Registration form phpmailer and e-mail length - email

First of all i'd like to apologise for my english. I am student from Poland and i don't know php but i need something from code.
I have encoutered a problem. On my website i can't register with mail which is shorther than (i miss word but here is example) -,,
it also concern the part which is before "#" mark (asd) and after (,, -3characters is minimum what is accepted for example
I think somewhere in the code is declareted minimum length of e-mail or something, but with my "knowledge" od PHP I can't figure out which part... If someone could explain me what should i change i would be gratefull. Please help
Edit: My fault, here is code that is used to call phpMailer.

Your English is just fine!
That version of PHPMailer is really old, over 10 years out of date. Get the latest from here. Beyond that you have not posted the code you're using to call PHPMailer so we can't say what you're doing wrong - if you need somewhere to start, look at the documentation examples here.
There is no particular lower length limit on email messages or addresses (so long as they are valid) - you can quite reasonably send a message containing 'a' to someone at ''.


Euro/currency sign after amount in SugarCRM

I want to move the euro/currency symbol in the sugarcrm quotes pdf's.
It is actually before the amount, but it has to be printed out after the amount.
Is it possible?
€4444 <- wrong
4444€ <- correct
Regarding this page:
it seems that €4444 format is the correct one for Italy.
But the way I come to your post looking for the same issue.

Can't find instructions to get rid of HTML_TITLE_SUBJ_DIFF

Outlook 2013 tests my newsletter with a few tests, and gives the newsletter a Spam-Score of 3.9 (5 is required). I wan't to have the score as low as possible, but I can't find what to do at the "HTML_TITLE_SUBJ_DIFF"-Test, and nowhere is written what's that for a test is.
Do you have some experience with that?
Thanks in advance.
Regards, john
After digging configuration and sources of spamassassin-3.3.2:
Length of title in html seems to be 3.5 times longer than length of email subject.
Make html title shorter or email subject longer.
John -
You can always rescore the rule manually. In your file you can have a line like this:
The scores in the override all scores elsewhere.

joomla chronoform saving data

I have a problem with chronoform.
I created my form and everything. but when people input data, sometimes it doesn't get saved, sometimes the data look strange (encrypted?), but when it's me trying the form, it always works!
here an example of the strange data:
REGISTRATION DATE 2011-02-24 - 08:24:14
NAME xjvcZiqVZOf
HOW DID YOU GET TO KNOW THE LABMOND? w2yCfW iuykmqzzrasu,[url=]stxpmgksgwqu[/url], [link=]qdchzokvtmyk[/link],
Any idea?
Turn on the built in captch or ReCaptcha, I bet these submissions are bots.

Cakephp Account Activation Email - Address Not Found On Server

For our website, we set up the account activation email with the following tutorial (in cakephp):
On our live site, it seems that the activation works for the most part, however some people are receiving the following error when clicking on the activation email link to activate their account:
Error: The requested address '/users/activate/36/10a1a794' was not found on this server.
This is odd to me because the link looks fine: "users" controller, "activate" action, user_id = 36, and hash code = 0a1a794. Not sure why this error is happening. One thing I read is to clear the files in the cache folder and that didn't seem to change anything. Please help thanks!
The activation hash has limited validity(same day).
So if send the activation email on 1st of any month, it will be valid till 11:59pm of 1st. The link wont work after 12:00am(technically 2nd of the month).
Hope that helps.
Yes, that's what Josh R said, the hash is computed for the same day and this is a VERY bad idea.
You should either stop hashing the date or validate against two values: one for today's date, one for yesterday's date.
Also, a recommendation: don't just go there and copy the files, try to learn something from it and please, do it your way. You'll learn a lot more.

How can I find out what triggered the TRACKER_ID rule in spamassassin?

I recently received an email from my girlfriend that spamassassin marked as spam, mostly because spamassassin detected a tracker ID... except there wasn't one. I'd like to know what triggered it, so that I can report a sensible bug.
How about looking at the rule in question? Google says this:
...which in its current form will hit (some, depending on hyphenation) words
with 24 or more characters. So maybe someone who is familiar with tracker IDs
can adjust the regexp so that large words (say 30 characters?) won't get hit.
That's 2005, so it might have changed.
FYI, you can see the TRACKER_ID rule as distributed in SpamAssassin 3.2.5 at