Postgres - How to add new column uuid - postgresql

I need to add new column on my table would be uuid data type, here my code:
ALTER TABLE core.example add COLUMN newcolumn SET DATA TYPE UUID USING (uuid_generate_v4())
but show me this error:
ERROR: type modifier is not allowed for type "uuid"
LINE 1: ALTER TABLE core.example add COLUMN newsi UUID (uuid_genera...
I dont want to alter a column, would be to create a new column on my table. Any idea how to make this?

When adding a new column you don't use SET DATA TYPE. Your statement should look like:
ALTER TABLE core.example ADD COLUMN newcolumn UUID DEFAULT (uuid_generate_v4());
The DEFAULT clause will immediately fill the column with UUIDs.
Alternatively if you you just want to fill the column with initial data, you can drop the DEFAULT clause afterward:
Note that if you are using Postgres 13 and newer it is generally preferrable to use gen_random_uuid() since that method is built-in and does not rely on the uuid-ossp extension.


Postgres Altering column type using user-defined function

I have a column which is stored as TEXT, I would like to change it to UUID in postgres. But I need to run some function on the column first to change it to UUID. Is it possible to do smth like that?
ALTER TABLE am.product ALTER COLUMN p_merchant_id TYPE UUID USING myFunc;
Where myFunc returns UUID with the input merchant_id?
Yes, that's possible.
You just need to pass the old value to your function:
ALTER TABLE am.product
ALTER COLUMN p_merchant_id TYPE UUID USING myfunc(p_merchant_id);

Adding Identity column in Ingres Db

I am trying to add an identity column in a table through alter query using Ingres DB. While creating the table, i am able to define the identity column but not when i am trying to add it through alter query. Kindly Suggest me an alter query for it.
It's not as straightforward as you might think, "alter table" has a a number of restrictions which make this a multi-step operation. Try this:
create table something(a integer, b varchar(20)) with page_size=8192;
alter table something add column c integer not null with default;
modify something to reconstruct;
alter table something alter column c integer not null generated always as identity;
modify something to reconstruct;

Is there a way to change the datatype for a column without changing the order of the column?

I have a column where I want to change the data type. I currently am using Redshift. I know I can use the alter table statement to change the datatype, but this would change the order of the columns.
Is there a way to change the datatype without changing the order of the column?
I would recommend creating a new table with the schema you want and copying it over from the old table using a insert into new_table (select * from old_table) statement (here you can also do any casting to the new data type), after which you can drop the old table and rename the new one:
drop table old_table;
alter table new_table rename to old_table;
Using ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name TYPE new_data_type will not change the order of the columns in your table.
Please note that this clause can only changes the size of a column defined as a VARCHAR data type.
There are also other limitations described in AWS documentation of ALTER TABLE

Can you create a sequence on a column that already exists in Postgres

I have a table linelevelpmts with a column seq (Int4) which is to be used as a sequence.
I know I can delete the column and recreate it as type serial, but can I modify the existing column to be used as a sequence.
ALTER TABLE "public"."linelevelpmts" ALTER COLUMN "seq" SET DEFAULT nextval('linelevelpmts_seq_seq'::regclass);
This code generates an error: Relation linelevelpmts_seq_seq does not exist.
This code generates an error: Relation linelevelpmts_seq_seq does not exist.
Well you need to first create the sequence you want to use for the default value:
create sequence linelevelpmts_seq_seq;
ALTER TABLE public.linelevelpmts
ALTER COLUMN seq SET DEFAULT nextval('linelevelpmts_seq_seq'::regclass);
If you want the same effect as if it was created as serial you also need to change the "owner" of the sequence:
alter sequence linelevelpmts_seq_seq owned by linelevelpmts.seq;
Igor's comment is a good one: if you already have values in the column seq you should adjust the starting value of the sequence:
select setval('linelevelpmts_seq_seq', (select max(seq) from linelevelpmts));

How to add multiple columns to a table in Postgres?

How do I add multiple columns in one query statement in PostgreSQL using pgadmin3?
Try this :
ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN col1 int, ADD COLUMN col2 int;
Use ALTER TABLE with ADD COLUMN subcommand.
This changes the definition of an existing table using a subcommand, for example: ADD COLUMN.
This form adds a new column to the table, using the same syntax as CREATE TABLE. If IF NOT EXISTS is specified and a column already exists with this name, no error is thrown.
Adding a Column
The most basic syntax is:
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD COLUMN new_column_name data_type constraint;
In this syntax:
First, specify the name of the table that you want to add a new column to after the ALTER TABLE keyword.
Second, specify the name of the new column as well as its data type and constraint after the ADD COLUMN keywords.
Adding a Column using IF NOT EXIST clause
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS new_column_name data_type constraint;
This option gives PostgreSQL instructions to add the new column only in case the column name does not already exist in the table. If it does, you will receive a corresponding response; otherwise, it will create one.
add ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS column_name data_type [column_constraint];
detailed query where column_constraints are optional