How do I test my app on iphone - iphone

I am university student, and i received from school an invitation to apple developer which i created an account and joined the group. I downloaded and installed the "WWDR intermediate certificate" and installed it, also noticed that they added my device in the provisioning profile.
From here I am lost, were I am not sure what is the next steps I should do

Login to the Member Center
Go to the provisioning portal
Create a developer certificate (different from a distribution cert, which you'll need for AppStore release)
Create an App ID (and add a device, if you're doing an ad hoc app)
Create, download, and install a provisioning profile
Plug your iPhone into your Mac
Build your Xcode project for the device (instead of for the simulator)

In the developer portal you should:
Enter your app and give it a name.
Add the app to a provisioning file.
Download the provisioning file
Drag that file into Xcode.
In the organizer-window in Xcode - add the provisioning file to your phone. This might not be necessary since Xcode can automatically download a team provisioning file.
That was from the top of my head. Try search for a guide or tutorial for it, there's plenty of them :)


How to distribute iPad app as in-house app?

I developed some 3 apps for my organization and we want to distribute it to some 30 iPads in the office. I am tying to find a step by step process to do it. But didn't find any so far. The methods I tried and failed are the following,
I took the app (with .app extension which can be found in ~/Library/Developer/../IOs_Release) and provisional certificate and dropped them in iTunes library. After that I connected a new iPad (not a registered as development device) to my mac book. Through itunes, I tried to sync the app. But an alert appeared on the ipad showing "xyz app is failed to install"
I tried the ad hoc distribution. First I archived app in the xcode archive and clicked distribute button. A wizard appeared asking for what kind of distribution do I want. I selected ad-hoc distribution and it automatically selected my iPhone distribution certificate and processed and gave me .ipa file. I tried installing it in the iPad by itunes sync and it gave me same error.
It would be great to get steps for in-house app distribution since they are nowhere to be found.
Check out my answer to another person's SO question HERE
This assumes that your organization is setup with an Enterprise developer account.
There is a project called iOS Beta Builder, check the below links:
Introducing iOS Beta Builder
iOS Beta Builder GitHub page
iOS Beta Builder Mac AppStore
The provisioning profile used for the adhoc build must have a reference to the 30 devices.
Go to the Provisioning Portal and add all 30 devices under the Devices section.
Then add those devices to the adhoc provisioning profile (Provisioning, Distribution).
Once added, download the updated provisioning profile and install it in Xcode. Delete any previous profile.
Build and Archive the app. Make sure the archive build is properly setup to use your adhoc provisioning profile.
Use the Organizer to save the ipa file from the archive build.
Drop the ipa file into iTunes. Now sync each of the 30 devices to include the app.
Xcode - Product -> Archive
Distribute -> (Select) Save for enterprise or Ad-Hoc Development (Next)-> Code sign identity (select your profile)-> save File on disk -> distribute project.ipa file.

Failed to install iphone application for ad hoc

I followed the stepped to create a ad hoc carefully:
Added the testers team devices to the devices list in iOs Provisioning profile page
Created a new distribution profile for ad-hoc
In xcode I chose the project and clicked on product->archive.
I sent both the archive (ipa file) and mobile provision to the testers team.
The application failed to install.
I saw an answer of a developer to set in build settings the provisioning file to Code Signing Identities to the distribution profile here
In the list I can see only iOS Team Provisioning Profile that was created by xcode.
This is probably not the distribution profile.
What is missing? How can I set the build settings to the distribution ones?
In the IOS Provisioning Portal, in the Provisioning page, click the 'Download' button by your new distribution profile and it should get added to XCode.
To check you have it, go to XCode Organizer, Devices, then Library / Provisioning Profiles on the left.
You may also use
This is a free service and works very reliably - you can manage your testers and test ipa's easily.
First I also tried testing my app without such a service - but I ended up using this, since it's also very easy for the testers.
Create Distribution certificate and Provisioning profile.
You should have the Distribution certificate in key-chain.
Download Distribution Provisioning profile and double click on that profile.
Confirm you are having the profile in XCode -> Organizer.
In case the Add-Hoc deployment won't install on a testing device, and you have the device added to the profile, and the app signed correctly ...
Ok, what I did is to add an Entitlements.plist file and set the Can be debugged option to NO and set it on the target as the Code Signing Entitlements, but actually I don't know if this was the fix because I won't try again and again, now that it worked.
Then, actually I didn't archive the app and save the .ipa file from Organizer - Archives, but instead I've sent the .app file from the build/Release-iphoneos as it is, together with the profile downloaded from dev account. It will install in iTunes and it just worked, after couple of hours of frustration.

Ad-hoc distribution in XCode 4

I have a problem, I've got ad-hoc distribution povisioning profile. I have done all procedure
product/archive and there are only two buttons validate and distribute and NO share button.
What to do? I followed this tutorial But there no button share.
I tried to click distribute then chose save for enterprise or ad-hoc distribution then saved it but ipa file doesn't work on IPhone(.
Please help me.
I will try to make it simple for you:
Collect UDID for each iPhone/iPad you have then login to the provisioning profile and open the Devices page and add them.
Generate distribution certificate from the provisioning portal
Create new APP ID with bundle ID
Create ad-doc dist. profile
login to iTunes Connect and create the App details
download and install the ad-hoc profile and the certificate you generated.
configure your xcode project to referee to the bundle id and sign the build with the profile you just installed.
archive the project and distribute it through or just send the ipa file to the testers so they can install it through iTunes.
TestFlightApp will make your life easier and save you time telling the testers how to download the ipa through the itunes.
Do you have the UUID of the device you are trying to install to registered to your developer account and added to your ad-hoc provisioning profile?
Is the build configuration used for archiving set to use this provisioning profile?
When you archived to a .ipa, did you try to install it through iTunes?

How can I find out why my "Ad Hoc" build for iPhone will not install?

Following the instructions at, I've archived and created the .ipa file. However, whenever I try to install it to my iPhone through iTunes, it gets about 3/4ths of the way done before it stops and tells me the app failed to install. How can I go about finding out why it failed to install?
I'm using xCode 4.2
I am trying to install an app that I currently have on the market. I do have a valid developer account, and the app is code signed.
The first thing to check is whether the device you are trying to install to is added to a list of development devices in the Provisioning Portal.
Then please check if your device is in a list of devices your provisioning profile supports (Review your Ad Hoc profile in Provisioning Portal).
Here's how you can do it:
Go to Provisioning Portal, navigate to Provisioning -> Distribution
Edit your Ad Hoc profile and make sure your target devices are selected:
Do you have a paid developer account and is the app codesigned?

how do I give a provisioning app to another person?

I have a developed an iphone application. The web service was developed by someone who is remote and does not have a developer account / xcode etc. He does have iTunes though.
Is there a way for me to allow his iphone to install the application without him having to create a developer account, have xcode etc? A way to make the application available to his iTunes would be ideal.
Is this possible?
Many thanks,
Get his iPhone device UDID. Then create a distribution profile for ad-hoc distribution and add his UDID to the profile. Create a distribution build of your app and sign with that distribution profile. Send over the build .app and the .mobileprovision (provisioning profile) to him. He will have to install the profile first via iTunes (drag and drop to Library section and then sync) and then similarly he can install the app once the profile is successfully installed.