How to set uitextfield to italics Xcode 4.5 - iphone

I have an app where the users enters information in a few textfields which are then added to a uitextview by a nsstring does anybody know how i can set one of the textfields to italics and keep the others normal
Heres my code i want to only change once textfield (e.g textfbookpublisher):
NSString* combinedString = [NSString stringWithFormat:
DissertationGen*bookg = [[DissertationGen alloc] init];
bookg.message = combinedString;
bookg.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
[self presentModalViewController:bookg animated:YES]

A quick search would have given you an easy answer. For example, this post.
Simply set the font of the UITextfield you want to a [UIFont italicSystemFontOfSize:].

try this link see accepted answer and also check TTTAttributedLabel library
Bold one Word
now you want only textfbookpublisher in italic then pass it individually to next DissertationGen view
in DissertationGen controller's viewdidload method use following code
UILabel *lblpubl = [[UILabel alloc] init];
lblpubl.font = [UIFont italicSystemFontOfSize:18.0];
lblpubl.text = your variable which contains textfbookpublisher's text;
now use lblpubl as you wish


XCode - Dynamically created labels, when i change the text it changes it for the last one only

So i have a bunch of dynamically loaded labels..
Each of them has the same name because there is no telling how many there will be..
I have another method (not the one that created the labels) changing the text for one of the labels, but when i run it only the last label that was created will change..
I need it to change the one that has a certain tag or something..
Help is much appreciated, this website is yet to let me down.
self.myLabel cannot be connected to multiple labels, so it will contain the reference of last created label, you will have to create new label every time, and you can't track them by class properties, you have to access label by their tag.
you can set tag for each label, below is sample code,
for(int i=0; i< numberOfLabels; i++)
UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] init];
label.tag = i; // do not use tag 0 here.. u can use i+1, or i+100.. something like this.
[self.view addSubview:label];
to access labels,
UILabel *label = (UILabel*)[self.view viewWithTag: labelTag];
Okay since you dont have any code to show i guess i have to speculate.
What i understood is that you are creating Dynamic UILabels in ur code and you want to access them. Since you have same name for all the UILabels you might me loosing the previous UILabel when every time you create a new UILabel. So in order to keep track of how many UILabel you created you must add them in an Array. Declare an NSMutableArray in your viewController.h file and make sure in the viewDidLoad u allocate it like
arrForLabels = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
Since it is an NSMutableArray you can add object to it.
So when u create a UILabel make sure you add the same UILabel in the Array as well
for Instance
[arrForLabels addObject:yourLabel];
you can try to NSLog your Array to see its content.
Now all youu got to do is to Create a weak link like that
UILabel *tempLabel = [arrForLabels objectAtIndex:1];
now tempLabel will be the UILabel to change text
tempLabel.text = #"My New Text";
It will work fine.
Feel free to ask for any issues in it.

Set accessibility badge on a tabbarItem

I have a tabbar application. If there is a badge on a certain tab VoiceOver pronounces N items. I'd like to make it pronounce N messages.
How do I do that?
I had a similar problem,
it seems that UITabBarViewController.tabbar is handling accessibility differently than other views.
So my solution was placing another uiview above the badge as a subview of [tabbar superview] and adding accessibility to this view:
At viewDidLoad:
self.badgeAccessibilityView = [[UIView alloc] init];
//use tabBarView.frame to calculate
self.badgeAccessibilityView.frame = frameAccordingToBadgeLocation;
self.badgeAccessibilityView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
self.badgeAccessibilityView.isAccessibilityElement = YES;
[self.tabBarView.superview addSubview:self.badgeAccessibilityView];
On badge value change:
self.badgeAccessibilityView.accessibilityLabel =
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d Notifications", badgeValue];

SSCollectionView SSCollectionViewItem - no Items displayed

I ran into difficulties with SSCollectionView and SSCollectionViewItem.
First of all I'd like to get it initialized from IB. But that won't work for me.
I have a SelectFooViewController which is:
#interface SelectFooViewController : SSCollectionViewController { ... }
and am using it as filesOwner of the corresponding XIB.
SelectFooViewController* selectFooVC = [[SelectFooViewController alloc]
initWithNibName:#"SelectFooViewController" bundle:nil];
But since it wont work I had to initialize its properties inside viewDidLoad() myself.
Furthermore I am not able to display anything except the backgroundColor of my SSCollectionViewItems. What I want is a textLabel and an image .
- (SSCollectionViewItem *)collectionView:(SSCollectionView *)aCollectionView itemForIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
SSCollectionViewItem *item = [[[SSCollectionViewItem alloc] initWithStyle:SSCollectionViewItemStyleImage reuseIdentifier:itemIdentifier] autorelease];
SSLabel* label = [[SSLabel alloc] init];
[label setText:#"foo"];
item.imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"foo.png"]];
item.textLabel = label;
[label autorelease];
return item;
I can confirm that the delegate methods (for determining the number Of rows, sections and such) are implemented and working as expected. But my items are all empty - but react onclick with the expected popup.
Does anyone see an error in what I did? - Thanks...
EDIT: I was also not able to display a local image by changing SSCatalog project
I just figured out, that I have to set the frame of each property (textLabel, detailTextLabel and imageView) myself. That fixed it.
When you create instance SelectFooViewController just insert this line
selectFooVC.view.hidden = NO;
And then add it to the view.
This is because the view is not initalised until you explicitly access it. Hence your items are loaded only when you click it and not immediately. You can call it a hack but i don't call it one. :-)

Having Problem with dynamically created UITextField in iphone sdk

In my iphone app, I have created some UITextField in scrollView dynamically. And added one button in xib. On that button's TouchUpInside event, I opened UIImagePickercontroller to open photo library and taking selected image on UIImageView.
Now when modalview is dissmissed, values in my UITextField disappears.
How do I retain the UITextField values?
txt = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10.0f, 30.0f, 200.0f, 30.0f)];
[txt addTarget:self action:#selector(keyDown:)forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingDidEndOnExit];
txt.textColor = [UIColor blackColor];
txt.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleBezel;
txt.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo;
[fieldArray addObject:txt];
Using for loop I am adding txt to NSMutableArray fieldArray.
Here is the code where I fetch values from TextFields
NSMutableArray *insertValues = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
//Taking values from textFields
for (int i=1; i<=nooffields; i++) {
UITextField *tf = (UITextField *)[self.view viewWithTag:i];
NSLog(#"TF : %#",tf.text);
if (tf.text.length<=0) {
[insertValues addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"'%#'",tf.text]];
And also when I display values from database in this textFields and try to edit it. It gives me null values.
What may be the reason? If there any other alternatives? please help me
UITextField *textField=[[UITextField alloc]init];
[textField setFrame:CGRectMake(x,y, width, hight)];
[textField setBorderStyle:UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect];
[self.view addSubview:textField];
The information that your scrollview uses to get populated should be stored outside the scrollview, in a NSMutableDictionary for example. So everytime cellForRowAtIndexPath gets called it can retrieve the information from that source. So I advise you to store the UITextField's text within the dictionary. You can index it by its tag number. That way you won't loose whatever it contained.
I hope it helps you
I finally got a work around for my problem.
I am temporarily storing my textField's values into database when presentModalViewController is called.
These values I retrieve back into the textFields on viewWillAppear.
This may not be a very efficient solution but it worked in my case.
Hope this helps someone.
Thanks for all your responses.

Just how to you use TTStyledTextLabel?

All I want is to display some simple text in my viewController and have the hyperlinks autoparsed. When the user clicks on the link I want the control to somehow do a callback where I can do something with the URL. How can I achieve this?
I've already looked through the TTCatalog for hours. I have also tried looking into the source code of three20 as well as looking at the stack trace. No help. I just can't figure out how my app can react to the click of the URL. Any hints please?
Hard to help without seeing what you've already tried, but you should be able to do something like the following:
TTStyledTextLabel* label = [[[TTStyledTextLabel alloc]
initWithFrame:someFrame] autorelease];
NSString* labelText = #"This should work";
label.text = [TTStyledText textFromXHTML:labelText lineBreaks:NO URLs:YES];
[someView addSubview:label];
You can then use TTNavigator and TTURLMap to map custom-uri://some/url to a particular controller in your application, or handle it yourself in your application delegate. The best place to find out how to do that is by looking at the TTNavigatorDemo sample application included in the Three20 source. Specifically, look at AppDelegate.m which is where all the URL mapping gets performed.
In addition to what Nathan says about URL mapping and links, you can also use CSS styles!
TTStyledTextLabel* label = [[[TTStyledTextLabel alloc] initWithFrame:someFrame] autorelease];
NSString* labelText = #"This should work and
<span class=\"redText\">this should be red</span>";
label.text = [TTStyledText textFromXHTML:labelText lineBreaks:NO URLs:YES];
[someView addSubview:label];
Then in your StyleSheet.m implement
- (TTStyle*) redText {
return [TTTextStyle styleWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12] color:RGBCOLOR(255,0,0) next:nil];