Have such desktop application
it seems work but finally as token return encrypted saml
could you prompt me how to decrypt it
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += RemoteCertificateValidationCallback;
var samlToken = GetSamlToken("#domain", "#login", "#password");
private static bool RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
return sslPolicyErrors == SslPolicyErrors.None
|| string.Equals(certificate.Issuer, "CN=Name", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
private static string GetSamlToken(string domain, string userName, string password)
var acsUrl = "#RPURL";
var stsUrl = "#stsurl";
WSTrustChannelFactory trustChannelFactory =
new WSTrustChannelFactory(new WindowsWSTrustBinding(SecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential),
new EndpointAddress(new Uri(stsUrl)));
trustChannelFactory.TrustVersion = TrustVersion.WSTrust13;
trustChannelFactory.Credentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Domain = domain;
trustChannelFactory.Credentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = userName;
trustChannelFactory.Credentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = password;
RequestSecurityToken rst =
new RequestSecurityToken(WSTrust13Constants.RequestTypes.Issue, WSTrust13Constants.KeyTypes.Bearer);
rst.AppliesTo = new EndpointAddress(acsUrl);
rst.TokenType = Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenTypes.Saml2TokenProfile11;
WSTrustChannel channel = (WSTrustChannel)trustChannelFactory.CreateChannel();
GenericXmlSecurityToken token = channel.Issue(rst) as GenericXmlSecurityToken;
string tokenString = token.TokenXml.OuterXml;
return tokenString;
check http://zamd.net/category/federationsts/
I have a setup where I need to encrypt blob of data in one app and decrypt it in different app.
I built a sample app that creates a named CngKey object. Then create a RSACng using CngKey object. Then use RSACng object to do encryption/decryption. What I found is that the key changes across restarts of the application even though it is loaded using the name it was created with. I am lost trying to understand the relation between CngKey and RSACng objects.
Below is snippet of code that describes what I am trying to do:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace TPMCrypto
class Program
static byte[] data = { 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 };
static byte[] privateKey;
private static byte[] encrypted;
private static byte[] decrypted;
static void Main(string[] args)
const string MyKey = "MyRSAKey";
CngKey cngKey = null;
string cmd = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : "";
CngKeyCreationParameters cng = new CngKeyCreationParameters
KeyUsage = CngKeyUsages.AllUsages,
KeyCreationOptions = CngKeyCreationOptions.MachineKey,
Provider = CngProvider.MicrosoftSoftwareKeyStorageProvider
if (!CngKey.Exists(MyKey, CngProvider.MicrosoftSoftwareKeyStorageProvider, CngKeyOpenOptions.MachineKey))
Console.WriteLine("Creating rsaKey");
cngKey = CngKey.Create(CngAlgorithm.Rsa, MyKey, cng);
Console.WriteLine("Opening rsaKey");
cngKey = CngKey.Open(MyKey, CngProvider.MicrosoftSoftwareKeyStorageProvider, CngKeyOpenOptions.MachineKey);
RSACng rsaKey = new RSACng(cngKey)
KeySize = 2048
privateKey = rsaKey.Key.Export(CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPrivateBlob);
string prvResult = ByteArrayToHexString(privateKey, 0, privateKey.Length);
Console.WriteLine("\nPrivate key - length = " + privateKey.Length + "\n" + prvResult + "\n");
const string FILE_PATH = #"\temp\tpmtests\encryptedblob.dat";
// Encrypt / decrypt
if (cmd == "readfromfile")
encrypted = File.ReadAllBytes(FILE_PATH);
else if (cmd == "deletekey")
encrypted = Encrypt(rsaKey, data);
Console.WriteLine("The encrypted blob: ");
Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToHexString(encrypted, 0, encrypted.Length));
File.WriteAllBytes(FILE_PATH, encrypted);
decrypted = Decrypt(rsaKey, encrypted);
bool result = ByteArrayCompare(data, decrypted);
if (result)
Console.WriteLine("Encrypt / decrypt works");
Console.WriteLine("Encrypt / decrypt fails");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception " + e.Message);
if (cngKey != null)
static bool ByteArrayCompare(byte[] a1, byte[] a2)
if (a1.Length != a2.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a1.Length; i++)
if (a1[i] != a2[i])
return false;
return true;
public static string ByteArrayToHexString(byte[] bytes, int start, int length)
string delimitedStringValue = BitConverter.ToString(bytes, start, length);
return delimitedStringValue.Replace("-", "");
public static byte[] Sign512(byte[] data, byte[] privateKey)
CngKey key = CngKey.Import(privateKey, CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPrivateBlob);
RSACng crypto = new RSACng(key);
return crypto.SignData(data, HashAlgorithmName.SHA512, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1);
public static bool VerifySignature512(byte[] data, byte[] signature, byte[] publicKey)
CngKey key = CngKey.Import(publicKey, CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPublicBlob);
RSACng crypto = new RSACng(key);
return crypto.VerifyData(data, signature, HashAlgorithmName.SHA512, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1);
public static byte[] Encrypt(byte[] publicKey, byte[] data)
CngKey key = CngKey.Import(publicKey, CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPublicBlob);
RSACng crypto = new RSACng(key);
var result = Encrypt(crypto, data);
return result;
public static byte[] Encrypt(RSACng crypto, byte[] data)
if (null == crypto)
return null;
var result = crypto.Encrypt(data, RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA512);
return result;
public static byte[] Decrypt(byte[] privateKey, byte[] data)
CngKey key = CngKey.Import(privateKey, CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPrivateBlob);
RSACng crypto = new RSACng(key);
var result = Decrypt(crypto, data);
return result;
public static byte[] Decrypt(RSACng aKey, byte[] data)
if (null == aKey)
return null;
var result = aKey.Decrypt(data, RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA512);
return result;
I am aware of dpapi and how to do this using it. I don't want to use it for this, please don't point me in that direction. I am using CNG flavor of crypto to force C# use NCryptXYZ crypto calls and the desire is to secure the keys in TPM.
Ah, looking at your code again, you've made a goof.
RSACng rsaKey = new RSACng(cngKey)
KeySize = 2048
Setting the KeySize property on an RSACng does one of two things:
If get_KeySize == value, ignore the input, do nothing.
Else, detach from the current key and the next time the key is used, generate a new key of get_KeySize at the time.
So you're opening an existing key, then discarding it, and generating a new ephemeral key. (Which you could see by checking rsaKey.Key.Name, it won't match your input).
Presumably you did this as a way to create the key with the right size in the first place, but you're too late. The correct way is
CngKeyCreationParameters cng = new CngKeyCreationParameters
KeyUsage = CngKeyUsages.AllUsages,
KeyCreationOptions = CngKeyCreationOptions.MachineKey,
Provider = CngProvider.MicrosoftSoftwareKeyStorageProvider,
Parameters =
new CngProperty("Length", BitConverter.GetBytes(2048), CngPropertyOptions.Persist),
I use bouncycastle in Java
CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509", "BC")
to generate the cert. It works fine. But when I use
The return value does not match the membersrvc's one.
Did I miss some thing?
With bouncycastle you can do this to extract the ASN1 structure of the extension
public ASN1Primitive getExtensionValue(X509Certificate certificate, String oid) throws IOException {
byte[] bytes = certificate.getExtensionValue(oid);
if (bytes == null) {
return null;
ASN1InputStream aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
ASN1OctetString octs = (ASN1OctetString) aIn.readObject();
aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(octs.getOctets()));
return aIn.readObject();
ASN1 is a complex object, you need to parse it to get the desired field. For example to Give back the CA URI meta-data found within the given X509 cert.
public String getIssuerURL(final X509Certificate certificate) throws Exception {
final ASN1ObjectIdentifier ocspAccessMethod = X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_ad_caIssuers;
final byte[] authInfoAccessExtensionValue = certificate.getExtensionValue(Extension.authorityInfoAccess.getId());
if (null == authInfoAccessExtensionValue) {
return null;
ASN1InputStream ais1 = null;
ASN1InputStream ais2 = null;
try {
final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(authInfoAccessExtensionValue);
ais1 = new ASN1InputStream(bais);
final DEROctetString oct = (DEROctetString) (ais1.readObject());
ais2 = new ASN1InputStream(oct.getOctets());
final AuthorityInformationAccess authorityInformationAccess = AuthorityInformationAccess.getInstance(ais2.readObject());
final AccessDescription[] accessDescriptions = authorityInformationAccess.getAccessDescriptions();
for (AccessDescription accessDescription : accessDescriptions) {
final boolean correctAccessMethod = accessDescription.getAccessMethod().equals(ocspAccessMethod);
if (!correctAccessMethod) {
final GeneralName gn = accessDescription.getAccessLocation();
if (gn.getTagNo() != GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier) {
final DERIA5String str = (DERIA5String) ((DERTaggedObject) gn.toASN1Primitive()).getObject();
final String accessLocation = str.getString();
return accessLocation;
return null;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Exception(e);
} finally {
To return a human-readable string from an ASN1Primitive
public String getStringFromGeneralName(ASN1Primitive names) throws IOException {
ASN1TaggedObject taggedObject = (ASN1TaggedObject) names ;
return new String(ASN1OctetString.getInstance(taggedObject, false).getOctets(), "ISO-8859-1");
I have integrated Facebook in my app and trying to share some content.When I call FaceBookMain() ,it shows error like :
SECURITY WARNINNG:Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone."
Sometimes this error comes after login with Facebook in browser(Webview) otherwise it comes just after clicking on share button.
Most important thing here is ,I am not facing this problem in simulator.Sharing with Facebook is working properly in Simulator but not in Device.
I am adding some class files with it:
Here is FacebookMain.java class:
import net.rim.device.api.applicationcontrol.ApplicationPermissions;
import net.rim.device.api.applicationcontrol.ApplicationPermissionsManager;
import net.rim.device.api.system.PersistentObject;
import net.rim.device.api.system.PersistentStore;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
public class FacebookMain implements ActionListener{// extends MainScreen implements ActionListener {
// Constants
public final static String NEXT_URL = "http://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html";
public final static String APPLICATION_ID = "406758776102494";//"533918076671162" ;
private final static long persistentObjectId = 0x854d1b7fa43e3577L;
static final String ACTION_ENTER = "updateStatus";
static final String ACTION_SUCCESS = "statusUpdated";
static final String ACTION_ERROR = "error";
private ActionScreen actionScreen;
private PersistentObject store;
private LoginScreen loginScreen;
private LogoutScreen logoutScreen;
private HomeScreen homeScreen;
private UpdateStatusScreen updateStatusScreen;
private RecentUpdatesScreen recentUpdatesScreen;
private UploadPhotoScreen uploadPhotoScreen;
private FriendsListScreen friendsListScreen;
private PokeFriendScreen pokeFriendScreen;
private PostWallScreen postWallScreen;
private SendMessageScreen sendMessageScreen;
private String postMessage;
private FacebookContext fbc;
public static boolean isWallPosted=false;
public static boolean isFacebookScreen = false;
public FacebookMain(String postMessge) {
this.postMessage= postMessge;
isFacebookScreen = true;
fbc=new FacebookContext(NEXT_URL, APPLICATION_ID);
loginScreen = new LoginScreen(fbc,"KingdomConnect: "+postMessge);
private void init() {
store = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(persistentObjectId);
synchronized (store) {
if (store.getContents() == null) {
store.setContents(new FacebookContext(NEXT_URL, APPLICATION_ID));
fbc = (FacebookContext) store.getContents();
private void checkPermissions() {
ApplicationPermissionsManager apm = ApplicationPermissionsManager.getInstance();
ApplicationPermissions original = apm.getApplicationPermissions();
if ((original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_INPUT_SIMULATION) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW) && (original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_DEVICE_SETTINGS) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW) && (original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_CROSS_APPLICATION_COMMUNICATION) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW) && (original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_INTERNET) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW) && (original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_SERVER_NETWORK) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW) && (original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_EMAIL) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW)) {
/*ApplicationPermissions permRequest = new ApplicationPermissions();
ApplicationPermissions permRequest = new ApplicationPermissions();
boolean acceptance = ApplicationPermissionsManager.getInstance().invokePermissionsRequest(permRequest);
if (acceptance) {
// User has accepted all of the permissions.
} else {
public void saveContext(FacebookContext pfbc) {
synchronized (store) {
public void logoutAndExit() {
logoutScreen = new LogoutScreen(fbc);
public void saveAndExit() {
private void exit() {
public void onAction(Action event) {}
It is Facebook.java class:
public class Facebook {
protected Logger log = Logger.getLogger(getClass());
public static String API_URL = "https://graph.facebook.com";
public Facebook() {
public static Object read(String path, String accessToken) throws FacebookException {
return read(path, null, accessToken);
public static Object read(String path, Parameters params, String accessToken) throws FacebookException {
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put("access_token", accessToken);
args.put("format", "JSON");
if ((params != null) && (params.getCount() > 0)) {
Enumeration paramNamesEnum = params.getParameterNames();
while (paramNamesEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
String paramName = (String) paramNamesEnum.nextElement();
String paramValue = params.get(paramName).getValue();
args.put(paramName, paramValue);
try {
StringBuffer responseBuffer = HttpClient.getInstance().doGet(API_URL + '/' + path, args);
if (responseBuffer.length() == 0) {
throw new Exception("Empty response");
return new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(responseBuffer.toString()));
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new FacebookException(t.getMessage());
public static Object write(String path, Object object, String accessToken) throws FacebookException {
Hashtable data = new Hashtable();
data.put("access_token", accessToken);
data.put("format", "JSON");
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) object;
Enumeration keysEnum = jsonObject.keys();
while (keysEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) keysEnum.nextElement();
Object val = jsonObject.get(key);
if (!(val instanceof JSONObject)) {
data.put(key, val.toString());
StringBuffer responseBuffer = HttpClient.getInstance().doPost(API_URL + '/' + path, data);
if (responseBuffer.length() == 0) {
throw new FacebookException("Empty response");
return new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(responseBuffer.toString()));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FacebookException(e.getMessage());
public static Object delete(String path, String accessToken) throws FacebookException {
Hashtable data = new Hashtable();
data.put("access_token", accessToken);
data.put("format", "JSON");
data.put("method", "delete");
try {
StringBuffer responseBuffer = HttpClient.getInstance().doPost(API_URL + '/' + path, data);
if (responseBuffer.length() == 0) {
throw new FacebookException("Empty response");
return new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(responseBuffer.toString()));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FacebookException(e.getMessage());
And it is BrowserScreen.class:
public class BrowserScreen extends ActionScreen {
// int[] preferredTransportTypes = { TransportInfo.TRANSPORT_TCP_CELLULAR, TransportInfo.TRANSPORT_WAP2, TransportInfo.TRANSPORT_BIS_B };
int[] preferredTransportTypes = TransportInfo.getAvailableTransportTypes();//{ TransportInfo.TRANSPORT_BIS_B };
ConnectionFactory cf;
BrowserFieldConfig bfc;
BrowserField bf;
String url;
public BrowserScreen(String pUrl) {
url = pUrl;
cf = new ConnectionFactory();
bfc = new BrowserFieldConfig();
bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.ALLOW_CS_XHR, Boolean.TRUE);
bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);
bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.USER_SCALABLE, Boolean.TRUE);
bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.MDS_TRANSCODING_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE);
bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.NAVIGATION_MODE, BrowserFieldConfig.NAVIGATION_MODE_POINTER);
bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.VIEWPORT_WIDTH, new Integer(Display.getWidth()));
// bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.CONNECTION_FACTORY, cf);
bf = new BrowserField(bfc);
public void browse() {
public void show() {
public void fetch() {
public void hide() {
If any body has any clue or want some more related code to get it,please let me know.
do not use secure connection. use http instead of https.
you can refer here
same problem is presented in stackoverflow
facebook warning
I would like to create some unit tests for inserting data to QuickBooks Online. I am having a problem with the authentication step:
public DataServices Authenticate(IntuitServicesType intuitDataServicesType)
DataServices dataServices = null;
string accessToken = HttpContext.Current.Session["accessToken"].ToString();
string accessTokenSecret = HttpContext.Current.Session["accessTokenSecret"].ToString();
string companyID = HttpContext.Current.Session["realm"].ToString();
// now auth to IA
OAuthRequestValidator oauthValidator = new OAuthRequestValidator(accessToken, accessTokenSecret, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"].ToString(), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"].ToString());
ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(oauthValidator, accessToken, companyID, intuitDataServicesType);
dataServices = new DataServices(context);
if (HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Session != null)
HttpContext.Current.Session["DataServices"] = dataServices;
return dataServices;
In my unit test project, which has no user interface, how can I obtain an access token and an access token secret? I cannot log into Intuit from that area.
public void AuthorizeWithHeadersTest()
string accessToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccessTokenQBD"];
string accessTokenSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccessTokenSecretQBD"];
string consumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerKeyQBD"];
string consumerKeySecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerSecretQBD"];
string requestUri = "https://appcenter.intuit.com/Developer/Create";
WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(requestUri);
webRequest.Headers.Add("ContentType", "text/xml");
OAuthRequestValidator target = new OAuthRequestValidator(accessToken, accessTokenSecret, consumerKey, consumerKeySecret);
target.Authorize(webRequest, string.Empty);
Assert.IsTrue(webRequest.Headers.Count > 0);
I'm sharing a sample standalone java code snippet. You can try the same in .net
From appcenter, you can create an app to get consumer key, consumer secret and app token.
Using apiexplorer and the above consumer key, consumer secret, you can get access tokens.
AppCenter - https://appcenter.intuit.com/
Apiexplorer - https://developer.intuit.com/apiexplorer?apiname=V2QBO
You can set all the 5 values in the standalone program(setupQBO method). It will work fine.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.intuit.ds.qb.PartyType;
import com.intuit.ds.qb.QBCustomer;
import com.intuit.ds.qb.QBCustomerService;
import com.intuit.ds.qb.QBInvalidContextException;
import com.intuit.ds.qb.QBObjectFactory;
import com.intuit.ds.qb.QBServiceFactory;
import com.intuit.platform.client.PlatformSessionContext;
import com.intuit.platform.client.PlatformServiceType;
import com.intuit.platform.client.security.OAuthCredentials;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
// QBO API Docs - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0050_data_services/v2/0400_quickbooks_online/Customer
// JavaDocs - http://developer-static.intuit.com/SDKDocs/QBV2Doc/ipp-java-devkit-2.0.10-SNAPSHOT-javadoc/
public class CodegenStubCustomerall {
static String accesstoken = "";
static String accessstokensecret = "";
static String appToken = "";
static String oauth_consumer_key = "";
static String oauth_consumer_secret = "";
static String realmID = "";
static String dataSource = "";
final PlatformSessionContext context;
public CodegenStubCustomerall(PlatformSessionContext context) {
this.context = context;
public void testAdd(){
try {
QBCustomer entityPojo = QBObjectFactory.getQBObject(context, QBCustomer.class);
QBCustomerService service = QBServiceFactory.getService(context, QBCustomerService.class);
QBCustomer qbQBCustomer = service.addCustomer(context, entityPojo);
} catch (QBInvalidContextException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
public List<QBCustomer> testGetAll() {
final List<QBCustomer> entityList = new ArrayList<QBCustomer>();
try {
QBCustomerService service = QBServiceFactory.getService(context, QBCustomerService.class);
List<QBCustomer> qbCustomerList = service.findAll(context, 1,100);
for (QBCustomer each : qbCustomerList) {
} catch (QBInvalidContextException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return entityList;
public static void main(String args[]) {
PlatformSessionContext context = getPlatformContext("QBO");
CodegenStubCustomerall testObj = new CodegenStubCustomerall(context);
public static PlatformSessionContext getPlatformContext(String dataSource) {
PlatformServiceType serviceType = null;
if (dataSource.equalsIgnoreCase("QBO")) {
serviceType = PlatformServiceType.QBO;
final OAuthCredentials oauthcredentials = new OAuthCredentials(
oauth_consumer_key, oauth_consumer_secret, accesstoken,
final PlatformSessionContext context = new PlatformSessionContext(
oauthcredentials, appToken, serviceType, realmID);
return context;
private static void setupQBO() {
System.out.println("QBO token setup");
accesstoken = "replace your tokens";
accessstokensecret = "replace your tokens";
appToken = "replace your tokens";
oauth_consumer_key = "replace your tokens";
oauth_consumer_secret = "replace your tokens";
realmID = "7123456720";
dataSource = "QBO";
For sample .net code, you can refer this link.
In my app I authorization through facebook, all was ok. But now I try login through FB and get error: An error occurred. Please try again later. I update my Facebook, but It doesn't help
This is my code
private const string ExtendedPermissions = "user_about_me";
private FacebookClient _fb = new FacebookClient();
public MainPage()
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters["client_id"] = FacebookSettings.AppID;
parameters["redirect_uri"] = "https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html";
parameters["response_type"] = "token";
parameters["display"] = "page";
parameters["scope"] = ExtendedPermissions;
Uri ur = _fb.GetLoginUrl(parameters);
private void Browser_Navigated(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs l)
if (!_fb.TryParseOAuthCallbackUrl(e.Uri, out oauthResult))
if (oauthResult.IsSuccess)
var accessToken = oauthResult.AccessToken;