Facebook: Post Video only for fans of my page? - facebook

I was wondering if I can post a video on my Facebook fanpage which can only be viewed by my fans.

Yes You can Do it.
Add the App name "Static Html" to your page.
There you have get two options,
one is fan only content and non-fan contents.
Post your video embed code in fan only content box.
So only your fan can view that video.


Post a link on facebook wall - picture doesn't apper

When i post a video link on FB wall, the first time the thumbnail appears,
then i delete the link from the box, and write it again, this and now the thumping dissapers.
this is a link for example, the first time facebook will show it.
Regarding the conversation above, it's Facebook's mechanism. Can't help. Assuming you are the writer of the page, you have already put the correct OG tags to the page head, so nothing you can do.

How does YouTube get its player embedded as iframe in the Facebook wall?

I'm wondering how to embed some HTML code in a facebook post on the wall..
I've already searched for that and came to the conclusion that ATM it's not possible (Am i right???)
But inspecting the code of the facebook news feed page i have noticed that a YouTube video was coded as an iframe!
What happened there?
Thank you
You are correct, HTML cannot be posted to the Facebook wall. The reason Youtube videos show up is actually a by product of the Facebook coding. When a user posts a URL to a Youtube video the Facebook wall automatically converts it to a video in an iFrame.

How can I play a flash video on my profile page just like you tube does?

I need an application that plays a video as the user clicks on my fan page image ..Youtube is a sample app.
I need exactly the same thing for my app.
As I click share on my fan page, it shares the fan page , I am using the http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php with params title, summary,p[url],images[0],url..
As I click on the image on the user's profile page, It needs to start loading a video.
How can I do that?
I'd suggest to use facebook's opengraph protocol, you can use og:video tags with swf from opengraph dynamically on your page:
anytime the page with og:video tags is liked - the swf is automatically embedded on the user's wall, users have to click it to start playing exactly like youtube videos.
If I am not mistaken, Facebook does not allow you to auto play in-line videos.

Facebook like button is not linked with the like in the fan page?

For example, I have an article in my site,
and I put a like button plugin from Facebook in the website for this article (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like)
And I also have a fan page in Facebook and share this article (by sharing a link).
If I press the link button in my site, the fan page like for this article does not add up. And vice versa, if I click the like button of this article in fan page, it does not reflect on the website either.
So is it the default behavior? I thought the article URL is provided for the Facebook Like plugin, the info should be linked. Anything I am missing here?
When you put an Like Button on your website for this particular article,
it's usually linked to an "Open Graph FaceBook Page", not your regular Facebook Fan Page, with a wall page. Open Graph FaceBook Page will redirect users to your own website. The good part of it, is that you'll be able to post news in the fans news feed.
When you share that article on your Fan Page, fans would LIKE the news feed post, not your website's article.
You can link the like buttons to your Fan Page, but you'll loose specific article liking capabilities.
As described in the doc (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like) :
Can I link the Like button to my Facebook page?
Yes. Simply specify the URL of your Facebook page in the href parameter of the button.
The first like is for your site, the second like is for the feed story -- they are two distinct objects.

Facebook Share/Like Button -> News Feed

I need a facebook share/like button on my page, that posts my page with picture, title, description etc. into the news feed. I've created one with the Facebook "Like-generator" and bring it succesful on my page, but when I click on "like" my page is not in the news feed, only on my wall.
As a second step I want to activate a form when the user shares the page on facebook. Is it possible to do that? FB.Event.subscribe?
I need a direct share (one-click share) of the page - without click a second time share on: http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=
I found an example of this button I need
On this site there is a button called "Empfehlen", when you click on this button, the page will be post on your wall and it will be displayed in the news feed.
Like button clicks will post on the users wall 100% of the time; however, facebook uses an algorithm to determine the relevance of the link and that determines the probability of that post appearing on the users news feed. So in other words, not everything you post on your wall will appear on your news feed. This is new, before, everything wall post appeared on the news feed but facebook is now selling space on the news feed to commercial page wall posts so that limits the space for regular pages
Facebook has rather extensive documentation on how to make like buttons, including a code generator.
First, you have to add a facebook like button on your page. And then you have to set up the open graph meta tags in the <head> of your page. These tags allow you to describe the page with a title, a description and an image which will be displayed in the news feed.
These two steps are described here : http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/