joomla chronoform saving data - forms

I have a problem with chronoform.
I created my form and everything. but when people input data, sometimes it doesn't get saved, sometimes the data look strange (encrypted?), but when it's me trying the form, it always works!
here an example of the strange data:
REGISTRATION DATE 2011-02-24 - 08:24:14
NAME xjvcZiqVZOf
HOW DID YOU GET TO KNOW THE LABMOND? w2yCfW iuykmqzzrasu,[url=]stxpmgksgwqu[/url], [link=]qdchzokvtmyk[/link],
Any idea?

Turn on the built in captch or ReCaptcha, I bet these submissions are bots.


Registration form phpmailer and e-mail length

First of all i'd like to apologise for my english. I am student from Poland and i don't know php but i need something from code.
I have encoutered a problem. On my website i can't register with mail which is shorther than (i miss word but here is example) -,,
it also concern the part which is before "#" mark (asd) and after (,, -3characters is minimum what is accepted for example
I think somewhere in the code is declareted minimum length of e-mail or something, but with my "knowledge" od PHP I can't figure out which part... If someone could explain me what should i change i would be gratefull. Please help
Edit: My fault, here is code that is used to call phpMailer.
Your English is just fine!
That version of PHPMailer is really old, over 10 years out of date. Get the latest from here. Beyond that you have not posted the code you're using to call PHPMailer so we can't say what you're doing wrong - if you need somewhere to start, look at the documentation examples here.
There is no particular lower length limit on email messages or addresses (so long as they are valid) - you can quite reasonably send a message containing 'a' to someone at ''.

Get details of cells changed from a Google Spreadsheet change notification in a machine readable format

If I have a Google Spreadsheet e.g.
And I have set up notifications on it to email me immediately whenever a cell changes.
And I make a change to that spreadsheet via the spreadsheet API - i.e. not by hand.
Then I get an email like this:
Subject: "Notification Test" was edited recently
See the changes in your Google Document "Notification Test": Click
other person made changes from 10/01/2014 12:23 to 12:23 (Greenwich
Mean Time)
Values changed
If I open the 'Click here' link then I get this URL which shows me the cell that has changed in the spreadsheet:
My question is:
Is there a way to get the information about which cell has changed in a format that I can work with programmatically- e.g. JSON?
I have looked through the Google Spreadsheet API:
and at the Drive API Revisions:
I have also tried setting up an onEdit() event using Google Apps Script:
I thought this last approach would be the answer.
The problem with this approach is that whilst onEdit can be used to email details of changes, it appears to only be fired if the spreadsheet is edited by hand whereas mine is being updated programmatically via the spreadsheet API.
Any ideas?
You could build a function that checks for changes. One way to do this is by comparing multiple instances of the same spreadsheet. If there are differences, you could email yourself. Using the time driven trigger, you can check every minute, hour, day, or week (depending on your needs).
var sheet = **whatever**;//The spreadsheet where you will be making changes
var range = **whatever**;//The range that you will be checking for changes
var compSheet = **whatever**;//The sheet that you will compare with for changes
function checkMatch(){
var myCurrent = sheet.getRange(range).getValues();
var myComparison = compSheet.getRange(range).getvalues();
if(myCurrent == myComparison){//Checks to see if there are any differences
for(i=0;i<compSheet.length;++i){ //Since getValues returns a 'multi-dimensional' array, 2 for loops are used to compare each element
if(myCurrent[i][j] != myComparison[i][j]){//Determines if there is a difference;
//***Whatever you want to do with the differences, put them here***
myEmailer(sheet.getUrl());//Passes the url of sheet to youur emailer function
compSheet.getRange(range).setValues(myCurrent);//Updates compSheet so that next time is can check for the next series of changes
Then from Resources>Current project's triggers you can set checkMatch to run every minute.
Also check out for pulling data as json

How to send email to multiple addresses in range of cells that updates weekly?

I am a novice at programming. I have setup a google spreadsheet that will send a weekly email reminder to those who have upcoming assignments. The spreadsheet automatically pulls the 4 email addresses of those who are assigned each week and places them in A1, B1, A2, B2 (i.e. A1:B2). I want the script to find the 4 email addresses (that change each week) and send the same email to all four of them.
When I hardcode the cc recipients into the MailApp line, it works fine. But because the recipients list changes weekly I want to reference the cells A1:B2 instead. When I try to do that, I get an Invalid Email error. The debugger shows that var ccrecipients is picking up the right cells, but I think the problem is that it returns it as an array instead of as a string. That's as far as I'm able to reason through it.
A few snippets of my code:
var ccrecipients = sheet.getRange('A1:B2').getValues();
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, "", {htmlBody: message, cc: ccrecipients});
Thanks in advance for your help. I've relied heavily on these forums to put together the code that I have. I've always been able to find an answer, until this one. Thanks!
Your observation is almost correct, sheet.getRange('A1:B2').getValues(); return an array of arrays, something like [[A1,B1],[A2,B2]] A & B representing the values in the cells to simplify my example.
And what you need in the end is a "flat" string with all the needed recipients separated by commas "A1,B1,A2,B2".
The simplest way to do that is to flatten the whole thing,that will create a string with comma separations and that's exactly what we need.
That should do the trick ;-)

Using Powershell to find Lotus Notes internet email address

Using Powershell, I need to retrieve an Internet email address from a Lotus Notes names.nsf address book.
Within Notes, I can see the internet email address I want to retrieve. It is on the Basics tab, under the Mail section, in a field called "Internet Address". However, I have not been able to find the view it is under, or a way to query it or derive it. It would also be helpful to filter the email addresses I would like to find by the Company on the "Work/Home" tab in Lotus Notes.
Opening one of the names.nsf files in IE, I see a number of the fields I want, but a formatted internet email address isn't in there. All I see is the Lotus notes style of email address:
firstname lastname/mycompany/abc # abc
(The column name that is in is named $16).
Is there a way to pull the full internet email addresses from a Lotus Notes names.nsf address book? If so, how? If they are in some of the "hidden" views available, how do you query the values in those hidden views?
In many cases, the best view to use for finding Person documents is the hidden view called "$Users". It is indexed by just about every variation of the name that you can think of, so lookups just tend to work. You can find it by opening the Person document from the view and reading the NotesItem named "InternetAddress", or you can read it directly from the view column that is labled "InternetAddress", which I believe is the 17th column.
You can access all of the properties for a given user from the NAB using powershell. You must run the 32 bit version of PS if your Notes client is 32 bit. You will be prompted for your Notes ID password.
$notes=new-object -comobject Lotus.NotesSession;
$ndb = $notes.getdatabase("admin","names.nsf");
$nview = $ndb.getview('($Users)');
$searchkey = "Schmoe"; #whatever
$doc =$nview.getdocumentbykey($searchkey,$true);
$mailaddress = $doc.getitemvalue('mailaddress')[0];
$internetaddress = $doc.getitemvalue('internetaddress')[0];

Cakephp Account Activation Email - Address Not Found On Server

For our website, we set up the account activation email with the following tutorial (in cakephp):
On our live site, it seems that the activation works for the most part, however some people are receiving the following error when clicking on the activation email link to activate their account:
Error: The requested address '/users/activate/36/10a1a794' was not found on this server.
This is odd to me because the link looks fine: "users" controller, "activate" action, user_id = 36, and hash code = 0a1a794. Not sure why this error is happening. One thing I read is to clear the files in the cache folder and that didn't seem to change anything. Please help thanks!
The activation hash has limited validity(same day).
So if send the activation email on 1st of any month, it will be valid till 11:59pm of 1st. The link wont work after 12:00am(technically 2nd of the month).
Hope that helps.
Yes, that's what Josh R said, the hash is computed for the same day and this is a VERY bad idea.
You should either stop hashing the date or validate against two values: one for today's date, one for yesterday's date.
Also, a recommendation: don't just go there and copy the files, try to learn something from it and please, do it your way. You'll learn a lot more.