how do i set up perl on my mac? - perl

I have osx snowleopard and I know perl is suppose to come installed but when i type perl-v into terminal i get command not found. pleas help
Last login: Mon Mar 14 22:56:37 on ttys000
arroyos-macbook-pro:~ arroyo$ perl-v
-bash: perl-v: command not found
arroyos-macbook-pro:~ arroyo$

do you have a space between perl and -v? if you dont, you need a space:
perl -v


Emacs shell with ZSH, I get weird characters

I want to use emacs with zsh in debian 8, my locales are es_ES,
uname -a
Linux toshiba-debian 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1 (2015-05-24) x86_64 GNU/Linux
normally it goes well but sometypes I get Weir characters like ^G or someting like this:
╭─anquegi#toshiba-debian ~/Descargas ‹ruby-2.2.1#laguna›
╰─$ lm
zsh: correct 'lm' to 'ln' [nyae]? ^Gn
╭─anquegi#toshiba-debian ~/Descargas ‹ruby-2.2.1#laguna›
╰─$ pry
^[[0G[1] pry(main)>
I tried a lot of things like the two first answer here, but nothing works
Weird character zsh in emacs terminal
I do not know what to do next

Why is morbo not found after installing mojolicious?

I have installed mojolicious by the following commands
$ sudo su
# curl | sh
Unfortunately, when I run morbo to test my app, I am given an error stating that the command is not found. I then ran
cpan install Mojolicious
and it gives me the following output
Reading '/home/lucas/.cpan/Metadata'
Database was generated on Sun, 06 Oct 2013 19:07:27 GMT
Mojolicious is up to date (4.45).
Why will morbo not work? I have tried using hypnotoad as well, but it does not work either.
CPAN-installed binaries often end up in a different location, subject to your distribution and install method. For example, on my machine the location is:
In my .bashrc I have:
export PATH="/usr/bin/site_perl:$PATH"
If you add this and log out and back in (or type . .bashrc) you'll find that the command morbo works fine.
If it's in a different location, run updatedb (as root, if needed) and locate morbo to find out where it is, and add the appropriate path to your bash/shell config.

Why is -bash: PATH: command not found displayed when I open my terminal window?

I installed EPD Free 7.3.2 and it was running fine until I wanted to modify PATH to point to where my Python scripts are. I gave up on that and reverted back to my original .bash_profile file.
# Setting PATH for EPD_free-7.3-2
# The orginal version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
PATH = "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:${PATH}"
export PATH
When launching terminal, I get this:
Last login: Thu Jan 3 08:50:20 on ttys000
-bash: PATH: command not found
However, I am able to run iPython and all the libs that come with EPD w/o problems. Anybody knows what the problem is with "PATH: command not found"?
The spaces around the = are a problem. Use this assignment:
You need to remove the spaces around =:
Otherwise you're trying to run the (non-existent) command PATH with = and "/Library..." as its arguments.

Perl's DBD::mysql -- installation conflict

Attempting to install the Perl module DBD::mysql on Windows 7
From the Windows command line I executed
perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::mysql'
Which downloaded and uncompressed the file -- then gave me this ERROR: Going to build C/CA/CAPTTOFU/DBD-mysql-4.018.tar.gz
Set up gcc environment - 3.4.5 (mingw-vista special r3)
C:\PROGRA~1\MySQL\MYSQLS~1.1\bin\MYSQLA~1.EXE: connect to server at 'localhost'
error: 'Access denied for user 'ODBC'#'localhost' (using password: NO)'
Problem running C:\PROGRA~1\MySQL\MYSQLS~1.1\bin\MYSQLA~1.EXE - aborting ...
Warning: No success on command[C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site
Guessing the issue is that MySQL's root user has a password, but what's not clear is how I resolve the issue.
Questions, feedback, requests -- just comment, thanks!!
UPDATE (1): RE: force install DBD::mysql
cpan> force install DBD::mysql
Running install for module 'DBD::mysql'
Running make for C/CA/CAPTTOFU/DBD-mysql-4.018.tar.gz
Has already been unwrapped into directory C:\Perl\cpan\build\DBD-mysql-4.018-A
'C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site' returned status 256, won't
Running make test
Make had some problems, won't test
Running make install
Make had some problems, won't install
On other platforms, the build process runs the mysql_config command to get necessary information about the mysql installation without need of a user and password; on win32, if you have a mysql_config command, you have to explicitly tell Makefile.PL about it with a --mysql_config yourpathname parameter. If you don't, it looks for the mysqladmin program and uses its location to determine as much as it can but runs mysqladmin version to get the mysql version. You can provide a user/password for it to be able to do this using --testuser and --testpassword parameters to Makefile.PL.
Following up on "Robert P" comment, I checked the install guide for installing DBD::MySQL in ActivePerl on Win32; on 64, but doesn't appear to have mattered.
Command that did the job was:
ppm install DBD::mysql
The only way I've got round this in the past is a forced install. It always feels like a bodge but I haven't been able to find a better way.
Open up a CPAN shell:
perl -MCPAN -e 'shell'
Then do a force install
force install DBD::mysql
quit gets you back out of the shell.
as ysth said , maybe try this :
cd C:\Perl\cpan\build\DBD-mysql-4.018-A
and run
perl Makefile.PL --testuser validuser --testpassword validpassword
and then try to make - make test - make install,
or its equivalents on windows

Grep failing with Emacs (windows), and GnuWin32 Grep

I've downloaded and installed the GnuWin32 tools, and added the grep executables to the Emacs bin. I've also, for what its worth, added the GnuWin32 bin folder to my Path variable.
Problem is though, when I try and run with suggested grep commands, I always get:
Grep exited abnormally with code 53 at Wed Feb 24 17:16:12
For the life of me, I can't find any reference to error code 53 anywhere! :(
I've tried the exact examples on a number of websites for example, when I enter:
M-x grep <ret>
It comes up with
Run grep (like this): grep -n
Which is fine, but I have no idea of what parameters it expects. I've tried some in some tuorials, but I get error code 53 again!
One of the things I've tried is straight from the emacs wiki ( (maybe not for the windows version though?) and it says to try this command:
M-x grep -n -e setq ~/.emacs
Which I've tried and I get:
-*- mode: grep; default-directory: "c:/[My Directory]/" -*-
Grep started at Wed Feb 24 17:30:47
grep -n -e setq ~/.emacs NUL
Grep exited abnormally with code 53 at Wed Feb 24 17:30:47
So frustrating as this is meant to be a powerful feature of Emacs and I'm really trying to learn it as I've heard good things about it!
Any help would be appreciated! :)
From the suggestion below, I've tried it via command line and it seems to work fine, perhaps there some config I'm missing?
I've found the command M-x Occur which seems to do much the same as I would image grep does. Are there many extra benefits to using grep over occur if I can't get this working?
Download the dependencies zip file and copy libiconv2.dll, libintl3.dll, pcre3.dll and regex2.dll to Emacs' bin directory.
Copy grep.exe and find.exe to Emacs' own bin directory. Emacs will then use these files over any other executables with the same name, including Windows' own find utility.
Note: if you don't use the installer, you need to download the dependencies zip file as well and copy libiconv2.dll, libintl3.dll, pcre3.dll and regex2.dll to Emacs' bin directory, otherwise you may get an "exited abnormally with code 53" error message.
EmacsWiki: Grep Mode
The exit code of 53 is possibly an OS exit code rather than a grep-specific exit code. For windows this would be "The network path was not found". Are you doing anything over a network path? Are there any missing dll's that grep needs? Can you successfully run grep on the command line?
I had a similar problem and the following worked for me.
Go to the windows console
Enter the command "set" to bring up your system variables
I had shell=c:\progra~1\rational\ration~1\nutcroot\mksnt\sh.exe
Enter "set shell=" to remove the variable
Try Emacs again
Good luck!