can doctrine generate model classes with prefix? - zend-framework

I am have modular structure in my project
Now when I generate the models and database using doctrine ( ./doctrine build-all-reload
it genrate the classes
class Car extends BaseCar
{ }
abstract class BaseCar extends Doctrine_Record
{ // code removed }
for zend to pick up these classess
I have to rename them like this
class admin_Model_Car extends admin_Model_generated_BaseCar
{ }
abstract class admin_Model_generated_BaseCar extends Doctrine_Record
{ // code removed }
Is there a way that I can genate the classes with prefix MODULENAME_MODEL_CLASSNAME?
So I don't need to change it.

Add these lines in application.ini file / module.ini file.
doctrine.generate_models_options.pearStyle = true
doctrine.generate_models_options.generateTableClasses = false
doctrine.generate_models_options.generateBaseClasses = true
doctrine.generate_models_options.baseClassPrefix = "Base_"
doctrine.generate_models_options.baseClassesDirectory =
doctrine.generate_models_options.classPrefixFiles = false
doctrine.generate_models_options.classPrefix = "admin_Model_"


CommonJS: require class and extend class

I'm a bit struggling with the JavaScript classes (CommonJS).
I've got a class in a javascript 'module' which I can import to another js file using:
class DucoMaster {
this.node = node;
module.exports = {DucoMaster}
const {DucoMaster} = require("./DucoMaster");
let test = new DucoMaster;
It builds and printing the test works, it prints the object as defined as class in DucoMaster.
Now I would like to import the module and use it to extend another class like:
'class DucoMaster extends ParentClass' within DucoModules.js
Is this possible with DucoModules.js?
Best regards,

Java: Mapping DTOs hierarchy using MapStruct

I have Pet, Dog and Cat entity classes. Dog and Cat classes extend Pet.
Also I have PetDTO, DogDTO and CatDTO annotated with #JsonSubtype so Jackson resolves well the class of the dtos.
I want to write a mapper using MapStruct that takes a PetDTO entity (can be a DogDTO or a CatDTO) and returns a Dog or a Cat.
For me in this case, the main goal of using a mapping library is to avoid awful code using instanceof.
Any idea? Thanks!
Not currently possible out-of-the-box - see this ticket in mapstruct's GitHub: #366 Support for abstract class mapping or classes with base class. You can try to push it there or maybe contribute this feature yourself. Looks like a reasonable feature to ask for.
I guess that with the current state of affairs this is your best option:
public interface PetMapper {
default PetDTO toPetDto(Pet pet) {
if (pet instanceof Dog) {
return toDogDTO((Dog) pet);
if (pet instanceof Cat) {
return toCatDTO((Cat) pet);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown subtype of Pet");
default Pet toPetEntity(PetDTO petDTO) {
if (petDTO instanceof DogDTO) {
return toDogEntity((DogDTO) petDTO);
if (petDTO instanceof CatDTO) {
return toCatEntity((CatDTO) petDTO);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown subtype of PetDTO");
DogDTO toDogDTO(Dog dog);
Dog toDogEntity(DogDTO dogDTO);
CatDTO toCatDTO(Cat cat);
Cat toCatEntity(CatDTO catDTO);
The way I ended up implementing a Mapper for a similar case as above was using a combination of a switch-type, with MapStruct Update Existing and creation Mappers.
In my case a property on the source object dictated the subclass we had to generate.
I initially had different mappers for each subtype, but the duplication of the common mapped properties just seemed wrong. So I came up with the following, leveraging the ability of MapStruct to use updating mappers in order to tackle the common parent type properties:
import org.mapstruct.*;
public interface PetMapper {
#BeanMapping(ignoreByDefault = true)
default PetTarget mapPet(PetSource petSource) {
switch (petSource.getPetType()) {
case "DOG":
DogTarget dogTarget = mapDog(petSource);
updatePet(dogTarget, petSource);
return (dogTarget);
case "CAT":
CatTarget catTarget = mapCat(petSource);
updatePet(catTarget, petSource);
return (catTarget);
throw new CustomException("Unsupported Pet type: "+ petSource.getPetType());
#BeanMapping(ignoreByDefault = true)
// Specific mappings for Dog
#Mapping(target = "", source = "dogfoodName")
DogTarget mapDog(PetSource petSource);
#BeanMapping(ignoreByDefault = true)
// Specific mappings for Cat
#Mapping(target = "", source = "favoriteFish")
CatTarget mapCat(PetSource petSource);
#BeanMapping(ignoreByDefault = true)
// Common properties for Pet
#Mapping(target = "weight.value", source = "weightValue")
#Mapping(target = "name.value", source = "petName")
#Mapping(target = "color", source = "mainColor")
void updatePet(#MappingTarget PetTarget petTarget, PetSource petSource);

Why can't I instantiate a Groovy class from another Groovy class?

I have two classes. One.groovy:
class One {
One() {}
def someMethod(String hey) {
And Two.groovy:
class Two {
def one
Two() {
Class groovy = ((GroovyClassLoader) this.class.classLoader).parseClass("One.groovy")
one = groovy.newInstance()
I instantiate Two with something like this:
GroovyClassLoader gcl = new GroovyClassLoader();
Class cl = gcl.parseClass(new File("Two.groovy"));
Object instance = cl.newInstance();
But now I get groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: script13561062248721121730020.someMethod() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [Yo!]
Any ideas?
Seems like it is occurring due to the groovy class loader method being called: the string one is to parse a script in text format. Using the File one worked here:
class Two {
def one
Two() {
Class groovy = ((GroovyClassLoader) this.class.classLoader).parseClass("One.groovy")
assert groovy.superclass == Script // whoops, not what we wanted
Class groovy2 = ((GroovyClassLoader) this.class.classLoader).parseClass(new File("One.groovy"))
one = groovy2.newInstance()
assert one.class == One // now we are talking :-)
one.someMethod("Yo!") // prints fine

Doctrine_Table Vs class That extends from BaseClass

I am a little confused in this Doctrine model concept , lets say we a table called "article"
Doctrine will generate class called
i am using Zend framework and Doctrine 1.2
Is it true to call the ArticleTable in the controller in this way
$tableArticle = Doctrine::getTable('Article');
then to save it in the Article Object like this
$article = new Article();
$fArticles = $tableArticle->getFeaturedArticles();
foreach ($fArticles as $fArticle) {
echo $article->title
Or I have to let the Article.php to call the ArticleTable ?
then to initiate an Article.php object in the controller ?
class Article extends BaseArticle
public function getFArticles()
$tableArticle = Doctrine::getTable('Article');
$obj = $tableArticle->getFeaturedArticles();
return $obj;
Article.php should not call ArticleTable.php unless really, really needed. In table classes you will only hold queries called by controller like:
$featuredArticles = ArticleTable::getInstance()->getFeatured() ;
Above code is simpler and you will have autocompletion in any IDE.
The reason not to call queries in Article.php is that you will have easier transition to Doctrine2 one day.
For a table call tbl_article or just article, doctrine will generate Article.php and BaseArticle.php. Base classes must not be changed manually.
Article class is where your logic goes. For example, you fetch list of ALL articles in database. When you display them, you want feature articles to have a star (just an example):
$allArticles = ArticleTable::getInstance()->findAll() ;
template (Smarty version here):
{foreach $allArticles as $article}
{if $article->isFeatured()} <img src=.. some image ..>{/if}
and the model class
class Article extends BaseArticle
public function isFeatured()
return $this->status == self::STATUS_FEATURED ;
All these are just some examples, in real life it is much more usefull.
And what are you actually trying to do with this fromArray($fArticle)? I don't see any point of that code.

how to set the table prefix in zend framework

I need to add a table prefix to zend framework configurations. But it seems really complicated matter adding such a configuration (I have to add too many lines of code to do that). Is there a way to set the table prefix in a simple manner? (like other frameworks do). I'm using Zend Framework 1.11
if you use Zend_Db_Table_Abstract, you could extend this class like this:
class My_Db_Table_Abstract extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected function _setupTableName()
$prefix = 'StackOverflow'; // maybe from config..
$this->_name = $prefix . '_' . $this->_name;
class User extends My_Db_Table_Abstract
$this->_name = 'user';