presentModalViewController:animated:NO displaying 20 pixel gap - iphone

I begin with a view-based app template. In the automatically created viewcontroller's xib (call it VC1), I add a button, and define in its interface/implementation:
- (IBAction)showVC2;
- (IBAction)showVC2 {
[self presentModalViewController:[[VC2 alloc] init] animated:NO];
I then create VC2. In both implementations, I allow only landscape orientations. In both xibs, I set the views to landscape. In the info.plist file, I specify starting orientation as landscape right.
When I run the project in the simulator and press the button in VC1, VC2 is displayed, but a 20 pixel gap shows both on the lower edge and on the right edge. Notably, rotation causes the view to be placed correctly on screen after rotation completes.
This issue is similar to others:
1 2 3, though the solutions identified do not seem to work in the present case. The correct/expected behavior occurs if the modal view is presented with animation (I do not want the transition animated, however). This issue has persisted since last summer (iOS 3.1.3?). It continues with 4.3. The issue does not occur in portrait orientation.
Can anyone provide a solution or explanation for why such a simple modal viewcontroller presentation does not give the expected result?
EDIT: Xcode project

I just tried building what you suggested and have no problems with a gap. I don't know if there is a way for you to post all of your code or your project. If you can do that I will try and help.


Adding ViewController's View as subview to UIPageViewController in iOS 8 gives weird UINavigationBar while show/hide

I have been working on a project where I needed to show list of images with zoom / swipe feature as presented view modal. I created custom ImageViewer using ContainerView in which I have added UIPageViewController. And on demand, I added ImageViews over the UIPageViewcontroller's view. When user taps to imageView, the top UINavigation gets shown and hidden on toggle basis.
Everything worked as expected in iOS 7.1 and less. However when I tested the functionality in iOS 8 devices and simulator, the ImageViews were not added to UIPageViewController in TopLeft ( beneath UINavigationBar ). It is added below the NavigationBar as shown in bug_iOS_8.png below.
Once I touch the buggy view, it repositions itself to correct position as in image expected.png below.
I have created and tested the issue in sample project and it seems it is bug in iOS 8 itself with UIPageViewController. I went through couple of questions regarding weird behavior of UIPageViewController too. Please check the sample app here and kindly let me know if anyone has any hints on what is going on.
Thank you for your time and help.
PS: BTW I am using following version of Xcode.
Update 1:
I have tried as per the pin suggestions. However, the problem aligning is with the main view of UIViewController rather than its subview. In below image, Yellow is main View of UIViewController and red one is added subview, I added pin to "red" on in reference to superview "yellow" one. Please check following screen shots.
On startup.
After touch on screen.
Kind Regards,
check in storyboard for particular viewController and make sure Extended Edges >> Under top bars is not selected.
I had a very similar issue and the way i fixed it was select the view being added to the UIPageViewController in the storyboard and selected the pin options. Below in the image you can see the Constrain to margins options, make sure you unselect that. Also when choosing what view to pin it to make sure you select the superview and not the Top Layout Guide.
Curious are you hiding your nav controller like this?
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES];
also if you have multiple Nav controllers, you might need to check you are referencing the correct one.
If you want it to be hidden when you present the ViewController you should move it to
-(void) ViewWillAppear{

GUI elements position in Xcode Storyboard differs from their position in the simulator

I recently worked with Xcode, especially with layout GUI elements. I read a lot of questions here about this, but it did not help me. What I have: ViewController, it lies ImageView, it lay all the other elements, I disable autolayout, screen size and in the simulator and in Xcode - the same (4 inches), but when I run I still see it:
What am I doing wrong, what is there is a way to what looks like a storyboard, and looked in the simulator (and real device) equally?
There might be two issues you are suffering with, please check following points for better understanding.
Check this with iOS 6 simulator. If its working fine then, you need to set ios 6/7 deltas for your subviews. Here is better explanation of it-- Interface Builder: What are the UIView's Layout iOS 6/7 Deltas for?
Check autoresizing masks of your subviews, definitely this is what affecting your views.
Good Luck!
Notice that in your Storyboard view, you have not displayed a status bar and that when running on the simulator, a status bar is shown. This is why all the objects are off placed. To fix this, you can either:
Hide the Status Bar - Call this method in your desired view controller:
- (BOOL)prefersStatusBarHidden {
return YES;
Show a simulated metric - Switch on the status bar simulated metric in your Storyboard:

Navigation bar title jumping right after flip transition

I have a simple UIViewController with a simple view. As a result of a user interaction, a new UINavigationViewController is instantiated and its view is being added as a subview to the view of the UIViewController. This takes place as part of an aninmation transition (flip).
This works quite well and the first view is flipped over in favor of the second view. But when the animation comes to an end (the UINavigationViewController's view fills the whole screen) the navigation bar items jump, i.e. the title jumps about 5-10 pixel from right to left, the buttons' jump depending on which side (left / right) they are positioned. During the animation you can see that the buttons are misplaced and that the jumping movement is kind of a repositioning.
Could anyone tell me the reason for this and give me some advice how to avoid this?
This is a little late, but there's no accepted answer and I've encountered this issue even fairly recently (albeit with an older app running on iOS 8).
If you encounter this issue and also see a warning along the lines of the following, it may be that you haven't properly set your root view controller in the app delegate:
Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the
end of application launch
Modifying the app delegate as follows recently remedied the issue for me:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
// Other logic goes here
// ...
self.window.rootViewController = myRootViewController; // This was missing
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
return YES;
(I previously had some nearly-equivalent code that was setting up the view so everything displayed correctly on launch, but was not specifically setting the window's root view controller.)
I know it's annoying, but I have no idea why it happens, but in my experience, it happens in one of two cases:
Translucent navigationBar: maybe it had something to do with the fact that a translucent navigationBar sometimes sets a view's wantsFullScreen property (the view will then extend below the navigationBar).
During transitions: as you have described.
To avoid it, maybe a nice animation to fade it on an off screen before and after animation so as not to give the illusion of low quality.
In viewWillAppear, assign the pixel value it's jumping to the navigationBar's origin.y. It's sad that it happens, but sometimes it just can't be fixed any other way.
This can be caused by partially-corrupt PNGs used for navigation bar buttons when the UIImages are resizableWithEdgeInsets:. If you're using custom button item images, try exporting them again using techniques known to produce reliable images (See blog posts by Marc Edwards at Bjango for a good start).
I recently had a problem that sounds identical to what you were experiencing. I found that using the [UIView performWithoutAnimation:^{}] block inside of transitionWithView fixed it.
During custom segue transition, view's navigation bar items are misplaced.

iOS views presentation

Im new with iphone programming and im facing issues with the views.
I can not respent the view properly, for example in this case. I have an ViewController with a tabbar at the bottom. This controller have other 4 controllers where i show each of them when a user clicks on the icons.
But when a new view from one of the 4 controllers appears on the main controller, i get a line under the view. In the picture is a purple one.
When i change orientation, this empty line appears in the same place. Some times, when i enter with landscape orientation in the app, this line appears at the left.
I'm working here with IB. so, can someone point me here to the right direction? :S
On shouldAutorotateTo.. method i have YES, do i have to manage the views and change size and place every time the method is executed?
do i have to create 2 NIB for each controller, being one for each orientation option??
edit: i changed the picture to be more clear and show other "bug".
On 1 i enter to the view on portrait orientation. change it and still having a wear line up stares. All my nibs are on portrait orientation and 320 and 480 size.
On 2 i enter to the view on landscape but the nib loads as portrait. When i change orientation, it does not expand at it should.
How do i fix this 2nd issue?
i don't fill like having 2 nibs per controller :S
Thx in advance !
Short answer for Your autorotation problem:
You can either create two nibs (and switch between them, when autorotation occurs), or use just one nib. This depends on your goal. If you want to create a totally different view (like music app shows cover flow on landscape, and song on portrait) you should create two nibs.
If your view is more like the message app you could easily use just one nib. Take a look at the "Size Inspector" (5th tab in Xcode 4), the red lines guide you. The apple documentation for Xcode 4 interface builder is a good start to get you into that behavior.
That space in your view looks like the exact height of the status bar in iOS, review your NIBs in IB to see if you have a simulated status bar for your view controllers. If you do, turn it off and you will likely see that your view is not sized right. Being that it's height is 460 rather than 480.

How to trigger view rotation on new created view?

Simple question, hope there is a simple answer.
My scenario: iPhone app with NavigationController
Level 1: View with shouldAutoRotate..orientation=..Portrait (works)
Level 2: View with shouldAutoRotate..orientation=..Portrait (works)
When the iPhone is rotated, the views stay on portrait mode, perfect.
Level 3: View with shouldAutoRotate..TRUE (doesn't work on first load)
The first load of the view is in portrait independent of iPhone orientation and stays there, bad. After the view is ready, all rotations are recognized and work perfect.
Is there a way to tell the app "check your orientation now"? Several tricks I found didn't work (anymore) and the apple documentation seems less than helpful on this special topic.
So far the newest suggestion I found was to create a dummy view, show it and release it again, but I tried several places in the app and it didn't work. The view always gets stuck until you rotate the iphone manually. I would prefer a working example, so I can test it directly and see if it works before changing my code, but I'm also thankful for an explanation what to do if it works.
//edit: As mentioned in one of the links this is considered a bug and not fixed by Apple, I worked around the problem replacing the NavigationController with own Controllers each with a Scrollview. Not very nice when you have all running and just need the rotation to work as expected, but works at least as expected. Thx to occulus for pointing in the right direction.
Please see this question:
Transitioning to landscape rotation within a uinavigationcontroller
UINavigationController and autorotation
So a good strategy might be to use Modal dialogs.