Facebook like button is not linked with the like in the fan page? - facebook

For example, I have an article in my site,
and I put a like button plugin from Facebook in the website for this article (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like)
And I also have a fan page in Facebook and share this article (by sharing a link).
If I press the link button in my site, the fan page like for this article does not add up. And vice versa, if I click the like button of this article in fan page, it does not reflect on the website either.
So is it the default behavior? I thought the article URL is provided for the Facebook Like plugin, the info should be linked. Anything I am missing here?

When you put an Like Button on your website for this particular article,
it's usually linked to an "Open Graph FaceBook Page", not your regular Facebook Fan Page, with a wall page. Open Graph FaceBook Page will redirect users to your own website. The good part of it, is that you'll be able to post news in the fans news feed.
When you share that article on your Fan Page, fans would LIKE the news feed post, not your website's article.
You can link the like buttons to your Fan Page, but you'll loose specific article liking capabilities.
As described in the doc (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like) :
Can I link the Like button to my Facebook page?
Yes. Simply specify the URL of your Facebook page in the href parameter of the button.

The first like is for your site, the second like is for the feed story -- they are two distinct objects.


Merge facebook page with ghost page

when I added the open-graph meta data to my website, every Like that my webpage gets is saved only for the webpage under a "ghost page". means that if i want to create a "facebook page" for the website, it's totally separated from the website, and i need to re-build my audience again.
is there a way to merge between them?
For example, if I insert a Like-Box to my website, and I click on the Facebook link in the Like-Box - it redirects me to the website, and not let me see the Facebook page.
if I'll change the link to the Facebook page, the likes number will be much lower.
I know i can merge under "Resources" but i wonder if it will transform my "Facebook page" to another link to my website. which i dont want.
So, how can I let people click on the link: "MySite on Facebook" and get to my site on facebook and not to my site...
I think that the ultimate solution will we set the like button to the "facebook page", and not to the page itself. what do you think?
You will have to create a Fan Page for you website and move the Likes over. There is a page migration / merge tool you can use, but it only works if the pages have similar names. You can find it in the Page Admin screen.

Want to get website's like box to link with fan page instead of websites administrative intereface?

I am trying to link a like box on website to facebook fan page.
I created an APP (developer.facebook.com), went to settings -> advanced -> add page to create a fan page for a band. Then I used this open graph like button (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/) to link page.
It is working on website, but when I click like, it creates a 3rd page, an insight page, with this message "This is the administration interface for your webpage at http://witheri.com. You can see Insights and publish to the users that have liked your webpage. Only the administrators of the webpage can view this interface, other users are sent to the webpage."
This is all fine, but I want the likes to appear on the fan page instead of the insight page. How can I fix this?
That message explains the situation; the people who use the Like button are liking http://witheri.com , the page you see on Facebook.com is only visible to you, and lets you see the insights for who likes the page, and lets you post things which will appear in the fans' news feeds

When I (facebook) like our video on our site, it turns into a page

as the subject describes, when I facebook-like an video-item or other type of page of our homepage, it turns into a whole "facebook page" instead of a timeline-post.
Why is that?
I have tried to lint it at the facebook-linter, and it says that there's noting wrong. The type of the video is "video.other".
E.g: http://metopia.se/tube/NKQeT/lanterna-education-summer-courses
When I liked that page, it turned into this page:
Which I am admin for.
Am I doing something wrong here?
You're not doing anything wrong; this is expected behavior:
Website owner puts FB Like button on site.
Website visitor clicks said Like button.
Timeline story is generated for the website visitor. It appears on his timeline and in his friends' News Feeds.
I liked the page myself to confirm.
What you're seeing is expected if you have liked the page and have also designated yourself as an admin for the page (i.e., whoever is denoted via the fb:admins Open Graph meta tag). Judging by that page's source I'm guessing you're either Adam or Mathias?
You should read up on Facebook's Open Graph protocol. In short, putting a Like button on a website will create a corresponding Open Graph fan page for whatever location is referenced by that Like button's href attribute.

Facebook Share/Like Button -> News Feed

I need a facebook share/like button on my page, that posts my page with picture, title, description etc. into the news feed. I've created one with the Facebook "Like-generator" and bring it succesful on my page, but when I click on "like" my page is not in the news feed, only on my wall.
As a second step I want to activate a form when the user shares the page on facebook. Is it possible to do that? FB.Event.subscribe?
I need a direct share (one-click share) of the page - without click a second time share on: http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=
I found an example of this button I need
On this site there is a button called "Empfehlen", when you click on this button, the page will be post on your wall and it will be displayed in the news feed.
Like button clicks will post on the users wall 100% of the time; however, facebook uses an algorithm to determine the relevance of the link and that determines the probability of that post appearing on the users news feed. So in other words, not everything you post on your wall will appear on your news feed. This is new, before, everything wall post appeared on the news feed but facebook is now selling space on the news feed to commercial page wall posts so that limits the space for regular pages
Facebook has rather extensive documentation on how to make like buttons, including a code generator.
First, you have to add a facebook like button on your page. And then you have to set up the open graph meta tags in the <head> of your page. These tags allow you to describe the page with a title, a description and an image which will be displayed in the news feed.
These two steps are described here : http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/

Link web page, Facebook Like button, and Facebook fan page?

Is this possible?
When someone clicks a Facebook Like button, he/she shares the web page URL with friends on Facebook.
With the same click, the user also becomes a fan of the web site's Facebook fan page.
While adding a Like button on your website to like you "Facebook Page" is possible (and I guess you know that), you can't use the same button to like multiple entities (your current page and the Facebook Page).
What you can do is:
Have two Like buttons, one for the current page and one for the Facebook Page
Place the Like button of your Facebook Page in a "visible" location (e.g. on top of the sidebar)
Capture the like event of your current page (with edge.create)
Encourage the user to "Become a Fan on Facebook too" whenever they like your current page.
See this link on Facebook's developer site.
This will do all the points 1 and 3 you mentioned above. As far as point 2 goes, you will need to reference that on your facebook page.