I have a collection of ZIP archives residing in a collection of folders inside Folder1\, with more than one zip file per folder.
I want to create a duplicate of this folder structure in another destination folder Destination\, but with all the ZIP files encrypted.
the folders inside Folder1\ are never nested any deeper than one, but a general solution that recurses into folders would be nice.
I have messed around with substrings but cannot get it to work. I'm sure I'm only a % away but it's got me stumped:
for /D %%S in (.\*) do (
echo %%S
set PN=%%S:~2,99%
echo %PN%
for %%F in (%%S\*.zip) do (
echo "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Destination\%PN%\%%~nxF"
the %%S returns a path in the form ".\Folder" and "set PN=%%S:~2,99%" is supposed to remove the ".\" but it ain't happening.
echo $$S displays ".\Folder" (without the quotes) which is OK
echo %PN% displays ".\Folder:~2,99" which is not OK
I'm OK with the unzipping/zipping, it's just the pathnames that have me stumped.
There are some issues with your script.
You cannot use substring expressions with a loop variable. You'll have to store its value to an environment variable (like SET name=%%S) and extract the substring from that variable.
Without enabling delayed expansion of variables you won't be able to use environment variables inside a command block enclosed in parentheses, if the vars are initialised within that same block. The problem is, the commands within the block are parsed (and vars are evaluated) at the same time the parent command is parsed (FOR in this case). So most probably you'll always have an empty string in place of %PN% there.
Actually you don't need the PN var. Seems like you've only introduced it to drop the .\ part of the folder name. But you don't have to use the .\* mask in the outer FOR loop, just use * instead. (Still, if .\* seems to you more meaningful, you can simply use %%~nxS where you need to substitute the folder's name.)
So, this should give you the expected output:
for /D %%S in (*) do (
for %%F in ("%%S\*.zip") do (
echo "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Destination\%%S\%%~nxF"
And if you insist on using the .\* mask:
for /D %%S in (.\*) do (
for %%F in ("%%~nxS\*.zip") do (
echo "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Destination\%%~nxS\%%~nxF"
I'm using tshell to connect to a device and I need to check if a given path is a file or directory.
I was hoping to use the cmd-device function which runs cmd commands on the device, but there doesn't seem to be a cmd command to do this.
Does someone have a way to check whether a given path is to a directory or to a file using the standard cmd functions?
Since you have PowerShell tagged in your question, one option would be to check the object type returned by the Get-Item cmdlet.
(Get-Item C:\Windows) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]
# Shorter version
(gi C:\Windows) -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]
The usual test for a folder existence is
if exist "x:\somewhere\" echo FOLDER FOUND
but, in some cases (i know the case of novell netware redirector) the previous condition will always evaluate to true, both when "x:\somewhere" is a file or when it is a folder
One alternative can be
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions
set "target=c:\windows"
set "what=NOT EXIST"
for %%a in ("%target%") do for /f "delims=r-" %%b in ("%%~aa%%~za"
) do if "%%b"=="d" ( set "what=FOLDER" ) else ( set "what=FILE" )
echo %what%
Check for the presence of an initial d in the list of attributes of the file/folder.
Each of the attributes in the list can be a letter (depending on the attribute) or a dash.
The two first are d for directory and r for readonly. So, second for uses r- as delimiters to separate the possible d from the rest of attributes.
If the file does not have any attributes set, the tokenizer in for command will eliminate all the dashes, non assigning data to the replaceable parameter and in consecuence not executing the code inside the do clause. To avoid it, %%~za (the size of the element) is appended to the string, so, there will always be data to be processed if the file/folder exists. If it does not exist, the expresion %%~aa%%~za is evaluated to a empty string and the code in the do clause will not execute.
Im trying to create a batch script to call a .exe to carry out analysis on multiple data files in a same folder. The syntax should be like:
"D:\Softwares\Analyzer.exe" [DataFile1].dat [DataFile2].dat ... [DataFileN].dat AnalysisFile.pdo"
Currently I have tried to use a FOR loop to scan each *.dat file in a specified folder. (I don't know how many data files in that folder, so I cannot type the filenames directly in the command line)
For example:
FOR /r %%i in (*.dat) DO (
"D:\Softwares\Analyzer.exe" %%~ni.dat TestAnalysis.pdo
However, the analysis is carried out on seperate datafiles, and the .exe file will pop-up and open every time when a new .dat file is detected. Is there any way I could use *.dat or any other methods to represent [DataFile1].dat [DataFile2].dat ... [DataFileN].dat in one line seperated by a space (not a new line)?
I have also tried to use #tilte, which does not work as well. Since the .exe window keep pop-up whenever a new .dat file is detected and I have to close each of them in order to continue to next .dat file.
In general, I would like to do an automatic scan in a folder, get the names of the datafiles, and write a command line to call these .dat files in one line.
Any ideas/helps appreciated!!!
try this, remove the word echo if the output is OK:
#echo off &setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "line="
for %%i in (*.dat) do set "line=!line! "%%i""
echo "D:\Softwares\Analyzer.exe" %line% TestAnalysis.pdo
The code doesn't work with *dat files with exclams ! in the file name. This may be fixed if needed.
I would like to read two parameters that are passed to a batch file. The batch file will be executed from a C++ program using CreateProcess method. The second parameter to the batch file is a folder path, so from the program if I am passing the second parameter such as "E:\test folder\test2" the batch file does not get executed.
But if I instead pass E:\test folder\test2 the batch file gets executed but obviously the second parameter has the value E:\test only.. So what I would like to do is to read the first parameter using %1 and get the rest of the contents into another variable.
Can some one tell me how I can achieve this ? I tried with %* but it gives me both first and second parameters. I would like to remove the first token with space as delimiter so that I have the rest of the contents in the variable. Is there a way to do this ?
For example If I pass test.bat testparameter1 E:\test folder\test folder2\test folder3
I would like to read the value E:\test folder\test folder2\test folder3 into a variable.
If I pass test.bat testparameter1 E:\test\test folderX\test folderY the valueIi want to read in to a variable inside the batch file is E:\test\test folderX\test folderY
Can someone help me with this ? Thanks in advance.
Could you change spaces in the path by another character in your C++ code? For example, if we change spaces by arroba, then you could pass this:
test.bat testparameter1 E:\test#folder\test#folder2\test#folder3
and in the Batch file do the opposite change this way:
set param2=%2
set param2=%param2:#= %
Another possible method is to collect all the parameters from the second one on in the same variable, separating each one by one space:
set param1=%1
set param2=
set param2=%param2% %1
if not "%1" == "" goto nextParam
If your batch file is called with
test.bat testparam1 "E:\test\folder2\test folder 3"
You can read the parameters using %1 and %2
rem Contents of test.bat
#echo %0
#echo %1
#echo %2
The above produces:
C:\Temp>test testparam1 "E:\test\folder2\test folder 3"
"E:\test\folder2\test folder 3"
So you already have the parameters as variables; they're called %1 for the first one, %2 for the second, and so forth.
If the problem is that you're trying to do something using the "E:\test\folder2\test folder 3" path, just make sure you add a trailing backslash before passing it in:
"E:\test\folder2\test folder 3\"
Hey guys, I'm looking for a batch file to tell me if certain folders have been modified today (I'll run it every morning). I'm happy to specify each of the folders to be to be queried, I just haven't been able to find anything that meets my requirements yet. If anyone knows off the top of their head what the code for the .bat would be, that would be awesome :) Thanks in advance.
Here's a batch file that should do the trick:
#echo off
for /D %%Q IN (*.*) DO (
set FILETIME=%%~tQ
if "!FILETIME:~0,10!"=="%DATE:~4%" echo %%Q
This works by comparing the date-part of the file timestamp against the current date.
As written, it checks directories in the current directory, but you could replace *.* with whatever filespec you want to test (or pass it in as an argument).
I don't know if this will work on systems with anything other default English/US regional settings, but it could probably be tweaked to make it work, if it doesn't already. I also don't know what would happen if the system is shared between users in different time-zones.
you can use a vbscript
Set objFS = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
strFolder = WScript.Arguments(0)
Set objFolder = objFS.GetFolder(strFolder)
If DateDiff("d", Now, objFolder.DateLastModified ) = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "0"
End If
in your batch file (or command line)
C:\test>cscript //nologo test.vbs myFolderName
use a for loop to catch the output. (Or you can even do everything in vbscript )
I have a set of base filenames, for each name 'f' there are exactly two files, 'f.in' and 'f.out'. I want to write a batch file (in Windows XP) which goes through all the filenames, for each one it should:
Display the base name 'f'
Perform an action on 'f.in'
Perform another action on 'f.out'
I don't have any way to list the set of base filenames, other than to search for *.in (or *.out) for example.
Assuming you have two programs that process the two files, process_in.exe and process_out.exe:
for %%f in (*.in) do (
echo %%~nf
process_in "%%~nf.in"
process_out "%%~nf.out"
%%~nf is a substitution modifier, that expands %f to a file name only.
See other modifiers in https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490909.aspx (midway down the page) or just in the next answer.
You can use this line to print the contents of your desktop:
FOR %%I in (C:\windows\desktop\*.*) DO echo %%I
Once you have the %%I variable it's easy to perform a command on it (just replace the word echo with your program)
In addition, substitution of FOR variable references has been enhanced
You can now use the following optional syntax:
%~I - expands %I removing any surrounding quotes (")
%~fI - expands %I to a fully qualified path name
%~dI - expands %I to a drive letter only
%~pI - expands %I to a path only (directory with \)
%~nI - expands %I to a file name only
%~xI - expands %I to a file extension only
%~sI - expanded path contains short names only
%~aI - expands %I to file attributes of file
%~tI - expands %I to date/time of file
%~zI - expands %I to size of file
%~$PATH:I - searches the directories listed in the PATH
environment variable and expands %I to the
fully qualified name of the first one found.
If the environment variable name is not
defined or the file is not found by the
search, then this modifier expands to the
empty string
In the above examples %I and PATH can be replaced by other valid
values. The %~ syntax is terminated by a valid FOR variable name.
Picking upper case variable names like %I makes it more readable and
avoids confusion with the modifiers, which are not case sensitive.
You can get the full documentation by typing FOR /?
Easiest way, as I see it, is to use a for loop that calls a second batch file for processing, passing that second file the base name.
According to the for /? help, basename can be extracted using the nifty ~n option. So, the base script would read:
for %%f in (*.in) do call process.cmd %%~nf
Then, in process.cmd, assume that %0 contains the base name and act accordingly. For example:
echo The file is %0
copy %0.in %0.out
ren %0.out monkeys_are_cool.txt
There might be a better way to do this in one script, but I've always been a bit hazy on how to pull of multiple commands in a single for loop in a batch file.
EDIT: That's fantastic! I had somehow missed the page in the docs that showed that you could do multi-line blocks in a FOR loop. I am going to go have to go back and rewrite some batch files now...
Expanding on Nathans post. The following will do the job lot in one batch file.
#echo off
if %1.==Sub. goto %2
for %%f in (*.in) do call %0 Sub action %%~nf
goto end
echo The file is %3
copy %3.in %3.out
ren %3.out monkeys_are_cool.txt
There is a tool usually used in MS Servers (as far as I can remember) called forfiles:
The link above contains help as well as a link to the microsoft download page.
The code below filters filenames starting with given substring. It could be changed to fit different needs by working on subfname substring extraction and IF statement:
echo off
rem filter all files not starting with the prefix 'dat'
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
FOR /R your-folder-fullpath %%F IN (*.*) DO (
set fname=%%~nF
set subfname=!fname:~0,3!
IF NOT "!subfname!" == "dat" echo "%%F"
Echoing f.in and f.out will seperate the concept of what to loop and what not to loop when used in a for /f loop.
::Get the files seperated
echo f.in>files_to_pass_through.txt
echo f.out>>files_to_pass_through.txt
for /F %%a in (files_to_pass_through.txt) do (
for /R %%b in (*.*) do (
if "%%a" NEQ "%%b" (
echo %%b>>dont_pass_through_these.txt
::I'm assuming the base name is the whole string "f".
::If I'm right then all the files begin with "f".
::So all you have to do is display "f". right?
::But that would be too easy.
::Let's do this the right way.
for /f %%C in (dont_pass_through_these.txt)
::displays the filename and not the extention
echo %~nC
Although you didn't ask, a good way to pass commands into f.in and f.out would be to...
for /F %%D "tokens=*" in (dont_pass_through_these.txt) do (
for /F %%E in (%%D) do (
start /wait %%E
A link to all the Windows XP commands:link
I apologize if I did not answer this correctly. The question was very hard for me to read.