how to print a variable into a text box - iphone

hi all
I have a one variable. i want to print that varible into a text box. how to do this.

You can only display the string data in text box (UITextView),if you have other than string data it require a conversion to NSString then use the text properity of UITextView to set the display text.
The below code is for your reference.
NSString* myData = #"dISPLAY me in text box";
UITextView* myTextView = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:myframe];
myTextView.text = myData;

NSString * str=#"Text";
myTextField is the name of my textField(you can write the name of your text Field).

yourTextField.text = yourVariable;
If you want to have it as a string value you can make use of stringValue

You create a UILabel object, add it as a subview of your view, and call setText: on it.
Unless you are asking how to do GUI programming in general.


Each button click adds text to current label objective-c

I'm new to the Objective-c language. I'm trying to create an app that has a button and a label. The button should display some text which I did already. The only problem is that when I click the button, it only adds the specified text once. I want it to keep adding the same text to the label each I time I press the button.
Here is my .h file
IBOutlet UILabel *label;
Here is the .m file
To append to the existing text, use the string's concatenation method...
label.text = [label.text stringByAppendingString:#"test"];
You need to append to the string?
Then do
label.text = [label.text stringByAppendingFormat:#"%#", textToAdd];
where textToAdd is a NSString or some other valid object where %# is the correct format specifier.

How to set uitextfield to italics Xcode 4.5

I have an app where the users enters information in a few textfields which are then added to a uitextview by a nsstring does anybody know how i can set one of the textfields to italics and keep the others normal
Heres my code i want to only change once textfield (e.g textfbookpublisher):
NSString* combinedString = [NSString stringWithFormat:
DissertationGen*bookg = [[DissertationGen alloc] init];
bookg.message = combinedString;
bookg.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
[self presentModalViewController:bookg animated:YES]
A quick search would have given you an easy answer. For example, this post.
Simply set the font of the UITextfield you want to a [UIFont italicSystemFontOfSize:].
try this link see accepted answer and also check TTTAttributedLabel library
Bold one Word
now you want only textfbookpublisher in italic then pass it individually to next DissertationGen view
in DissertationGen controller's viewdidload method use following code
UILabel *lblpubl = [[UILabel alloc] init];
lblpubl.font = [UIFont italicSystemFontOfSize:18.0];
lblpubl.text = your variable which contains textfbookpublisher's text;
now use lblpubl as you wish

Change Label Text

How can I change a label's text? This is what I have tried.
labelCheckBox.text = #"This is the new label";
I connected the label in Interface builder for labelCheckBox and created an outlet for it. In the Didload the label's text changed, but in another method inside the class it does not have the new value.
labelCheckBox.text = newLabelText;
// labelCheckBox = [[UILabel alloc] init];
// labelCheckBox.text = #"This is the new label";
I am calling the method in another class as shown here:
[New settext:#"All Transaction"];
The value of 'NewLabelText' after printing it in NSLog is: " All Transaction ". But when I assign ' LabelCheckBox.Text = NewLabelText ', I print the value of 'LabelCheckBox.Text',
and it gives empty.
First of all if you use IB you need to create outlet and connection for your UILabel. The easiest way it's dragging from your label (control + drag) to your .h file of controller class. Then synthesize it in .m file and now you can change label text as you do this in question.
the 'View' should load before setting the label text.
iOS development sometimes gives you the silence treatment like Javascript to help prevent your app from crashing. With that said, if you have created the UILabel in Interface Builder and have set an IBOutlet for it, make sure you change the text only after the UILabel is created. (i.e. after -viewDidLoad). You can set a break point to where you set the text change and a breakpoint at -viewDidLoad in the UIViewController that contains the UILabel to confirm the order of calls that's taking place.
Below code will change text in label with tag value
In scrollview use this type to change the text in label
for(UIView *views in ScrollViewMain.subviews)
UILabel *label = [views viewWithTag:[sender tag]+1000];
It will really work.
thank you

Appending data in UITextField programmatically

I am creating a report & printing the same on a UITextView.My report has some titles and there respective subtitles. I am printing 1st title then its subtitle & then second title and its subtitle and so on. I want different font and font sizes for the titles and subtitles.
But the problem is the text field always prints the last subtitle.If any one know solution to this problem,let me know.
Here is what i have dome in my .m file
- (void) printData {
// data is UITextView object
[data setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:#"Helvetica" size:15]];
NSString *title = #"TITLE" ;
data.text = title;
[data setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:#"Arial" size:15]];
NSString *subtitle = #"SUBTITLE" ;
data.text = subtitle;
First of all I would Use UITextView instead of UITextField, as it is build for long text.
If you just keep calling the method text of either UITextField or UITextView, the currently residing text will be replaced with your last text. To avoid that you have to append new text to the text that is already residing in the UITextField or UITextView.
NSString *appendThisText = #"subtitle";
self.myTextView.text=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", self.myTextView.text, appendThisText];
As for the fonts. The font property applies to the entire UITextField and UITextView content.
What you could do in your case is to use UIWebView and render your text using HTML.
Another way:
[myTextView setText:[myTextView.text stringByAppendingString:#"my string"]];
Or with a \n line break:
[myTextView setText:[myTextView.text stringByAppendingString:#"\nMy string"]];

Problem to write more than a line in a text view

i have a UITextView in which i have to write programmatically multiple lines. When i do this :
[textView setText:#"String number 1\n"];
[textView setText:#"String number 2\n"];
i get only : String number 2 as if it's writing the line over the other. I appreciate any suggestions :)
As the name suggests, setText: is a setter: it replaces the existing text.
That's quite like if you had an int val and you were doing:
val = 5;
val = 8;
Of course at the end val will be equal to 8 and the value 5 will be lost. Same thing here.
Instead, you need to create a string that contains all the lines, and affect directly to the textView:
[textView setText:#"Line1\nLine2\nLine3\n"];
If you need to do it incrementally, say you need to add text to existing text in the textView, first retrieve the existing text, append the new line, and set the new text back:
// get the existing text in the textView, e.g. "Line1\n", that you had set before
NSString* currentText = [textView text];
// append the new text to it
NSString* newText = [currentText stringByAppendingString:#"New Line\n"];
// affect the new text (combining the existing text + the added line) back to the textView
[textView setText:newText];
setText replace whole content of textView. You better to prepare result string and than set it by single setText method call.
for example:
NSString *resultString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", #"String 1\n", #"String 2\n"];
[textView setText:resultString];
you can append the strings :
mTextview.text = [mTextview.text stringByAppendingString:aStr];
According to How to create a multiline UITextfield?, UITextField is single-line only. Instead, use a UITextView.
In addition, as others have pointed out, if you call setText a second time, you'll overwrite the previous value. Instead, you should do something like this:
[textView setText:#"String number 1\nString number 2"]