Java: Mapping DTOs hierarchy using MapStruct - mapstruct

I have Pet, Dog and Cat entity classes. Dog and Cat classes extend Pet.
Also I have PetDTO, DogDTO and CatDTO annotated with #JsonSubtype so Jackson resolves well the class of the dtos.
I want to write a mapper using MapStruct that takes a PetDTO entity (can be a DogDTO or a CatDTO) and returns a Dog or a Cat.
For me in this case, the main goal of using a mapping library is to avoid awful code using instanceof.
Any idea? Thanks!

Not currently possible out-of-the-box - see this ticket in mapstruct's GitHub: #366 Support for abstract class mapping or classes with base class. You can try to push it there or maybe contribute this feature yourself. Looks like a reasonable feature to ask for.
I guess that with the current state of affairs this is your best option:
public interface PetMapper {
default PetDTO toPetDto(Pet pet) {
if (pet instanceof Dog) {
return toDogDTO((Dog) pet);
if (pet instanceof Cat) {
return toCatDTO((Cat) pet);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown subtype of Pet");
default Pet toPetEntity(PetDTO petDTO) {
if (petDTO instanceof DogDTO) {
return toDogEntity((DogDTO) petDTO);
if (petDTO instanceof CatDTO) {
return toCatEntity((CatDTO) petDTO);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown subtype of PetDTO");
DogDTO toDogDTO(Dog dog);
Dog toDogEntity(DogDTO dogDTO);
CatDTO toCatDTO(Cat cat);
Cat toCatEntity(CatDTO catDTO);

The way I ended up implementing a Mapper for a similar case as above was using a combination of a switch-type, with MapStruct Update Existing and creation Mappers.
In my case a property on the source object dictated the subclass we had to generate.
I initially had different mappers for each subtype, but the duplication of the common mapped properties just seemed wrong. So I came up with the following, leveraging the ability of MapStruct to use updating mappers in order to tackle the common parent type properties:
import org.mapstruct.*;
public interface PetMapper {
#BeanMapping(ignoreByDefault = true)
default PetTarget mapPet(PetSource petSource) {
switch (petSource.getPetType()) {
case "DOG":
DogTarget dogTarget = mapDog(petSource);
updatePet(dogTarget, petSource);
return (dogTarget);
case "CAT":
CatTarget catTarget = mapCat(petSource);
updatePet(catTarget, petSource);
return (catTarget);
throw new CustomException("Unsupported Pet type: "+ petSource.getPetType());
#BeanMapping(ignoreByDefault = true)
// Specific mappings for Dog
#Mapping(target = "", source = "dogfoodName")
DogTarget mapDog(PetSource petSource);
#BeanMapping(ignoreByDefault = true)
// Specific mappings for Cat
#Mapping(target = "", source = "favoriteFish")
CatTarget mapCat(PetSource petSource);
#BeanMapping(ignoreByDefault = true)
// Common properties for Pet
#Mapping(target = "weight.value", source = "weightValue")
#Mapping(target = "name.value", source = "petName")
#Mapping(target = "color", source = "mainColor")
void updatePet(#MappingTarget PetTarget petTarget, PetSource petSource);


Mapping Hierarchy of Classes with Mapstruct

I have a hierarchy of classes: VehicleDTO is a base abstract class.
CarDTO, TruckDTO, VanDTO extend from it.
I have the same hierarchy on the other side of a mapper:
VehicleBO <- CarBO, TruckBO, VanBO.
I want to have all the mapping logic consolidated in one mapper. Period.
I have defined mappings for common attributes, but here is when it becomes interesting, I get this exception during compilation:
The return type ... is an abstract class or interface.
Provide a non abstract / non interface result type or a factory method.
So, how do I specify a factory method, that based on a value of a particular attribute or a class of the pojo, would create a target object for me? I would appreciate a good code snippet that actually does the trick.
You can use a method annotated with #ObjectFactory receiving a source parameter for what you need.
Let's assume that you have a mapper that looks like:
public interface VehicleMapper {
VehicleDTO map(VehicleBO vehicle);
// more
If you add a method looking like:
default VehicleDTO createVehicleDto(VehicleBO vehicle) {
// your creation logic
Then MapStruct will use the createVehicleDto to create the VehicleDTO object.
NOTE when mapping hierarchies and when the mapping looks like the one in the answer then MapStruct will only map the properties which are in the VehicleDTO class and not in possible implementations of the class. The reason for that is that MapStruct generates the mapping code during compilation and not during runtime.
For mapping hierarchies like what you explained you can do something like the following:
public interface VehicleMapper {
default VehicleDTO map(VehicleBO vehicle) {
if (vehicle instanceOf CarBO) {
return map((CarBO) vehicle);
} else if (vehicle instanceOf TruckBO) {
return map((TruckBO) vehicle);
} else if (vehicle instanceOf VanBO) {
return map((VanBO) vehicle);
} else {
//TODO decide what you want to do
CarDTO map(CarBO car);
TruckDTO map(TruckBO truck);
VanDTO map(VanBO van);
// more
There is mapstruct/mapstruct#131 requesting for generating code like my example out of the box
Nowadays, maybe using Visitor pattern could be better choice instead of the instanceOf way, check below:
You need to set the subclassExhaustiveStrategy property in your #Mapper annotation to RUNTIME_EXCEPTION.
See Mapstruct documentation:
To allow mappings for abstract classes or interfaces you need to set the subclassExhaustiveStrategy to RUNTIME_EXCEPTION, you can do this at the #MapperConfig, #Mapper or #BeanMapping annotations. If you then pass a GrapeDto an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown because it is unknown how to map a GrapeDto. Adding the missing (#SubclassMapping) for it will fix that.

Avoid lazyloader attribute

I´ve been looking for how avoid return a list without the attribute lazyLoader, I want to continue using the lazyLoader but I don´t want return the attribute when I return the whole list of my entity from my controller
I´m working with .NET core.
"lazyLoader": {},
"id": "id1"
"name": "name"
"lazyLoader": {},
"id": "id2",
"name": "name2"
You can do a select of you collection only retrieving the rest of the data.
That way your objects will not have the Navigation property at all.
db.YourCollection.Where(your condition)Select(x => new { id = , name = } );
In Entity Framework, if you have an object where one or more of its properties use lazy loading, check its runtime type name using GetType().Name. For an object of a Car class, for example, you will notice that the runtime type is actually something called CarProxy, which is a temporary in-memory type created by Entity Framework using reflection. This "fake" proxy class's base type is Car, and has all the original Car properties, but includes an extra one called LazyLoader for properties that may need it.
If you do further checking on this "fake" CarProxy type, you will also see that Assembly.IsDynamic = true, which is indicative that the class was created dynamically using reflection (see documentation):
var TheCar = DBContext.Cars.Find(1);
Console.WriteLine(TheCar.GetType().Assembly.IsDynamic.ToString()); //will echo "true"
Luckily, Newtonsoft.Json has an override on the JsonConvert.SerializeObject() method that allows us to provide a base type, so that the resulting JSON doesn't contain properties that don't exist in that type. So, to eliminate the LazyLoader property, just provide the object's BaseType as the type parameter:
var TheCar = DBContext.Cars.Find(1);
var TheJSON = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(TheCar, TheCar.GetType().BaseType);
To make sure you don't get any circular reference loops when serializing (a very high probability when using lazy loading), call the serializer with the following setting:
var TheCar = DBContext.Cars.Find(1);
var Settings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings
ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore
var TheJSON = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(TheCar, TheCar.GetType().BaseType, Settings);
Note: This may only work on the first level deep when the serializer travels through the object. If there are yet more lazy-loading child properties of the object you provide to the serializer, the "LazyLoader" property may appear again. I haven't tested it so I can't say for sure.
I know this is old, but add
public boolean ShouldSerializeLazyLoader() { return false; }
to all the classes down the tree of the ones you want to serialize, and you will get a lazyloader free JSON.
The checked answer for this question is just working for the root object, if we have many nested lazyloaded objects, this solution will not work.
Although the answer of #Marcello-Barbiani is correct but it is not a good way to add this function to all entities we have.
The best way is create a new ContractResolver derived from DefaultContractResolver and check if property is Lazyloader then skip it as below:
public class NonLazyloaderContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
public new static readonly NonLazyloaderContractResolver Instance = new NonLazyloaderContractResolver();
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
if (property.PropertyName == "LazyLoader")
property.ShouldSerialize = i => false;
return property;
after that adding above class pass it through JsonSerializerSettings while serializing the object:
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newProduct, new JsonSerializerSettings() {
ContractResolver = new NonLazyloaderContractResolver(),
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore,
DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore });
and finally if you are using core or core webapi add this contract as default contractresolver in startup.cs file:
.AddJsonOptions(options =>
options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new NonLazyloaderContractResolver();
options.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;

MapStruct: How to pass input object to expression?

In MapStruct version 1.1.0.Final, this was possible....
#Mapping(target = "transaction.process.details", expression = "java(MappingHelper.mapDetails(request))"),
//more mappings
Response requestToResponse(Request request);
It was possible, since the mapDetails method was (by coincidence?) generated into the requestToResponse method. That's why request was not null.
Now, since 1.1.0.Final didn't work with Lombok, I had to upgrade to 1.2.0.CR2. With this version, the mapDetails will be generated into a separate method where request is not passed, so request is null within this method now and I get a NPE with the expression. (It's a sub-sub-method of requestToResponse now.)
Did I misuse the expression, so did it just work by coincidence, or does the new version has a bug? If no bug, how do I have to pass the request instance to the expression properly?
You were / are misusing the expression. What you need to do is to map your target to your source parameter.
#Mapper(uses = { MappingHelper.class })
public interface MyMapper {
#Mapping(target = "transaction.process.details", source = "request"),
//more mappings
Response requestToResponse(Request request);
MapStruct then should create intermediary methods and use the MappingHelper and invoke the mapDetails method. In case you have multiple methods that map from Request to whatever type details are then you are going to need to used qualified mappings (see more here in the documentation).
It will look something like:
public class MappingHelper {
#Named("mapDetails") // or the better type safe one with the meta annotation #Qualifier
public static String mapDetails(Request request);
And your mapping will look like:
#Mapper(uses = { MappingHelper.class })
public interface MyMapper {
#Mapping(target = "transaction.process.details", source = "request", qualifiedByName = "mapDetails"), //or better with the meta annotation #Qualifier qualifiedBy
//more mappings
Response requestToResponse(Request request);

JPA and "anonymous" classes in scala

I'm a bit stuck and don't understand what's going on.
This one doesn't work
class Entity {
#Column(nullable = false)
var owner: String = _
val myEntity = new Entity() {
owner = "some owner 1"
Hibernate throws exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown entity:persistence.dao.EntityDaoTest$$anonfun$13$$anonfun$14$$anon$5
at org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.firePersist(
This one works:
val myEntity = new Entity()
entity.owner = "some owner 1"
Why? Why does hibernate don't recognize my Entity instance?
#Sheinbergon, thanks, it's clear. I completely forgot that annotations are lost. Is there any possibility to set entity fields with some shortcut?
val myEntity = new MyEntity()
myEntity.owner = "some owner"
myEntity.someOtherProperty = "value"
is super boring
One more question
This one works:
val parent = new Parent
parent.owner = "Our parent"
parent.addChild(new Child() {
name = "First parent's child"
addGrandChild(new GrandChild() {
name = "Grand child name"
addGrandGrandChild(new GrandGrandChild() {
name = "Grand Grand child name"
address = new Address() {
id = 1L
Why? Child, GrandChild, GrandGrandChild also created anonymously.
addChild, addGrandChild, addGrandGrandChild are just list mutators.
def addChild(child: Child): Unit = {
if (children == null) {
children = new util.ArrayList[Child]()
if (Option(child.parent).isEmpty) {
child.parent = this
What you are doing here is instantiating a class anonymously in Scala , and well... that creates an anonymous implementation of your class Entity ( like instantiating an interface anonymously in Java).
you can see it by printing the class name - println(myEntity.getClass) in both cases
Annotations applied to the original class do not apply to the anonymous one (reflection can still find them in the super class, but that's up to the code scanning them) and I guess that's why you're getting the various JPA exceptions
In response to your added sub-questions
Regarding a shortcut - why don't you use companion objects for factories or turn this class into a case class (with defaults), allowing for nicer, more flexible initialization.
Regarding the second object graph(and assuming eachof your classes are annotated) - again it depends on how the reflective code treats the objects it scans. it's possible ( and more likely, given that it won't scan each member of the collection for annotations ) it takes annotation definitions from the erased type ( possible to get it's FQDN class name as ParameterizedType in Java's reflection API) of the collection and not from the actual members of the collection and that's why it works.
I'm not really sure what it does about field definitions though (they are only present in the "super" class), but there's no "magic" here, just plain old reflection scans.

mapstruct ambiguous exception when using helper class

Using mapstruct v1.0.0.Final, I'm facing an ambiguous mapping exception trying to map from SourceType to TargetType:
class TargetType {
List<TargetTypeChild> children;
boolean allResults;
class SourceType {
List<SourceTypeChild> children;
boolean allResults;
The mapping that I'm using is:
#Mapper(uses = B.class)
interface A {
#Mapping(target = "children", source = "children", qualifiedBy = ToTargetType.class)
TargetType toTargetType (SourceType source);
#Mapping(target = "children", source = "children", qualifiedBy = ToTargetTypeNoDetails.class)
TargetType toTargetTypeNoDetails (SourceType source);
interface B {
public #interface ToTargetType {}
public #interface ToTargetTypeNoDetails {}
#IterableMapping(qualifiedBy = ToTargetType.class)
List<TargetTypeChild> withDetails(List<SourceTypeChild> value);
#IterableMapping(qualifiedBy = ToTargetTypeNoDetails.class)
List<TargetTypeChild> noDetails(List<SourceTypeChild> value);
#Mapping(target = "details", source = "details"), of mapping
TargetTypeChild toTargetTypeChild(SourceTypeChild source);
#Mapping(target = "details", ignore = true), of mapping
TargetTypeChild toTargetTypeChildNoDetails(SourceTypeChild source);
This does not compile, giving the following exception in both interface A's methods:
Ambiguous mapping methods found for mapping property "List children" to List: List noDetails(List arg0), List withDetails(List arg0).
There is one workaround to this: put both interface A's methods in interface B. That compiles and works. But I need to separate them for business reasons.
Could anyone explain why the first approach doesn't work and the workaround does?
As a bonus question, if I only code 1 method for mapping (no qualifiers), I don't need to even declare the #IterableMapping method, mapstruct knows how to find the "children" methods.
Thank you all!
Anyone could explain why the first approach doesn't work and the workaround does?
Your qualifier annotations must at least have retention policy CLASS, only then they will be discovered. That's not needed if everything is defined within the same source file, in which case SOURCE is enough.
As a bonus question, if I only code 1 method for mapping (no qualifiers)
MapStruct will generate (private) iterable mapping methods as needed. Actually it should work also in your original case, seems like that's a glitch we need to fix. I've filed issue #707 for this.
Thanks for reporting this!