 is duplicated to two different columns, as whoever did upload6 is a friend of both User A and user B.
Now to query the friends upload display of a friend, do a getSlice with a limit of 10 on the userid column. This will return you the first 10 items, sorted by key.
To put newest items first, use a reverse comparator that sorts larger timestamps before smaller timestamps.
The drawback to this code is that when User A uploads a song, you have to do N writes to update the friendUploads columns, where N is the number of people who are friends of user A.
For the value associated with each timestamp-upload-id key, you can store enough information to display the results (probably in a json blob), or you can store nothing, and fetch the upload information using the uploadid.
To avoid duplicating writes, you can use a structure like,
userUploads { #columm family
userid { #column
timestamp-upload-id : null #key : no value
This stores the uploads for a particular user. Now when want to display the uploads of User B's friends, you have to do N queries, one for each friend of User B, and merge the result in your application. This is slower to query, but faster to write.
Most likely, if users can have thousands of friends, you would use the first scheme, and do more writes rather than more queries, as you can do the writes in the background after the user uploads, but the queries have to happen while the user is waiting.
As an example of denormalization, look at how many writes twitter rainbird does when a single click occurs. Each write is used to support a single query.
In some regards, you "can" treat noSQL as a relational store. In others, you can denormalize to make things faster. For instance, PlayOrm's #OneToMany stored the many like so
user1 -> friend.user23, friend.user25, friend.user56, friend.user87
This is the wide row approach so when you find your user, you have all the foreign keys to his friends. Each row can be different lengths. You may also have a reverse reference stored as well so the user might have references to the people that marked him as a friend but he did not mark them back(let's call it buddy) so you might have
user1 -> friend.user23, friend.user25, buddy.user29, buddy.user37
Notice that if designed right, you may NOT need to "search" for the data. That said, with PlayOrm, you can still do Scalable SQL and do joins(you just have to figure out how to partition your tables so it can scale to trillions of rows).
A row can have millions of columns in it or it could have just 10. We are actually in the process of updating alot of the documentation in PlayOrm and the noSQL patterns this month so if you keep an eye on that, you can also learn more about general noSQL there as well.
Think of each DB query as of request to the service running on another machine. Your goal is to minimize number of these requests (because each request requires network roundtrip).
Here comes the main difference from RDBMS paradigm: In SQL you would typically use joins and secondary indexes. In cassandra joins aren't possible, since related data would reside on different servers. Things like materialized views are used in cassandra for the same purpose (to fetch all related data with single query).
I'd recommend to read this article:
And to look into twissandra sample project https://github.com/twissandra/twissandra
This is nice collection of optimization technics for the kind of projects you described.

When to embed documents in Mongo DB

I'm trying to figure out how to best design Mongo DB schemas. The Mongo DB documentation recommends relying heavily on embedded documents for improved querying, but I'm wondering if my use case actually justifies referenced documents.
A very basic version of my current schema is basically:
(Apologies for the psuedo-format, I'm not sure how to express Mongo schemas)
users {
email (string)
games {
user (reference user document)
date_started (timestamp)
date_finished (timestamp)
mode (string)
score: {
total_points (integer)
time_elapsed (integer)
Games are short (about 60 seconds long) and I expect a lot of concurrent writes to be taking place.
At some point, I'm going to want to calculate a high score list, and possibly in a segregated fashion (e.g., high score list for a particular game.mode or date)
Is embedded documents the best approach here? Or is this truly a problem that relations solves better? How would these use cases best be solved in Mongo DB?
... is this truly a problem that relations solves better?
The key here is less about "is this a relation?" and more about "how am I going to access this?"
MongoDB is not "anti-reference". MongoDB does not have the benefits of joins, but it does have the benefit of embedded documents.
As long as you understand these trade-offs then it's perfectly fair to use references in MongoDB. It's really about how you plan to query these objects.
Is embedded documents the best approach here?
Maybe. Some things to consider.
Do games have value outside of the context of the user?
How many games will a single user have?
Is games transactional in nature?
How are you going to access games? Do you always need all of a user's games?
If you're planning to build leaderboards and a user can generate hundreds of game documents, then it's probably fair to have games in their own collection. Storing ten thousand instances of "game" inside of each users isn't particularly useful.
But depending on your answers to the above, you could really go either way. As the litmus test, I would try running some Map / Reduce jobs (i.e. build a simple leaderboard) to see how you feel about the structure of your data.
Why would you use a relation here? If the 'email' is the only user property than denormalization and using an embedded document would be perfectly fine. If the user object contains other information I would go for a reference.
I think that you should to use "entity-object" and "object-value" definitions from DDD. For entity use reference,but for "object-value" use embed document.
Also you can use denormalization of your object. i mean that you can duplicate your data. e.g.
// root document
//duplicate part that you need of root user
user: { FirstName: "Some name", Id: "some ID"}
// root document
LastName:"last name",