How to encrypt data in one app and decrypt it in different Windows app with RSA keys tied to local system? - rsa

I have a setup where I need to encrypt blob of data in one app and decrypt it in different app.
I built a sample app that creates a named CngKey object. Then create a RSACng using CngKey object. Then use RSACng object to do encryption/decryption. What I found is that the key changes across restarts of the application even though it is loaded using the name it was created with. I am lost trying to understand the relation between CngKey and RSACng objects.
Below is snippet of code that describes what I am trying to do:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace TPMCrypto
class Program
static byte[] data = { 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 };
static byte[] privateKey;
private static byte[] encrypted;
private static byte[] decrypted;
static void Main(string[] args)
const string MyKey = "MyRSAKey";
CngKey cngKey = null;
string cmd = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : "";
CngKeyCreationParameters cng = new CngKeyCreationParameters
KeyUsage = CngKeyUsages.AllUsages,
KeyCreationOptions = CngKeyCreationOptions.MachineKey,
Provider = CngProvider.MicrosoftSoftwareKeyStorageProvider
if (!CngKey.Exists(MyKey, CngProvider.MicrosoftSoftwareKeyStorageProvider, CngKeyOpenOptions.MachineKey))
Console.WriteLine("Creating rsaKey");
cngKey = CngKey.Create(CngAlgorithm.Rsa, MyKey, cng);
Console.WriteLine("Opening rsaKey");
cngKey = CngKey.Open(MyKey, CngProvider.MicrosoftSoftwareKeyStorageProvider, CngKeyOpenOptions.MachineKey);
RSACng rsaKey = new RSACng(cngKey)
KeySize = 2048
privateKey = rsaKey.Key.Export(CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPrivateBlob);
string prvResult = ByteArrayToHexString(privateKey, 0, privateKey.Length);
Console.WriteLine("\nPrivate key - length = " + privateKey.Length + "\n" + prvResult + "\n");
const string FILE_PATH = #"\temp\tpmtests\encryptedblob.dat";
// Encrypt / decrypt
if (cmd == "readfromfile")
encrypted = File.ReadAllBytes(FILE_PATH);
else if (cmd == "deletekey")
encrypted = Encrypt(rsaKey, data);
Console.WriteLine("The encrypted blob: ");
Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToHexString(encrypted, 0, encrypted.Length));
File.WriteAllBytes(FILE_PATH, encrypted);
decrypted = Decrypt(rsaKey, encrypted);
bool result = ByteArrayCompare(data, decrypted);
if (result)
Console.WriteLine("Encrypt / decrypt works");
Console.WriteLine("Encrypt / decrypt fails");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception " + e.Message);
if (cngKey != null)
static bool ByteArrayCompare(byte[] a1, byte[] a2)
if (a1.Length != a2.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a1.Length; i++)
if (a1[i] != a2[i])
return false;
return true;
public static string ByteArrayToHexString(byte[] bytes, int start, int length)
string delimitedStringValue = BitConverter.ToString(bytes, start, length);
return delimitedStringValue.Replace("-", "");
public static byte[] Sign512(byte[] data, byte[] privateKey)
CngKey key = CngKey.Import(privateKey, CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPrivateBlob);
RSACng crypto = new RSACng(key);
return crypto.SignData(data, HashAlgorithmName.SHA512, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1);
public static bool VerifySignature512(byte[] data, byte[] signature, byte[] publicKey)
CngKey key = CngKey.Import(publicKey, CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPublicBlob);
RSACng crypto = new RSACng(key);
return crypto.VerifyData(data, signature, HashAlgorithmName.SHA512, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1);
public static byte[] Encrypt(byte[] publicKey, byte[] data)
CngKey key = CngKey.Import(publicKey, CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPublicBlob);
RSACng crypto = new RSACng(key);
var result = Encrypt(crypto, data);
return result;
public static byte[] Encrypt(RSACng crypto, byte[] data)
if (null == crypto)
return null;
var result = crypto.Encrypt(data, RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA512);
return result;
public static byte[] Decrypt(byte[] privateKey, byte[] data)
CngKey key = CngKey.Import(privateKey, CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPrivateBlob);
RSACng crypto = new RSACng(key);
var result = Decrypt(crypto, data);
return result;
public static byte[] Decrypt(RSACng aKey, byte[] data)
if (null == aKey)
return null;
var result = aKey.Decrypt(data, RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA512);
return result;
I am aware of dpapi and how to do this using it. I don't want to use it for this, please don't point me in that direction. I am using CNG flavor of crypto to force C# use NCryptXYZ crypto calls and the desire is to secure the keys in TPM.

Ah, looking at your code again, you've made a goof.
RSACng rsaKey = new RSACng(cngKey)
KeySize = 2048
Setting the KeySize property on an RSACng does one of two things:
If get_KeySize == value, ignore the input, do nothing.
Else, detach from the current key and the next time the key is used, generate a new key of get_KeySize at the time.
So you're opening an existing key, then discarding it, and generating a new ephemeral key. (Which you could see by checking rsaKey.Key.Name, it won't match your input).
Presumably you did this as a way to create the key with the right size in the first place, but you're too late. The correct way is
CngKeyCreationParameters cng = new CngKeyCreationParameters
KeyUsage = CngKeyUsages.AllUsages,
KeyCreationOptions = CngKeyCreationOptions.MachineKey,
Provider = CngProvider.MicrosoftSoftwareKeyStorageProvider,
Parameters =
new CngProperty("Length", BitConverter.GetBytes(2048), CngPropertyOptions.Persist),


Flutter AES128 encryption not matching with java and angular AES encryption

I have to implement a dart algorithm in order to encrypt a password and send it to a server for authentication from a flutter app (it's barely a week since I'm on flutter/dart). This has already been implemented in an android app and angular web app (not from me), which both produce the same encrypted password even though with different algorithms.
Java code for android:
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex;
public class AesUtil {
private final int keySize;
private final int iterationCount;
private final Cipher cipher;
public AesUtil(int keySize, int iterationCount) {
this.keySize = keySize;
this.iterationCount = iterationCount;
try {
cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchPaddingException e) {
throw fail(e);
public String decrypt(String salt, String iv, String passphrase, String ciphertext) {
try {
SecretKey key = generateKey(salt, passphrase);
byte[] decrypted = doFinal(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, iv, base64(ciphertext));
return new String(decrypted, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private byte[] doFinal(int encryptMode, SecretKey key, String iv, byte[] bytes) {
try {
cipher.init(encryptMode, key, new IvParameterSpec(hex(iv)));
return cipher.doFinal(bytes);
} catch (InvalidKeyException
| InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
| IllegalBlockSizeException
| BadPaddingException e) {
return null;
private SecretKey generateKey(String salt, String passphrase) {
try {
SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1");
KeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(passphrase.toCharArray(), hex(salt), iterationCount, keySize);
SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(factory.generateSecret(spec).getEncoded(), "AES");
return key;
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
return null;
public static byte[] base64(String str) {
return Base64.decode(str);
public static String base64(byte[] bytes) {
return new String(Base64.encode(bytes));
public static byte[] hex(String str) {
try {
return Hex.decode(str);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
public static String hex(byte[] bytes) {
return Hex.encode(bytes).toString();
private IllegalStateException fail(Exception e) {
return null;
public String random(int length) {
byte[] salt = new byte[length];
new SecureRandom().nextBytes(salt);
return hex(salt);
public String encrypt(String salt, String iv, String passphrase, String plaintext) {
try {
SecretKey key = generateKey(salt, passphrase);
byte[] encrypted = doFinal(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, iv, plaintext.getBytes("UTF-8"));
return base64(encrypted);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw fail(e);
public String encriptToAES(String password) {
//for some reasons key, iv and salt are hardcoded string
final String key = "hardcoded_key_16_characters";
final String iv = "hardcoded_iv_32_characters";
final String salt = "hardcoded_salt_32_characters";
String ciphertext = encrypt(salt, iv, key, password);
String preEncr = new String(Base64.encode((iv + "::" + salt + "::" + ciphertext).getBytes()));
return preEncr;
And this is the java line of code which generate the encrypted password:
AesUtil(128, 1000).encriptToAES(password)
JS code for angular:
import * as CryptoJS from 'crypto-js';
export class AesUtil{
private keySize;
private iterationCount;
constructor(keySize, iterationCount) {
this.keySize = keySize / 32;
this.iterationCount = iterationCount;
generateKey(salt, passPhrase) {
var key = CryptoJS.PBKDF2(
{ keySize: this.keySize, iterations: this.iterationCount });
return key;
encrypt(salt, iv, passPhrase, plainText) {
var key = this.generateKey(salt, passPhrase);
var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(
{ iv: CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(iv) });
return encrypted.ciphertext.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
decrypt(salt, iv, passPhrase, cipherText) {
var key = this.generateKey(salt, passPhrase);
var cipherParams = CryptoJS.lib.CipherParams.create({
ciphertext: CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(cipherText)
var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(
{ iv: CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(iv) });
return decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
And this code does the trick:
const iv = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(128/8).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);
const salt = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(128/8).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);
const aesUtil = newAesUtil(128,1000);
const cipherText = aesUtils.encrypt(salt,iv,'hardcoded_key_16_characters',password);
const aesPassword = (iv+ '::' + salt + '::'+ cipherText);
const encryptedPassword = btoa(aesPassword);
For what I can understand I need an AES128 encryption method, where to set a specific number of iterations, which accepts iv and salt and eventually encrypt the result with Base64.
I have already tried all kinds of dart encryption packages on and snippets without success.
I was relying on this one in particular, but even with hardcoded parameters the result password doesn't match and I'm not able to figure out why. Does anyone know on which elements I have to focus in order to achieve the same result in flutter? For example, which aes128 'plugin' should I use? Static or random iv and salt? All kind of things, I'm pretty much lost. Thanks
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:cryptography/cryptography.dart';
final password = "justatest";
final key = "0123456789abcdef";
final iv = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv";
final salt = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz012345";
encryptAESCryptoJS() {
final pbkdf2 = Pbkdf2(
macAlgorithm: Hmac(sha1),
iterations: 1000,
bits: 128,
final Uint8List hashBytes = pbkdf2.deriveBitsSync(
nonce: Nonce(utf8.encode(salt)),

Open OSM pbf results in Protobuf exception

Using OSMSharp I am having trouble to open a stream for a file (which I can provide on demand)
The error occurs in PBFReader (line 104)
using (var tmp = new LimitedStream(_stream, length))
header = _runtimeTypeModel.Deserialize(tmp, null, _blockHeaderType) as BlobHeader;
and states: "ProtoBuf.ProtoException: 'Invalid field in source data: 0'" which might mean different things as I have read in this SO question.
The file opens and is visualized with QGis so is not corrupt in my opinion.
Can it be that the contracts do not match? Is OsmSharp/core updated to the latest .proto files for OSM from here (although not sure if this is the real original source for the definition files).
And what might make more sense, can it be that the file I attached is generated for v2 of OSM PBF specification?
In the code at the line of the exception I see the following comment which makes me wonder:
// TODO: remove some of the v1 specific code.
// TODO: this means also to use the built-in capped streams.
// code borrowed from:
// I'm just being lazy and re-using something "close enough" here
// note that v2 has a big-endian option, but Fixed32 assumes little-endian - we
// actually need the other way around (network byte order):
// length = IntLittleEndianToBigEndian((uint)length);
BlobHeader header;
// again, v2 has capped-streams built in, but I'm deliberately
// limiting myself to v1 features
So this makes me wonder if OSM Sharp is (still) up-to-date.
My sandbox code looks like this:
using OsmSharp.Streams;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using OsmSharp.Tags;
namespace OsmSharp
class Program
private const string Path = #"C:\Users\Bernoulli IT\Documents\Applications\Argaleo\Test\";
private const string FileNameAntarctica = "antarctica-latest.osm";
private const string FileNameOSPbf = "OSPbf";
private const Boolean useRegisterSource = false;
private static KeyValuePair<string, string> KeyValuePair = new KeyValuePair<string, string>("joep", "monita");
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
//string fileName = $#"{Path}\{FileNameAntarctica}.pbf";
string fileName = $#"{Path}\{FileNameOSPbf}.pbf";
string newFileName = $"{fileName.Replace(".pbf", string.Empty)}-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 4)}.pbf";
Console.WriteLine("*** Complete");
string fileNameOutput = CompleteFlow(fileName, newFileName);
Console.WriteLine("*** Display");
private static string CompleteFlow(string fileName, string newFileName)
// 1. Open file and convert to bytes
byte[] fileBytes = FileToBytes(fileName);
// 2. Bytes to OSM stream source (pbf)
PBFOsmStreamSource osmStreamSource;
osmStreamSource = BytesToOsmStreamSource(fileBytes);
if (osmStreamSource.Current() == null)
osmStreamSource = FileToOsmStreamSource(fileName);
if (osmStreamSource.Current() == null)
throw new Exception("No current in stream.");
// 3. Add custom tag
// 4. OSM stream source to bytes
//byte[] osmStreamSourceBytes = OsmStreamSourceToBytes(osmStreamSource);
// 5. Bytes to file
//string fileNameOutput = BytesToFile(osmStreamSourceBytes, newFileName);
OsmStreamSourceToFile(osmStreamSource, newFileName);
return newFileName;
private static void DisplayFlow(string fileName)
// 1. Open file and convert to bytes
byte[] fileBytes = FileToBytes(fileName);
// 2. Bytes to OSM stream source (pbf)
private static byte[] FileToBytes(string fileName)
return File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
private static PBFOsmStreamSource BytesToOsmStreamSource(byte[] bytes)
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
memoryStream.Position = 0;
PBFOsmStreamSource osmStreamSource = new PBFOsmStreamSource(memoryStream);
foreach (OsmGeo element in osmStreamSource.Where(osmGeo => osmGeo.Tags.Any(tag => tag.Key.StartsWith(KeyValuePair.Key))))
foreach (Tag elementTag in element.Tags.Where(tag => tag.Key.StartsWith(KeyValuePair.Key)))
Console.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tag found while reading !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".ToUpper());
return osmStreamSource;
private static PBFOsmStreamSource FileToOsmStreamSource(string fileName)
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileInfo(fileName).OpenRead())
PBFOsmStreamSource osmStreamSource = new PBFOsmStreamSource(fileStream);
return osmStreamSource;
private static void AddTag(PBFOsmStreamSource osmStreamSource)
OsmGeo osmGeo = null;
while (osmGeo == null)
osmGeo = osmStreamSource.Current();
if(osmGeo?.Tags == null)
osmGeo = null;
osmGeo.Tags.Add("joep", "monita");
Console.WriteLine($"{osmGeo.Tags.FirstOrDefault(tag => tag.Key.StartsWith(KeyValuePair.Key)).Key} - {osmGeo.Tags.FirstOrDefault(tag => tag.Key.StartsWith(KeyValuePair.Key)).Value}");
private static byte[] OsmStreamSourceToBytes(PBFOsmStreamSource osmStreamSource)
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
PBFOsmStreamTarget target = new PBFOsmStreamTarget(memoryStream, true);
UpdateTarget(osmStreamSource, target);
return memoryStream.ToArray();
private static string BytesToFile(byte[] bytes, string fileName)
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
return fileName;
private static void OsmStreamSourceToFile(PBFOsmStreamSource osmStreamSource, string fileName)
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileInfo(fileName).OpenWrite())
PBFOsmStreamTarget target = new PBFOsmStreamTarget(fileStream, true);
UpdateTarget(osmStreamSource, target);
private static void UpdateTarget(OsmStreamSource osmStreamSource, OsmStreamTarget osmStreamTarget)
if (useRegisterSource)
osmStreamTarget.RegisterSource(osmStreamSource, osmGeo => true);
bool isFirst = true;
foreach (OsmGeo osmGeo in osmStreamSource)
Tag? tag = osmGeo.Tags?.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Key == KeyValuePair.Key);
switch (osmGeo.Type)
case OsmGeoType.Node:
if (isFirst)
for (int indexer = 0; indexer < 1; indexer++)
(osmGeo as Node).Tags.Add(new Tag(KeyValuePair.Key + Guid.NewGuid(), KeyValuePair.Value));
isFirst = false;
osmStreamTarget.AddNode(osmGeo as Node);
case OsmGeoType.Way:
osmStreamTarget.AddWay(osmGeo as Way);
case OsmGeoType.Relation:
osmStreamTarget.AddRelation(osmGeo as Relation);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
Already I posted this question on the GITHube page of OSMSharp as is linked here. Any help would be very appreciated.

Get ExtensionValue from x509Certificate

I use bouncycastle in Java
CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509", "BC")
to generate the cert. It works fine. But when I use
The return value does not match the membersrvc's one.
Did I miss some thing?
With bouncycastle you can do this to extract the ASN1 structure of the extension
public ASN1Primitive getExtensionValue(X509Certificate certificate, String oid) throws IOException {
byte[] bytes = certificate.getExtensionValue(oid);
if (bytes == null) {
return null;
ASN1InputStream aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
ASN1OctetString octs = (ASN1OctetString) aIn.readObject();
aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(octs.getOctets()));
return aIn.readObject();
ASN1 is a complex object, you need to parse it to get the desired field. For example to Give back the CA URI meta-data found within the given X509 cert.
public String getIssuerURL(final X509Certificate certificate) throws Exception {
final ASN1ObjectIdentifier ocspAccessMethod = X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_ad_caIssuers;
final byte[] authInfoAccessExtensionValue = certificate.getExtensionValue(Extension.authorityInfoAccess.getId());
if (null == authInfoAccessExtensionValue) {
return null;
ASN1InputStream ais1 = null;
ASN1InputStream ais2 = null;
try {
final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(authInfoAccessExtensionValue);
ais1 = new ASN1InputStream(bais);
final DEROctetString oct = (DEROctetString) (ais1.readObject());
ais2 = new ASN1InputStream(oct.getOctets());
final AuthorityInformationAccess authorityInformationAccess = AuthorityInformationAccess.getInstance(ais2.readObject());
final AccessDescription[] accessDescriptions = authorityInformationAccess.getAccessDescriptions();
for (AccessDescription accessDescription : accessDescriptions) {
final boolean correctAccessMethod = accessDescription.getAccessMethod().equals(ocspAccessMethod);
if (!correctAccessMethod) {
final GeneralName gn = accessDescription.getAccessLocation();
if (gn.getTagNo() != GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier) {
final DERIA5String str = (DERIA5String) ((DERTaggedObject) gn.toASN1Primitive()).getObject();
final String accessLocation = str.getString();
return accessLocation;
return null;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Exception(e);
} finally {
To return a human-readable string from an ASN1Primitive
public String getStringFromGeneralName(ASN1Primitive names) throws IOException {
ASN1TaggedObject taggedObject = (ASN1TaggedObject) names ;
return new String(ASN1OctetString.getInstance(taggedObject, false).getOctets(), "ISO-8859-1");

Best way to create your own SpiDevice for the .NET Microframework?

In a new design (new to .NET Micro) I have a series of LED 7 segment displays which are controlled via the SPI bus with Netduino.
Now, I have seen that one doesn't have to emulate the SPI bus stuff because the .NET Microframework already has an emulated SPI bus, fantastic.
Since my "module" is controlled by SPI I would like to abstract it via SPIDevice and SPIBus, but I have scoured all over the internet and have not been able to find a single example of how to roll your own custom SPIDevice (and control it) for use in a .NET MF DeviceEmulator project.
Basically in my SPIDevice I will have a series of controll registers plus the data for each of the LEDs but I am in desperate need for an example that can lead the way into the right direction. When I installed the .NET MF 4.3 it did not install any samples.
An option might be to use aggregation to achieve what you are looking for.
For example, you could create a class called SevenSegmentDisplay which exposes methods/properties to interact with the 7 segment LED module and wraps a private SPI instance. Internally the methods call to the private SPI instance to actually communicate with the physical device.
For the emulator, here is the code + config I wrote for a flash memory chip which has an SPI interface. This was used for internal testing while waiting for the physical device.
using System;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Emulator;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Emulator.Spi;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace dotnetwarrior.Emulator.Hardware
class MX25l3206FlashMemory : SpiDevice
private byte[] _memory;
public int MemorySize { get; set; }
public int SectorSize { get; set; }
public int PageSize { get; set; }
private Status _status;
enum Status
Wip = 1,
Wel = 2,
Bp0 = 4,
Bp1 = 8,
Bp2 = 16,
E_Err = 32,
P_Err = 64,
SRWD = 128
public MX25l3206FlashMemory()
public byte GetByte(int address)
return _memory[address];
public override void SetupComponent()
_memory = new byte[MemorySize];
protected override byte[] Write(byte[] data)
switch (data[0])
case 0x03: return Read(data);
case 0x9f: return ReadIdentification(data);
case 0x90: return ReadManufacturer(data);
case 0x06: return WriteEnable(data);
case 0x04: return WriteDisable(data);
case 0x20: return Erase4K(data);
case 0x40: return Erase8K(data);
case 0xd8: return EraseSector(data);
case 0x60:
case 0xC7: return EraseDevice(data);
case 0x02: return PagePrograme(data);
case 0x05: return ReadStatus(data);
case 0x01: return WriteStatus(data);
case 0x35: return ReadConfig(data);
throw new NotImplementedException("Unexpected Flash command : " + data[0].ToString());
private int GetAddress(byte[] data)
byte[] address = new byte[4];
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 1, address, 1, 3);
return (BitConverter.ToInt32(address, 0) % MemorySize);
private byte[] Read(byte[] data)
int address = GetAddress(data);
Buffer.BlockCopy(_memory, address, data, 4, data.Length - 4);
return data;
private byte[] ReadIdentification(byte[] data)
return new byte[]{0x01, 0x02, 0x15, 0x4d};
private byte[] ReadManufacturer(byte[] data)
return new byte[]{0x01, 0x02};
private byte[] WriteEnable(byte[] data)
_status |= Status.Wel;
return new byte[]{};
private byte[] WriteDisable(byte[] data)
_status &= ~Status.Wel;
return new byte[]{};
private byte[] ReadStatus(byte[] data)
return new byte[] { (byte)_status, (byte)_status };
private byte[] WriteStatus(byte[] data)
_status = (Status)data[1];
return new byte[] { };
private byte[] Erase4K(byte[] data)
if (!_status.HasFlag(Status.Wel) || _status.HasFlag(Status.Wip)) return new byte[] { };
_status |= Status.Wip;
_status &= ~(Status.Wel | Status.Wip);
return new byte[] { };
private byte[] Erase8K(byte[] data)
if (!_status.HasFlag(Status.Wel) || _status.HasFlag(Status.Wip)) return new byte[] { };
_status |= Status.Wip;
_status &= ~(Status.Wel | Status.Wip);
return new byte[] { };
private byte[] EraseSector(byte[] data)
if (!_status.HasFlag(Status.Wel) || _status.HasFlag(Status.Wip)) return new byte[] { };
_status |= Status.Wip;
int address = GetAddress(data);
int sector = address / SectorSize;
int sectorStartAddress = sector * SectorSize;
for (int i = 0; i < SectorSize; i++)
_memory[sectorStartAddress + i] = 0xff;
_status &= ~(Status.Wel | Status.Wip);
return new byte[] { };
private byte[] EraseDevice(byte[] data)
if (!_status.HasFlag(Status.Wel) || _status.HasFlag(Status.Wip)) return new byte[] { };
_status |= Status.Wip;
for (int i = 0; i < MemorySize; i++)
_memory[i] = 0xff;
_status &= ~(Status.Wel | Status.Wip);
return new byte[] { };
private byte[] PagePrograme(byte[] data)
if (!_status.HasFlag(Status.Wel) || _status.HasFlag(Status.Wip)) return new byte[] { };
_status |= Status.Wip;
int address = GetAddress(data);
int offset = address % PageSize;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length - 4; i++)
_memory[address + ((offset + i) % PageSize)] &= (byte)data[i + 4];
_status &= ~(Status.Wel | Status.Wip);
return new byte[] { };
private byte[] ReadConfig(byte[] data)
return new byte[] { };
The corresponding configuration to configure the flash memory into the emulator follows (Note this was used in a custom emulator).
<MX25l3206>dotnetwarrior.Emulator.Hardware.MX25l3206FlashMemory, dotnetwarrior.Emulator</MX25l3206>
<AccessIndicator>dotnetwarrior.Emulator.Hardware.AccessIndicator, dotnetwarrior.Emulator</AccessIndicator>
<MX25l3206 id="myFlash">
<!--Hardware Provider-->

Can I drag items from Outlook into my SWT application?

Our Eclipse RCP 3.6-based application lets people drag files in for storage/processing. This works fine when the files are dragged from a filesystem, but not when people drag items (messages or attachments) directly from Outlook.
This appears to be because Outlook wants to feed our application the files via a FileGroupDescriptorW and FileContents, but SWT only includes a FileTransfer type. (In a FileTransfer, only the file paths are passed, with the assumption that the receiver can locate and read them. The FileGroupDescriptorW/FileContents approach can supply files directly application-to-application without writing temporary files out to disk.)
We have tried to produce a ByteArrayTransfer subclass that could accept FileGroupDescriptorW and FileContents. Based on some examples on the Web, we were able to receive and parse the FileGroupDescriptorW, which (as the name implies) describes the files available for transfer. (See code sketch below.) But we have been unable to accept the FileContents.
This seems to be because Outlook offers the FileContents data only as TYMED_ISTREAM or TYMED_ISTORAGE, but SWT only understands how to exchange data as TYMED_HGLOBAL. Of those, it appears that TYMED_ISTORAGE would be preferable, since it's not clear how TYMED_ISTREAM could provide access to multiple files' contents.
(We also have some concerns about SWT's desire to pick and convert only a single TransferData type, given that we need to process two, but we think we could probably hack around that in Java somehow: it seems that all the TransferDatas are available at other points of the process.)
Are we on the right track here? Has anyone managed to accept FileContents in SWT yet? Is there any chance that we could process the TYMED_ISTORAGE data without leaving Java (even if by creating a fragment-based patch to, or a derived version of, SWT), or would we have to build some new native support code too?
Relevant code snippets
Sketch code that extracts file names:
final Transfer transfer = new ByteArrayTransfer() {
private final String[] typeNames = new String[] { "FileGroupDescriptorW", "FileContents" };
private final int[] typeIds = new int[] { registerType(typeNames[0]), registerType(typeNames[1]) };
protected String[] getTypeNames() {
return typeNames;
protected int[] getTypeIds() {
return typeIds;
protected Object nativeToJava(TransferData transferData) {
if (!isSupportedType(transferData))
return null;
final byte[] buffer = (byte[]) super.nativeToJava(transferData);
if (buffer == null)
return null;
try {
final DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer));
long count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
count += in.readUnsignedByte() << i;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final byte[] filenameBytes = new byte[260 * 2];
in.skipBytes(72); // probable architecture assumption(s) - may be wrong outside standard 32-bit Win XP;
final String fileNameIncludingTrailingNulls = new String(filenameBytes, "UTF-16LE");
int stringLength = fileNameIncludingTrailingNulls.indexOf('\0');
if (stringLength == -1)
stringLength = 260;
final String fileName = fileNameIncludingTrailingNulls.substring(0, stringLength);
System.out.println("File " + i + ": " + fileName);
return buffer;
catch (final Exception e) {
return null;
In the debugger, we see that ByteArrayTransfer's isSupportedType() ultimately returns false for the FileContents because the following test is not passed (since its tymed is TYMED_ISTREAM | TYMED_ISTORAGE):
if (format.cfFormat == types[i] &&
return true;
This excerpt from org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COM leaves us feeling less hope for an easy solution:
public static final int TYMED_HGLOBAL = 1;
//public static final int TYMED_ISTORAGE = 8;
//public static final int TYMED_ISTREAM = 4;
even if
//public static final int TYMED_ISTREAM = 4;
Try below code.. it should work
package com.nagarro.jsag.poc.swtdrag;
imports ...
public class MyTransfer extends ByteArrayTransfer {
private static int BYTES_COUNT = 592;
private static int SKIP_BYTES = 72;
private final String[] typeNames = new String[] { "FileGroupDescriptorW", "FileContents" };
private final int[] typeIds = new int[] { registerType(typeNames[0]), registerType(typeNames[1]) };
protected String[] getTypeNames() {
return typeNames;
protected int[] getTypeIds() {
return typeIds;
protected Object nativeToJava(TransferData transferData) {
String[] result = null;
if (!isSupportedType(transferData) || transferData.pIDataObject == 0)
return null;
IDataObject data = new IDataObject(transferData.pIDataObject);
// Check for descriptor format type
try {
FORMATETC formatetcFD = transferData.formatetc;
STGMEDIUM stgmediumFD = new STGMEDIUM();
stgmediumFD.tymed = COM.TYMED_HGLOBAL;
transferData.result = data.GetData(formatetcFD, stgmediumFD);
if (transferData.result == COM.S_OK) {
// Check for contents format type
long hMem = stgmediumFD.unionField;
long fileDiscriptorPtr = OS.GlobalLock(hMem);
int[] fileCount = new int[1];
try {
OS.MoveMemory(fileCount, fileDiscriptorPtr, 4);
fileDiscriptorPtr += 4;
result = new String[fileCount[0]];
for (int i = 0; i < fileCount[0]; i++) {
String fileName = handleFile(fileDiscriptorPtr, data);
System.out.println("FileName : = " + fileName);
result[i] = fileName;
fileDiscriptorPtr += BYTES_COUNT;
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
} finally {
return result;
private String handleFile(long fileDiscriptorPtr, IDataObject data) throws Exception {
// GetFileName
char[] fileNameChars = new char[OS.MAX_PATH];
byte[] fileNameBytes = new byte[OS.MAX_PATH];
COM.MoveMemory(fileNameBytes, fileDiscriptorPtr, BYTES_COUNT);
// Skip some bytes.
fileNameBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(fileNameBytes, SKIP_BYTES, fileNameBytes.length);
String fileNameIncludingTrailingNulls = new String(fileNameBytes, "UTF-16LE");
fileNameChars = fileNameIncludingTrailingNulls.toCharArray();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(OS.MAX_PATH);
for (int i = 0; fileNameChars[i] != 0 && i < fileNameChars.length; i++) {
String name = builder.toString();
try {
File file = saveFileContent(name, data);
if (file != null) {
System.out.println("File Saved # " + file.getAbsolutePath());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Count not save file content");
return name;
private File saveFileContent(String fileName, IDataObject data) throws IOException {
File file = null;
FORMATETC formatetc = new FORMATETC();
formatetc.cfFormat = typeIds[1];
formatetc.dwAspect = COM.DVASPECT_CONTENT;
formatetc.lindex = 0;
formatetc.tymed = 4; // content.
STGMEDIUM stgmedium = new STGMEDIUM();
stgmedium.tymed = 4;
if (data.GetData(formatetc, stgmedium) == COM.S_OK) {
file = new File(fileName);
IStream iStream = new IStream(stgmedium.unionField);
try (FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
int increment = 1024 * 4;
long pv = COM.CoTaskMemAlloc(increment);
int[] pcbWritten = new int[1];
while (iStream.Read(pv, increment, pcbWritten) == COM.S_OK && pcbWritten[0] > 0) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[pcbWritten[0]];
OS.MoveMemory(buffer, pv, pcbWritten[0]);
} finally {
return file;
} else {
return null;
Have you looked at ?
Attached to this bugzilla entry is an patch (against an rather old version of SWT) that might be of interest.
I had the same problem and created a small library providing a Drag'n Drop Transfer Class for JAVA SWT. It can be found here:
Currently it supports dropping Mail Items from Outlook to your Java SWT application and will provide a list of OutlookItems with the Filename and a byte array of the file contents.
All is pure Java and in-memory (no temp files).
Usage in your SWT java application:
if (OutlookItemTransfer.getInstance().isSupportedType(event.currentDataType)) {
Object o = OutlookItemTransfer.getInstance().nativeToJava(event.currentDataType);
if (o != null && o instanceof OutlookMessage[]) {
OutlookMessage[] outlookMessages = (OutlookMessage[])o;
for (OutlookMessage msg: outlookMessages) {
The OutlookItem will then provide two elements: filename as String and file contents as array of byte.
From here on, one could write it to a file or further process the byte array.
To your question above:
- What you find in the file descriptor is the filename of the outlook item and a pointer to an IDataObject
- the IDataObject can be parsed and will provide an IStorage object
- The IStorageObject will be then a root container providing further sub-IStorageObjects or IStreams similar to a filesystem (directory = IStorage, file = IStream
You find those elements in the following lines of code:
Get File Contents, see, method nativeToJava:
format.cfFormat = getTypeIds()[1];
format.dwAspect = COM.DVASPECT_CONTENT;
format.lindex = <fileIndex>;
format.ptd = 0;
if (data.GetData(format, medium) == COM.S_OK) {
// medium.tymed will now contain TYMED_ISTORAGE
// in medium.unionfield you will find the root IStorage
Read the root IStorage, see CompoundStorage, method readOutlookStorage:
// open IStorage object
IStorage storage = new IStorage(pIStorage);
// walk through the content of the IStorage object
long[] pEnumStorage = new long[1];
if (storage.EnumElements(0, 0, 0, pEnumStorage) == COM.S_OK) {
// get storage iterator
IEnumSTATSTG enumStorage = new IEnumSTATSTG(pEnumStorage[0]);
// prepare statstg structure which tells about the object found by the iterator
int[] fetched = new int[1];
while (enumStorage.Next(1, pSTATSTG, fetched) == COM.S_OK && fetched[0] == 1) {
// get the description of the the object found
STATSTG statstg = new STATSTG();
COM.MoveMemory(statstg, pSTATSTG, STATSTG.sizeof);
// get the name of the object found
String name = readPWCSName(statstg);
// depending on type of object
switch (statstg.type) {
case COM.STGTY_STREAM: { // load an IStream (=File)
long[] pIStream = new long[1];
// get the pointer to the IStream
if (storage.OpenStream(name, 0, COM.STGM_DIRECT | COM.STGM_READ | COM.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, pIStream) == COM.S_OK) {
// load the IStream
case COM.STGTY_STORAGE: { // load an IStorage (=SubDirectory) - requires recursion to traverse the sub dies
// close the iterator
// close the IStorage object