SQL Server 2000 - How do I alter a column from text to ntext? - tsql

I'm trying to do a ALTER TABLE Signatures ALTER COLUMN HTML ntext; but I get a Cannot alter column 'HTML' because it is 'text'.
How do I go about altering the column?

you can do it in two steps:
-- first alter from text to varchar
ALTER TABLE table_1 ALTER COLUMN [test] [varchar](max) NULL;
-- and finally to ntext
ALTER TABLE table_1 ALTER COLUMN [test] [ntext] NULL;

Or you could rename HTML to HTMLOld and then create a new column HTML that is ntext. Then update the new column with the data from HTML old, then drop the HTMLOld column.
(Incidentally when you move away from SQL Server 2000, you need to start getting rid of these text and ntext columns as they are deprecated and will not be available in the next version of SQL Server.)

1) Create a new column of data type ntext on your table
2) Run an update statement to copy from html to your new ntext column
3) Drop your html column
4) Rename your new column to html (if need be)

You can't. You need to create a new table (including permissions, triggers, etc.), copy the data, and drop the old table.


Postgres - How to add new column uuid

I need to add new column on my table would be uuid data type, here my code:
ALTER TABLE core.example add COLUMN newcolumn SET DATA TYPE UUID USING (uuid_generate_v4())
but show me this error:
ERROR: type modifier is not allowed for type "uuid"
LINE 1: ALTER TABLE core.example add COLUMN newsi UUID (uuid_genera...
I dont want to alter a column, would be to create a new column on my table. Any idea how to make this?
When adding a new column you don't use SET DATA TYPE. Your statement should look like:
ALTER TABLE core.example ADD COLUMN newcolumn UUID DEFAULT (uuid_generate_v4());
The DEFAULT clause will immediately fill the column with UUIDs.
Alternatively if you you just want to fill the column with initial data, you can drop the DEFAULT clause afterward:
Note that if you are using Postgres 13 and newer it is generally preferrable to use gen_random_uuid() since that method is built-in and does not rely on the uuid-ossp extension.

Setting multiple alter statements on a single column in one command SQL

I am trying to modify a column data type and name in one command.
Is it possible to apply multiple alter statements on one column in one code line? Is that the correct syntax?
ALTER TABLE tb_table
ALTER COLUMN colum_date
RENAME COLUMN colum_date TO colum_timestamp;
I have been looking for related bibliography but could not find much information on the web.
According to the documentation renaming a column is an action that cannot be combined with others but requires its own statement. So no, you cannot do what you want in one statement.
But you can do it in one transaction. Setting the datatype and setting the NOT NULL constraint requires two actions though. But both of that actions can be in one statement.
ALTER TABLE tb_table
ALTER COLUMN colum_date
ALTER COLUMN colum_date
ALTER TABLE tb_table
RENAME COLUMN colum_date
TO colum_timestamp;

Is there a way to change the datatype for a column without changing the order of the column?

I have a column where I want to change the data type. I currently am using Redshift. I know I can use the alter table statement to change the datatype, but this would change the order of the columns.
Is there a way to change the datatype without changing the order of the column?
I would recommend creating a new table with the schema you want and copying it over from the old table using a insert into new_table (select * from old_table) statement (here you can also do any casting to the new data type), after which you can drop the old table and rename the new one:
drop table old_table;
alter table new_table rename to old_table;
Using ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name TYPE new_data_type will not change the order of the columns in your table.
Please note that this clause can only changes the size of a column defined as a VARCHAR data type.
There are also other limitations described in AWS documentation of ALTER TABLE

Delete column in hive table

I am working with hive version 0.9 and I need delete columns of a hive table. I have searched in several manuals of hive commands but I only I have found commands to version 0.14. Is possible to delete a column of a hive table in hive version 0.9? What is the command?
We can’t simply drop a table column from a hive table using the below statement like sql.
ALTER TABLE tbl_name drop column column_name ---- it will not work.
So there is a shortcut to drop columns from a hive table.
Let’s say we have a hive table.
From this table I want to drop the column Dob. You can use the ALTER TABLE REPLACE statement to drop a column.
ALTER TABLE test_tbl REPLACE COLUMNS(ID STRING,NAME STRING,AGE STRING); you have to give the column names which you want to keep in the table
There isn't a drop column or delete column in Hive.
A SELECT statement can take regex-based column specification in Hive releases prior to 0.13.0, or in 0.13.0 and later releases if the configuration property hive.support.quoted.identifiers is set to none.
That being said you could create a new table or view using the following:
drop table if exists database.table_name;
create table if not exists database.table_name as
select `(column_to_remove_1|...|column_to_remove_N)?+.+`
from database.some_table
This will create a table that has all the columns from some_table except the columns named column_to_remove_1, ... , to column_to_remove_N. You can also choose to create a view instead.
ALTER TABLE table_name REPLACE COLUMNS ( c1 int, c2 String);
NOTE: eliminate column from column list. It will keep matched columns and removed unmentioned columns from table schema.
we can not delete column from hive table . But droping a table(if its external) in hive and the recreating table(with column excluded) ,wont delete ur data .
so what can u do is(if u dont have table structure) run this command :
show create table database_name.table_name;
Then you can copy it and edit it (with column eliminated).Afterwards you can do as per invoke the shell
table details are empid,name,dept,salary ,address. i want remove address column. Just write REPLACE COLUMNS like below query
jdbc:hive2://> alter table employee replace columns(empid int, name string,dept string,salary int);
As mentioned before, you can't drop table using an alter statement.
Alter - replace is not guaranteed to work in all the cases.
I found the best answer for this here:

How to add multiple columns to a table in Postgres?

How do I add multiple columns in one query statement in PostgreSQL using pgadmin3?
Try this :
ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN col1 int, ADD COLUMN col2 int;
Use ALTER TABLE with ADD COLUMN subcommand.
This changes the definition of an existing table using a subcommand, for example: ADD COLUMN.
This form adds a new column to the table, using the same syntax as CREATE TABLE. If IF NOT EXISTS is specified and a column already exists with this name, no error is thrown.
Adding a Column
The most basic syntax is:
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD COLUMN new_column_name data_type constraint;
In this syntax:
First, specify the name of the table that you want to add a new column to after the ALTER TABLE keyword.
Second, specify the name of the new column as well as its data type and constraint after the ADD COLUMN keywords.
Adding a Column using IF NOT EXIST clause
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS new_column_name data_type constraint;
This option gives PostgreSQL instructions to add the new column only in case the column name does not already exist in the table. If it does, you will receive a corresponding response; otherwise, it will create one.
add ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS column_name data_type [column_constraint];
detailed query where column_constraints are optional