Perl's DBD::mysql -- installation conflict - perl

Attempting to install the Perl module DBD::mysql on Windows 7
From the Windows command line I executed
perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::mysql'
Which downloaded and uncompressed the file -- then gave me this ERROR: Going to build C/CA/CAPTTOFU/DBD-mysql-4.018.tar.gz
Set up gcc environment - 3.4.5 (mingw-vista special r3)
C:\PROGRA~1\MySQL\MYSQLS~1.1\bin\MYSQLA~1.EXE: connect to server at 'localhost'
error: 'Access denied for user 'ODBC'#'localhost' (using password: NO)'
Problem running C:\PROGRA~1\MySQL\MYSQLS~1.1\bin\MYSQLA~1.EXE - aborting ...
Warning: No success on command[C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site
Guessing the issue is that MySQL's root user has a password, but what's not clear is how I resolve the issue.
Questions, feedback, requests -- just comment, thanks!!
UPDATE (1): RE: force install DBD::mysql
cpan> force install DBD::mysql
Running install for module 'DBD::mysql'
Running make for C/CA/CAPTTOFU/DBD-mysql-4.018.tar.gz
Has already been unwrapped into directory C:\Perl\cpan\build\DBD-mysql-4.018-A
'C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site' returned status 256, won't
Running make test
Make had some problems, won't test
Running make install
Make had some problems, won't install

On other platforms, the build process runs the mysql_config command to get necessary information about the mysql installation without need of a user and password; on win32, if you have a mysql_config command, you have to explicitly tell Makefile.PL about it with a --mysql_config yourpathname parameter. If you don't, it looks for the mysqladmin program and uses its location to determine as much as it can but runs mysqladmin version to get the mysql version. You can provide a user/password for it to be able to do this using --testuser and --testpassword parameters to Makefile.PL.

Following up on "Robert P" comment, I checked the install guide for installing DBD::MySQL in ActivePerl on Win32; on 64, but doesn't appear to have mattered.
Command that did the job was:
ppm install DBD::mysql

The only way I've got round this in the past is a forced install. It always feels like a bodge but I haven't been able to find a better way.
Open up a CPAN shell:
perl -MCPAN -e 'shell'
Then do a force install
force install DBD::mysql
quit gets you back out of the shell.

as ysth said , maybe try this :
cd C:\Perl\cpan\build\DBD-mysql-4.018-A
and run
perl Makefile.PL --testuser validuser --testpassword validpassword
and then try to make - make test - make install,
or its equivalents on windows


Why can't perl locate a module that exists in #INC?

I've been running a perl script from python successfully for a while. I've just moved everything to a new computer (both are running Windows 10) and I'm running into issues.
When running the script I get the error:
Can't locate in #INC (you may need to install the DBI module) (#INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/share/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/core_perl /usr/share/perl5/core_perl)
On the first line use DBI;.
I moved to using Perl (command line), selected the folder with the script and ran perl <filename> - same error.
DBI seems to be installed correctly in C:\Strawberry\perl\vendor\lib and that directory is in my #INC when I check via perl -V:
I've tried installing DBI again using cpan Module::DBI but I get the error:
Could not expand [Module::DBI]. Check the module name.
I've tried installing it with perl -MCPAN -e "install Bundle::DBI" but it fails with:
Test Summary Report
t/original.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 27 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 26
Files=1, Tests=27, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr + 0.01 sys = 0.06 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/1 test programs. 1/27 subtests failed.
gmake: *** [Makefile:863: test_dynamic] Error 255
C:\STRAWB~1\c\bin\gmake.exe test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
reports NEILB/IO-Tee-0.65.tar.gz
Stopping: 'install' failed for 'IO::Tee'.
I didn't have any issues when setting things up on my previous machine (both times it has just been a vanilla install with no importing of additional modules).
I've tried reinstalling Strawberry a couple of times to no avail. I've tried installing perlbrew and ActivePerl but hit issues with both of those. I've also now exhausted Google for potential solutions.
Any ideas?
Following the advice here I have run perl -e "use DBI;" and there is no error message which apparently means DBI is installed correctly?
Edit 2
Ok so I've managed to get things working via Perl (command line) and also via Windows cmd - it took a complete reinstall of MySQL which doesn't really make any sense but anyways. However, I still can't execute the script using Git Bash. I get the same error as always...
[ Update: Bug fixed in IO-Tee 0.66. ]
The failing test assumes that sysread obeys the :crlf layer that's added to file handles in Windows. But it doesn't. This is a bad test, not a problem with the module. As such, since that's the only failing test, you can safely force the installation of the module using the following:
cpan -f IO::Tee
Forcing the installation of a module with failing tests is normally a bad idea because it means you're forcing the installation of a module that's likely broken. But it's ok here because it has been established that the problem is with the test, not the module itself.
I have filed a bug report with a more thorough explanation of the problem and a solution.

Perl a cpan installation into a specific repository

Hel lo, I'm actually installing a perl module called HmmCleaner here :
for that I use :
/beegfs/data/me/perl-5.30.1/localperl/bin/cpan Bio::MUST::Apps::HmmCleaner
But I'm actually into a shared cluster where we have 2 principal directories :
and in the home repository I have a threshold of number of chunk files to not
I have a threshold that I cannot exceed of the number of chunk files and when I run the /beegfs/data/me/perl-5.30.1/localperl/bin/cpan Bio::MUST::Apps::HmmCleaner command, for some reason some files are created into the home directory and when I look into the log file I see that something is wrong at this moment :
! Installing Bio::MUST::Core::Utils failed. See /beegfs/home/me/.cpanm/work/1580931498.36405/build.log for details. Retry with --force to force install it.
Warning: unable to close filehandle $out properly: Disk quota exceeded at /beegfs/data/me/perl-5.30.1/localperl/bin/cpanm line 49.
Warning: unable to close filehandle $out properly: Disk quota exceeded at /beegfs/data/me/perl-5.30.1/localperl/bin/cpanm line 49.
Warning: unable to close filehandle $out properly: Disk quota exceeded at /beegfs/data/me/perl-5.30.1/localperl/bin/cpanm line 49.
But when I look into the disk quota in data, both memory and chuck file limit is not reached, but for the home the number of chunk files is exceeded!
Does someone know how can I force to run all the files created in the installation into the data repository instead of home?
Thank you for your help.
for polarbear :
When I do :
/beegfs/data/me/perl-5.30.1/localperl/bin/cpan -D local::lib
I get :
Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging requires configuration, but most of it can be done automatically.
If you answer 'no' below, you will enter an interactive dialog for each
configuration option instead.
Would you like to configure as much as possible automatically? [yes] yes
Fetching with LWP:
Reading '/beegfs/home/me/.cpan/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz'
Fetching with LWP:
Reading '/beegfs/home/me/.cpan/sources/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz'
Database was generated on Thu, 06 Feb 2020 08:41:03 GMT
New version (v2.27) available.
[Currently running version is v2.22]
You might want to try
install CPAN
reload cpan
to both upgrade and run the new version without leaving
the current session.
Fetching with LWP:
Reading '/beegfs/home/me/.cpan/sources/modules/'
Writing /beegfs/home/me/.cpan/Metadata
(no description)
(no installation file)
Installed: not installed
CPAN: 2.000024 Not up to date
Graham Knop (HAARG)
Lets follow next scenario
mv ~/.cpam /beegfs/data/me
ln -s /beegfs/data/me/.cpan ~/.cpan
HOME=/beegfs/data/me perl -Mlocal::lib > ~/.lib_perl
these commands will
move $HOME/.cpan directory from $HOME to /beegfs/data/me
symlink it in $HOME directory
run perl with local::lib module
it will check for $SHELL
output configuration variables to $HOME/.lib_perl file
Now source $HOME/.lib_perl in your shell environment according your $SHELL (bash - .bashrc, csh - .cshrc, ...) on login into system.
As you work remotely you have to logout and login to pickup changes (do it in separate terminal just in case if you do something wrong and you need back door to revert your changes).
At this point you should be able to use cpan to install modules into /beegfs/data/me/perl5 directory.
Check if local::lib is installed with following command
cpan -D local::lib
If it is installed then head to following webpage local::lib and do some reading - pay attention to point #4.
Otherwise check if cpanm is available in your system.
As an option you can set variables manually
Before setting private library check that you have write permission on storage directory.

Why does posix.exec fail to run in an RPM scriplet?

I am trying to use posix.exec in the %post Lua scriplet of an RPM spec file, e.g.
%post -p <lua>
posix.exec("/usr/bin/touch /tmp/test.txt")
I get the error:
Running transaction
Installing : my-package-1.0.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64 1/1
error: lua script failed: [string "%post(my-package-1.0.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64)"]:1: exec not permitted in this context
Why does this error happen? How to run a program in a Lua scriplet via posix.exec? I've tried os.execute and it works for me but I wonder why posix.exec fails while it is provided just for this purpose.
RPM version 4.8.0
I know the question is old, but as I fell over the same thing and this popped up in the google hits: rpm blocks posix.exec if you haven't forked as exec replaces the current process. And exec also does not run shell commands as you seem to expect.
What you need/want is os.execute

Install Perl module with assume yes for given options non-interactively

Normally in linux Debian we do sth like this to install a package non-interactively e.g
sudo apt-get install -y Package_x_z
#[-y --assume-yes]
How we can do the same while installing a perl module e.g
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBI'
That prompt is (typically) coming from ExtUtils::MakeMaker's prompt() function. Stick export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 in your .bashrc (or equivalent for your preferred shell) to stop the prompts. The ExUtils::MakeMaker man page documents it thus:
If set to a true value then MakeMaker's prompt function will always return the default
without waiting for user input.
Note that this can come to bite you if you run cpan(1) on a box that's not yet had CPAN repositories configured. It will rattle on and get stuck in a prompt loop at a point where there is no default and you need to make a choice, but have no ability to do so. export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=0 in the shell before running cpan(1) will of course temporarily re-enable input.
To prevent the CPAN client from asking whether to install prerequisites, start it in interactive mode
perl -MCPAN -e shell
and enter the commands:
o conf build_requires_install_policy yes
o conf prerequisites_policy follow
o conf commit
The commit command is optional, but it will update the default configuration, which I suspect is what you want. Without it, you may or may not (depending on whether autocommit is enabled in your CPAN config) need to make this change every time you want to do a prompt-less installation.
These changes will deal with all of the CPAN client's routine questions about whether to install dependencies. For distributions which have questions embedded in their install scripts, you may also want to add
o conf inactivity_timeout 60
to set how long it will wait for a response before automatically going with the default answer to the question. (Set it to 0 to change it back to "wait forever".)
What about just :
$ yes | sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBI'
Ban ! your problem is solved :-)
Appending to an answer here, you can also make these changes in config file located at /usr/share/perl5/CPAN/
'build_requires_install_policy' => q[yes],
'prerequisites_policy' => q[follow],
This helped me to automate installation, since CPAN doesn't have these configuration by default.

ActivePerl and PPM

I have installed ActivePerl 5.14.2 on a Windows 32 bit machine running XP. My problem is that I'm trying to install a few modules with PPM and it's not working out.
According to ActiveState's website, all you need to do to install a module from their repository is "ppm install module name" , example:
Every time I try this or any other module I get: "No Perl script found in input"
Even when I do just "ppm" I get the same message, even though the GUI should run.
When I run PPM with a GUI from the start menu I get this error: "Failed 500 Can't connect to (connect: timeout)”
I though that it might be my connection, so using cmd.exe I used the set HTTP_PROXY command and then tried ppm install, but still no luck. So is there any way I can get these modules installed?
Any advice is appreciated !!
Invoke the cpan prompt from your command prompt. Go to cmd and simply type cpan. If you successfully enter cpan prompt them there is probably no issues with your Perl installation. To install a module from cpan prompt just use
cpan>install Module::Name
Screenshot below shows command to install module Net::Stomp
If the above does not work, check if your FTP data and connection ports needs to be added to the Windows firewall exceptions (Ports 20 (FTP Command port) and 21 (FTP Data port)).
Alternatively (if you don't want to add port 20 21 to exception), you can go to the cpan prompt and use an ftp_proxy by
cpan> o conf ftp_proxy
and then issue install command. Or you can update your ../CPAN/ file to make permanent changes to the ftp_proxy parameter.
The next step would be to try set the FTP_PASSIVE mode to 1. By default the libnetcfg configuration for this is set to 0. To change this find libnetcfg.bat file (should be somewhere C:\Perl\bin), open the file in an editor and replace
ftp_int_passive 0
ftp_int_passive 1
Again, looking at you r timeout error it seems that your network is blocking you from accessing the CPAN ftp mirrors, this would happen mostly if you are inside a corporate VPN. The solution to this can only be proxy servers.