Launching application on call - iphone

I am new to iphone application. I am creating a new application which should work in background and activate when call comes. I understand truecaller works in similar way.
Thank You

The multitasking on iPhone isn't like on the others. So you can't run your application really in background excepted you want to use music or something like this.
Also, you can't detect if the user is calling or not.

An application running in the background has only one way to make itself felt: send a Push Notification


Application which work in background only iPhone

I have requirement for an application which work in background only.
When first time application install on device then after installation that will be go to background. And after two minutes a view will popup on screen.
Now problem is that after installation how to redirect application into background?
i get answer for this that if we want to send our app into background then we have to open another app like as safari. so i get this solution.
Now problem is that how show a view after two minutes from background. I have to create as a demo not for app store. So if anyone have any solution then suggest me.
It is not possible to do so in iOS. You can't send an app into the background
If you want your app to get displayed, the only way to do so is through push (from server) or local (from phone) notifications, and the user has to explicitly accept it.
Unfortunately, you can't make it open automatically.
iOS is not designed to run code in the background. There are a few exceptions, for example a music streaming app, or a GPS navigation app, but in general it cannot be done.
Instead, you should run your app on a server in the cloud, and send a push notification to the phone when you want something to happen on the phone. You may also be able to achieve this with "local notifications", depending on what you're trying to do.

Block calls in Iphone while application running

I need help, working on iPhone app using phoneGap 0.9.6.
while using app I want to block all incoming calls because i do not want the application to be interrupted.
Can any one help.?
No, you can't do this with any public APIs.
However, your application delegate will be notified when a call comes in, and you can prepare for this (save data, pause, etc.).
Is it possible? I don't think you can block calls in application.
Maybe you can detect Airplane mode & ask user to switch to Airplane mode if they haven't.
You can't. See also

recognize that user call somebody

how to regognize that user call somebody from code?(means i have an app and want to do sth when user call somebody)
You can't do that I'm afraid, firstly your app won't be running when they are calling someone and secondly you can't access the phone functions from the SDK. Might be possible with a background process on a jail broken phone.
This is not possible, not through code nor through notifications. You can't do anything to stop this, when a phonecall comes in, your application gets suspended, like as if you'd press home in iOS 4 and it will multitask if it has been programed to do so. Have a look at the UIApplication implementations for multitasking and do your work there.

iPhone - is it possible to "awaken" an app after a certain time?

I was wondering if it was possible to have an "alarm" style app that would run at a certain time? Would the application have to be run and then left open?
I know with multi-tasking on the iPhone 4 a user could open the app and run it in the background. If my original question isn't possible, is it possible to bring an app running in the background back into the foreground after a certain time?
Thank you very much for your help.
Have a look at the new 4.0 feature called Local Notifications. Local and Push Notification Programming Guide
You can use EventKit to put certain alarms. It is however not possible to schedule to launch of your app. You can not bring your app forward like you suggest. You could however send a push notification. The link suggested by Jessedc gives a lot of in-depth information about the use of this.

How do I send my application to background?

I want to run my application in background ...
What things must I do to support this?
Not sure what you really want. You can't put your application into background, only the user can do that. You should read the documentation on the few things that an app is allowed to do when in background. Location tracking, play music and continue VOIP calls.