Delete App (.apk) in emulator? - android-emulator

I know of two ways of deleting an app under development from the emulator:
Using the emulator GUI: Settings >
Applications > Manage Applications >
Using ADB: adb uninstall
I may have discovered a third way, using 'adb shell':
rm /data/app/<package>.apk
It seems, however, that this isn't really a good way to delete apps because there may be additional information associated with it (registration?).
What is that information and where can it be found?

It's interesting you mention this. I ran a quick home made test to shed some light onto your question.
Generally, when you install a .apk file, Android creates an internal storage area for it located at /data/data/< package name of launching activity>. This is mainly used as an internal caching area that cant be accessed by other apps or the phone user. You can read up about that in a little bit more detail in the Internal storage chapter of Androids data storage section. It is an area exclusively used by your app and you can write private data there.
Once you uninstall an app theoretically, this internal storage area is also deleted. The first 2 ways which you outlined indeed does that: the .apk file in /data/app/ is deleted aswell as the internal storage area in /data/data/.
However if you used adb shell and run the rm command, all that is removed is the .apk file in /data/app/. The internal storage area in in /data/data/ is not deleted. So in essence you are correct that additional information with the app is not necessarily deleted. But on the flip side, if you reinstall the app after running the command, then the existing internal storage area gets overwritten as a fresh copy of it is being installed.

adb uninstall com.example.test
com.example.test may vary acording to your app.

I was having a problem with this too. I have Link2SD on my phone, but the ext4 partition on my SD card corrupted, so I reformatted, but all of the linked files were still in the /data/app folder. So I created a script to delete all broken links, and ran into the same problem as you, the app manager said they were still installed! so I made another script to fix that, using the pm program on your phone.
heres my code to remove broken links from the app folder:
#follow and fix symlinks
files=`ls ${appfolder}*`
badstring="No such file or directory"
for i in $files
if [ -h $i ]
if [ -a `readlink $i` ]
echo -e "\e[32m$i is good\033[0m";
if [ $fix == "fix" ]
`rm $i`
echo -e "\e[31m$i is bad, and was removed\033[0m";
echo -e "\e[31m$i is bad\033[0m";
echo -e "\e[36m$i is not a symlink\033[0m";
and heres my code to uninstall apps that have no apk:
#searches through a list of installed apps, and removes the ones that have no apk file
installed=`pm list packages -f -u`
for i in $installed
if [ -a $filename ]
echo -e "\e[32m$package ($filename) is good\033[0m"
if [ "$fix" == "fix" ]
uninstall=`pm uninstall $package`
if [ "$uninstall" == "Success" ]
echo -e "\e[31m$package ($filename) is bad, and was removed\033[0m"
echo -e "\e[31m$package ($filename) is bad, and COULD NOT BE REMOVED\033[0m"
echo -e "\e[31m$package ($filename) is bad\033[0m"
copy these files to your phone, and run them with no arguments to see what they find, or add fix onto the end ( fix) to make them fix what they find. Run at your own risk, and back up your files. I am not responsible if this code in any way wrecks anything.
If anyone wants to update/merge these scripts together, thats fine. these were just made to fix my problem, and they have done so, just thought I'd share them.

I believe any files the app has created on the sdcard would not be deleted.

There is another way - using the emulator like a real device -
locate the app in the emulator and drag it up to uninstall it.


Need help to write a basic Command Line code

I'm using Windows 10 if it matters and I'm trying to feed a file to the "oeminst" app that will convert this file from .EDR to .CCSS. According to the app's website its usage summary is this:
oeminst [-options] [inputfiles]
-v Verbose
-n Don't install, show where files would be installed
-c Don't install, save files to current directory
-S d Specify the install scope u = user (def.), l = local system]
infile Manufacturers setup.exe install file(s) or .dll(s) containing install files
infile.[edr|ccss|ccmx] EDR file(s) to translate and install or CCSS or CCMX files to install
If no file is provided, oeminst will look for the install CD.
more info can be found here
So far I tried this code:
C:\Users\PC>oeminst infile. [C:\Users\PC\testfile.edr]
oeminst: Error - Unable to load file 'infile [C:\Users\PC\testfile]'
I'd appreciate if someone at least could tell me if I'm doing it right or not.
P.S. sorry for the messed up text. Not sure how to fix it. It looks good in editing mode.
Try this : oeminst infile.edr C:\Users\PC\testfile.edr
Nevermind, I got it.
C:\Users\PC>oeminst C:\Users\PC\testfile.edr

Prevent downtime using lftp mirror

I'm using lftp to deploy a website via Travis CI. There is a build process before the deployment, for that reason a build directory is present and pushed to the root of the ftp server.
lftp $FTP_URL -e "glob -d mirror build . --reverse --delete-first --parallel=10 && exit"
It works quite well, but I dislike to have a downtime / temporary PHP parse errors because of missing files on my website. What is the best way to work arround that issue?
My first approach was an option to set a temporary directory, but the lftp man page says there is only a options for temporary files. I still tried the option but it didn't help.
My second approach was to use "mirror build temp" to use a temporary folder and then replace the root with it. The problem here is, that I cannot exclude the temp folder while deleting the old files and folders like rm -rf *.
For small changes not involving adding/removing php files set xfer:use-temp-file should be sufficient. Also don't use --remove-first, as it causes lftp to delete obsolete files before uploading.
For larger changes I'd create a separate directory for each version of the site and redirect the web server to the directory using .htaccess mod_rewrite or some other configuration file. This technique will allow atomic switch to the new version (and back if needed). Besides, you will be able to do final pre-production testing of the new version if you redirect to the new version conditionally based on your IP address or using some other rule.
If you don't want to re-upload whole site for each new version and the FTP server supports FXP with itself, then you can copy old version to a new directory using mirror old_directory, then update the new directory using mirror -eR local_dir new_directory.
This is a zero downtown pattern - each placeholder should be replaced:
lftp $FTP_URL -e "mirror {SOURCE} {TARGET}-new-{TIMESTAMP} --reverse --delete-first;
rm -rf {TARGET}-old-{TIMESTAMP};

Ctools do not show up in pentaho UI

I am using Pentaho CE 5 on windows. I would like to use CTools but I can't make them show up in the File -> New menu to use them.
Being behind a proxy, I can not use the Marketplace plugin, so I have tried a manual installation.
First, I tried to use the I have run the following command line in cygwin (wget and unzip are installed):
./ -s /cygdrive/d/Users/[user]/Mes\ Programmes/pentaho/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/ -w /cygdrive/d/Users/[user]/Mes\ programmes/pentaho/biserver-ce/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/
The script starts, asks me what module I want to install, and begins the downloads.
For each module, I get an output like (set -x added to the script) :
echo -n 'Downloading CDF...' Downloading CDF...+ wget -q --no-check-certificate ''
-O .tmp/cdf/ SYSTEM_WGETRC = c:/progra~1/wget/etc/wgetrc syswgetrc = C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32/etc/wgetrc
'[' '!' -z '' ']'
rm -f .tmp/dist/marketplace.xml
unzip -o .tmp/cdf/ -d .tmp End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it
constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case
the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last
disk(s) of this archive. unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in
and cannot find .tmp/cdf/, period.
chmod -R u+rwx .tmp
echo Done Done
Then the script ends. I have seen on this page (pentaho-bi-suite) that it is the normal output. Nevertheless, it seems a bit strange to me and when I start my pentaho server (login: admin/password), I cannot see any new tools in the menus.
After a look to a few other tutorials and the script itself, I have downloaded the .zip snapshots for every tool and unzipped them in the system directory of my pentaho server. Same result.
I would like to make the .sh works, what can I try or adjust ?
EDIT 05/06/2014
I checked the files dowloaded by the script and they are all empty. It seems that wget cannot fetch the zip files, and therefore the installation fails.
When I try to get any webpage through wget, it fails. I think it is because of the proxy.
Here is my .wgetrc file, located in my user's cygwin home folder:
How could I make this work?
EDIT 10/06/2014
In the end, I have changed my network connection settings to bypass the proxy. It seems that there is an offline mode for the installer, so one can download all needed files on a proxy-free environment and then run the script offline.
I guess this is related with the -r option.
I consider this post solved, since it not a CTools issue anymore.
Difficult to identify the issue in the above procedure..
but you can refer this blog he is key member of pentaho itself..
In the end, I have changed my network connection settings to bypass the proxy. It seems that there is an offline mode for the installer, so one can download all needed files on a proxy-free environment and then run the script offline. I guess this is related with the -r option.
I consider this post solved, since it is not a CTools issue anymore.
You can manually install the components from or if you have pentaho 5.1 or above, you add the following parameters to CATALINA_OPTS option (in start-pentaho.bat or
-Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort= -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="localhost||10...*"

Is it possible to search though all xcodes logs

XCode now keeps the logs from the previous runs handy which is great.
Is there a way to search though all of the logs.
My use case is I have seen a particular error but cant remember which run it was in. I need to find the error URL from the logs.
Xcode stores debug logs at
The .xcactivitylog files are actually just gz archives. Decompress them:
cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<YOURAPP>/Logs/Debug/
for LOG in *.xcactivitylog; do
NAME=`basename $LOG $EXT`
gunzip -c -S $EXT "${NAME}${EXT}" > "${NAME}.log"
Now you can easily search them using grep or Spotlight or what your prefer.
To add onto #DrummerB answer. Once the files are unziped you can do a search with custom scope from within XCode. I prefer this to grep or spotlight.
The folder where these logs are is
You can open/read/search them for example in TextWrangler.

Still cant write to /System/Library/CoreService although my app is root

As the topic describes, my app is in /Applications folder and it has got root access but still i cant write/Edit a file in /System/Library/CoreServices.
Can anyone advice me on how to do this?
P.S. I m developing for Jailbroken iOS4 (iOS 4 SDK).
Alright, got this working, you got to have root access with admin as group and SetUID flag should be set to write to that specific location. What i did is, i saw the directory structure of and compiled my app according to that(e.g. Cydia and Cydia_).
Rename your app name to YourApp_ and make a new file named YourApp and post the text below into it, set the proper permissions and you are good to go.
declare -a flags
exec "${C:-.}"/MyApp_"${flags[#]}" -- "$#" 2>>/tmp/MyApp.log`
BTW YourApp binary should have a permission of 4755 to setuid flag as well.
Have you checked the flags for that directory? Maybe it's set as "system immutable". Take a look at the chflags command to learn more about file's flags.