Sending an email from one server to another using same domain name - email

Just rebuilt a companies website, updated their A records to point to it's new server location but kept their email function as was.
Sending from the server works fine, and they receive mail from elsewhere fine but now when trying to send forms as emails to their existing addresses they never arrive.
For example trying to send an email (more specifically a Drupal Webform) from from Server 1 to on Server 2.
I've tried adjusting the send address from Server 1 which doesn't change anything. I think their IT person said something about receiving email at an exchange (Microsoft?) but I'm not savy this area at all.
Any ideas about this? I guess something is stopping it before it gets delivered (no spam) and the domains are conflicting, had a Google about but it's one of those where I'm not quite sure how to phrase the question. Thanks

SOLVED! In my CPanel I just needed to change my MX Entry to Remote Mail
Server Exchanger


Email succesfully sent but not appear in Sent Items (Microsoft 365)

Hi Good day to everyone here.
My first questions, here we go but i'll try to explain it the best way I could.
I develop auto sending email features using javaxmail in my application for my customer.
Previously when using setting I able to send email and the copies of sent email are display in Sent Items folder.
Recently when there are hiccup with smtp office (time out frequently), the IT department at my customer change the setting to use local server instead for smtp (with ip address 172.162.etc.etc). However since the start using this new setting, the email no longer appear in Sent Items but the email still able to sent out ( I test sending email to myself and able to received it ).
Since Im not really familiar and have very limited knowledge on server side for mail server, is there anything I can suggest to the IT department to check for? I only can login the email account on web ( but when using outlook it required authentication. With web mail i already go thru all settings available and didn't see anything related.
Thanks in advance. Sorry if the question confusing and misleading.
Well, of course - your local SMTP server knows absolutely nothing about your remote Exchange mailbox. It cannot possibly place anything in your Sent Items folder.
You need to send using your Exchange Server - its SMTP server does place sent messages in the Sent Items folder owned by the authenticated user. Keep in mind that MS has recently disabled basic auth in M365. You need to re-enable it for your tenant and the particular mailbox used to send messages.

Emails not going through properly to a single domain

I've searched all around, made several changes over the past two weeks, and still no luck so here I am.
We just put up a new site, and there are 3 different forms. Each form sends to a different email of theirs, a forwarder that sends to the same email of theirs (I had to make this after I figured out there was a problem with them not receiving emails from the website), and one of our emails.
Currently, they use office 365 for their email. A few days ago I figured out to change the SPF record, so I added the IP of their current website.
Here is the current SPF record:
v=spf1 ip4: a ~all
I'm stumped. I've sent test submissions, and they receive the forward, and I receive it from my email, but the email that it's supposed to be sent to doesn't receive it.
I don't have access to their office 365 account. I tried a different option of sending the emails through swiftmailer, but GoDaddy doesn't allow me to connect to their smtp details, so that's a bust.
Has anyone encountered this problem before and know of a solution? All help is greatly appreciated.
After hours of calling, I was able to get the problem solved. I should have edited this earlier, but better late than never. In cPanel, there is an area for routing mail. It was set to local, rather than remote. Every email that came through went to the local emails, and since their were none, they were discarded. After changing the option to remote, the emails started flowing through. After the 3rd or 4th call, I reached someone who's actually dealt with this problem because he explained what was happening and the fix in under two minutes, unlike the others. I hope this helps anyone in the future with the same problems I encountered.
If you've configured SPF on your sending smtp server, you can configure a _dmarc
DNS record with an email address for the receiving server to send mail reports to...
Better yet, if this 'new' server is not required to be fully operational while you set up everything - you can set the _dmarc record to tell the receiving server to reject anything that doesn't pass the SPF test.
In any case, if you are setting up an email server that will send messages to any outside Internet address, and you have the ability to install software on the server - you should install and configure:
SPF, DKIM, and have a dmarc DNS record.
If you don't have these items, it's very likely much of your site's notification email will end up in the subscribers' spam box, or worse rejected by the receiving server.
Several good websites that have helped me:
emailsecuritygrader dkim key checker domainkeys test

Sending emails from vendor's multiple domains

We have custom cms that currently sits on a vendor's subdomain, such as It sends email out as coming from and it seems to be working fine (using Email Queuing + SwiftMailer)
Our vendor asked us to put in the functionality for his users to be able to select from a dropdown, 3-4 other emails address associated with them from other domains he owns. Basically we need to be able to send out emails from our server labeled as being sent from, multiple domains.
I am a web programmer and have no clue when it comes to relaying messages. How would I go about being able to send out emails from his other domains? Does he need to setup permissions on his mail servers, or do I need to get into his SMTP servers to send out?
What are some things I should look out for when it comes to SPAM and gmail trusting us?
Not sure if my original question was clear enough. Vendor owns three domains:,, He wants a user from our crm to be able to send emails he has on those domains. So my dedicated server will be trying to send an email out as,, and in the FROM: header.
As long as your server is allowed to send on behalf of a domain your vendor owns, you should not have a problem; just change the From: header to something else when you send out the e-mail.
Stuff like SPF, Sender ID and DKIM have to be properly configured to allow your server to send on behalf of any domain.
See also:
Any domain where the mx record resolves to the same server will work. so user#any.domain will email the same user on the mx contingent server.
To answer your question - just make sure that the mx records in the DNS zone file for each domain name points to the same server as the domain you want to share emails on.
also dependent on server configuration (like shared or whatever) I'm assuming it's dedicated with a simple email server installed. I'm not sure on cPanel/shared servers. but possibly the same.

Website is not sending emails to email add on MS Exhange

Having problems with setting up my website to use MS Exchange to send emails. I dont want to use the hosts email system.
The MS Exhange has been set up, with email addresses created.
My webpages are using Persits.MailSender which the host supports.
Do i need to change MX records? A records?
Sorry, im not clued up with network side of things, any help would be appreciated
When i email direct, the email address on the exchange picks up the emails. BUT if i email through the website, it goes to the annoying webmail the host is provinding, and not to the exchange
I find this strange, the same email address receiving emails at different places!
Im using ASP, and I have a website set up, which has been sending emails for the last 12 months, the host has messed up (again) somewhere, but doesnt know what is wrong (as usual)
There are no errors, the email always gets sent.... but to the wrong place.
I would look into actually trapping and knowing your errors. That way you can see precisely why it fails and have something to work with. As it stands, your question isn't really answerable. No language nor framework is provided. We don't know if the mail server is confirmed to be working or accessible outside your netowrk; we don't know how your are referencing it or if you are passing user credentials; we don't know what error you're getting...
At this point, you're not debugging, you're just sort of swinging in the dark. Find the point of failure and then research that data point to get a solution. Debug, catch errors, log, step through your code. All good ideas.
Ok i figured it out, I deleted the mail domain on the host as that was the first place the website looks to send an email. Once the mail domain was deleted the emails were sent to the external hosted mailserver MS Exchange email address. Yay!

Sending locally sent email (with sendmail) to Google Apps Mail Server

I have a domain, call it
A while ago I started using Google App's email server. I set up MX and the rest of the stuff records as Google wanted, and all is working well since.
On I have a website, DNS and still running mail server (which basically doesn't do much).
Among other things, on, I have some contact form - basic php page that takes user's input and sends it to predefined email address at It sends it with php's sendmail function.
My issue is - all those email that get sent from localhost to * (by php's function, or possible by some cron jobs reporting some issues) DO NOT go to Google's email servers but instead get picked up by localhost and it's mail server.
So far, I was resolving this issue by setting up a new mail account at Google account, which was basically calling my local mail server by it's IP address, logging into old, abandoned email account and pulling those misplaced emails to the new, account at Google App.
Obviously I'm missing some entry either in local DNS, host file or something..
Does anyone know how do I fix it?
Hey, the same question was asked here:
and the answer to it works for me, don't forget to include the dot after the domain!
If it doesn't work to the test call and see how the mail traces.
best of luck, svullo