Adding ViewController's View as subview to UIPageViewController in iOS 8 gives weird UINavigationBar while show/hide - iphone

I have been working on a project where I needed to show list of images with zoom / swipe feature as presented view modal. I created custom ImageViewer using ContainerView in which I have added UIPageViewController. And on demand, I added ImageViews over the UIPageViewcontroller's view. When user taps to imageView, the top UINavigation gets shown and hidden on toggle basis.
Everything worked as expected in iOS 7.1 and less. However when I tested the functionality in iOS 8 devices and simulator, the ImageViews were not added to UIPageViewController in TopLeft ( beneath UINavigationBar ). It is added below the NavigationBar as shown in bug_iOS_8.png below.
Once I touch the buggy view, it repositions itself to correct position as in image expected.png below.
I have created and tested the issue in sample project and it seems it is bug in iOS 8 itself with UIPageViewController. I went through couple of questions regarding weird behavior of UIPageViewController too. Please check the sample app here and kindly let me know if anyone has any hints on what is going on.
Thank you for your time and help.
PS: BTW I am using following version of Xcode.
Update 1:
I have tried as per the pin suggestions. However, the problem aligning is with the main view of UIViewController rather than its subview. In below image, Yellow is main View of UIViewController and red one is added subview, I added pin to "red" on in reference to superview "yellow" one. Please check following screen shots.
On startup.
After touch on screen.
Kind Regards,

check in storyboard for particular viewController and make sure Extended Edges >> Under top bars is not selected.

I had a very similar issue and the way i fixed it was select the view being added to the UIPageViewController in the storyboard and selected the pin options. Below in the image you can see the Constrain to margins options, make sure you unselect that. Also when choosing what view to pin it to make sure you select the superview and not the Top Layout Guide.

Curious are you hiding your nav controller like this?
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES];
also if you have multiple Nav controllers, you might need to check you are referencing the correct one.
If you want it to be hidden when you present the ViewController you should move it to
-(void) ViewWillAppear{


Buttons move themselves after upgrade to Xcode 5

This is something that I've brushed off for a while now, but needs to be fixed. Recently, I upgraded to Xcode 5. After the upgrade, the buttons on the initial view will move after being clicked. This only affects that view, and none of the other views. This is odd, because the main view has no attached code to it - it is just a default UIViewController class. I tried creating a custom UIViewController class and linking the view to it, and I've tried deleting the button and recreating it - but they still move when clicked. Has anyone else had this problem after they upgraded to Xcode 5?
Before I click a button
And after I click a button
I suspected the problem is with the new Auto layout and the constraints. I have had similar issues with this when an object redraws it moves. Normally mine are when I expand a NSWindow (OSX) the objects inside its view fly off into a different position.
I would suggest you read the Documentation on Auto Layout guide and then have a look at how your buttons are set up. The is also a section on how to debug issues.
This is most likely happening due to auto layout. You have two options:
Add auto layout constraints that will position them in fixed positions, so that way they will never move.
Disable auto layout for your storyboard or XIB that contains the view controller.

Moving subviews from one view to another view without changing any position information in storyboard?

I have an iOS app in which i have created some view-controller in storyboard, the view-controller's view has some subviews. Now I want to add some scrollview in that view and want to move all those subviews in that scrollview.But the problem is when i drag those views to scrollview, interface builder is centering those subview, all the position information is lost.
I don't want to let interface builder to do that. Isn't there any proper way to solve this problem? I have already searched about this problem and found these two solutions but none is useful in my case.
Adding a subview to the current view without messing up positioning of objects in the view
I am unable to use this solution because, this is adding a view into another view while i want to add scrollview.
XCode - Is there a way to drag a component from one view to another without losing its frame?
Also this solution is not helpful for me because, storyboard file is messed up and corrupted when i did this.
Yes there is an easy way to do this:
Step 1: Select your views
Step 2: Go Editor > Embed In > Scroll View
PS. This is a very handy way to group views in fact. You can embed any views into a 'container' view, move it wherever you like (even cross-scene) retaining relative position information and then you could keep it as a group or unembed them.
If anyone comes across this question trying to find a way to do this programmatically (as I did), here's what I ended up using:
for (UIView *view in [_viewAdd subviews]) {
[_viewMain addSubview:view];
Note: addSubview removes the view from it's previous superview so there's no need to code for the removal

UIButton images look fine in IB but get stretched when displayed on app

I'm developing an Enterprise app for tracking mileage and maintenance for company vehicles. I've added graphic buttons to snazz it up a bit. The buttons look the way they're supposed to look on the XIB in IB, and on the iPhone all other UIViews look correct, but on one particular UIView the graphic images are stretched way out of proportion vertically.
The first image below shows how it's supposed to look, with the three graphics buttons at the bottom. The second image shows how it's showing on the phone. The Help button on this screen cap shows normally, but it can't be counted on to stay that way.
It also is not consistent. Calling this view at any time may show the image stretched or it may not show an image at all. It rarely shows the image normally, like the Help button looks below.
The development phone is a 4S running 6.1.3. The views are set for the Retina 3.5 screen. XCode is the latest (whatever it is).
Again, it's only on this one view that the problem shows up. There is another UIView on the same view controller that is hidden when this UIView is shown. The button graphics on the other view look fine. All of the other views and view controllers use the same graphics on the UIButton, without any problem.
In Interface Builder (Xcode) you created the view using a 4.5-inch screen height.
But the device where you are seeing the problem is a 5-inch screen. So the view is resized to fit.
And when it does that, the autolayout constraints that Interface Builder put on those subviews take over to determine what they do. Those constraints are causing the heights to change.
No need to turn Autolayout off. Autolayout can be very useful, but it seems to enjoy randomly assigning the constraint "Align Baseline to:" to UIButtons after repositioning them.
Just select the UIButton/UIImageView in question inside Storyboard, locate the constraint "Align Baseline to:", tap the gear icon and select "Promote to User Constraint", and tap once more and select "Delete". This should solve your issue.
In response to the comments here, I will answer my own question: I turned Autolayout off for this view controller, and that fixed everything. This is the first app I have written since XCode has begun development for the iPhone 5, so I wasn't aware of the Autolayout feature. I'll need to understand how it works and why it did what it did.
Thanks for all your help!

presentModalViewController:animated:NO displaying 20 pixel gap

I begin with a view-based app template. In the automatically created viewcontroller's xib (call it VC1), I add a button, and define in its interface/implementation:
- (IBAction)showVC2;
- (IBAction)showVC2 {
[self presentModalViewController:[[VC2 alloc] init] animated:NO];
I then create VC2. In both implementations, I allow only landscape orientations. In both xibs, I set the views to landscape. In the info.plist file, I specify starting orientation as landscape right.
When I run the project in the simulator and press the button in VC1, VC2 is displayed, but a 20 pixel gap shows both on the lower edge and on the right edge. Notably, rotation causes the view to be placed correctly on screen after rotation completes.
This issue is similar to others:
1 2 3, though the solutions identified do not seem to work in the present case. The correct/expected behavior occurs if the modal view is presented with animation (I do not want the transition animated, however). This issue has persisted since last summer (iOS 3.1.3?). It continues with 4.3. The issue does not occur in portrait orientation.
Can anyone provide a solution or explanation for why such a simple modal viewcontroller presentation does not give the expected result?
EDIT: Xcode project
I just tried building what you suggested and have no problems with a gap. I don't know if there is a way for you to post all of your code or your project. If you can do that I will try and help.

Really cool way to create custom UITabBar for iPhone app?

I am doing a lot of researching lately about how to get a different looking with nice effects UITabBar on my iPhone app, but unfortunately I am only finding things on how to replace background color etc.
Well, I've checked out this app called Momento which is pretty cool and presents a very slick tabBar:
So there are a couple of elements here I would like to ask you guys if you could help me by giving me the right directions on how to get a similar effect :)
Arrow above items: as you can see this app has this animated arrow that runs above the selected item with a very smooth animation.
Selected Stated of the item's image is not that blue-ish default one neither the default state which displays in a different shade of brown and gray version.
nice Items separators with beveled vertical lines.
different background image for the tabBar
different height for the tabBar
At this point after some research I am able to set the height and background image by subclassing UITabBarController but I'm still not sure on how to accomplish the other items specially the first one related to the nice arrow effect.
How do I do this? Please clarify what can or can't be done by subclassing the UITabBarController and specially if can be done in Interface Builder.
There's a project on github called BCTabBarController that aims to mimic the tab bar used in Twitter for iPhone. It's got some of the things you're looking for, and should give a great starting point.
Both of these are good answers, but both libraries have problems: BCTabBarController doesn't know how to create the "blue" highlighted version of a tab bar icon; and iDevRecipies doesn't send events to child viewcontrollers nor resize the navigation bar on rotate.
Be warned: custom nav bars are a lot of trial-and-error debugging (as I have found).
Simply use a UIView with TabBar width and height.Add custom background image and custom buttons on the view.Set the fileowner of the view as AppDelegate.Now you can simply connect the IBActions with the buttons.The Custom view can be placed over the tabbar by addSubView to the TabBar controller's view.You can switch between viewcontrollers by using the setSelectedIndex method of tableviewcontroller in the button action.