Understanding FP in an enterprise application context (in Scala) - scala

Most examples (if not all) that I see are the sort of a function that does some sort of computation and finishes. In that aspect, FP shines. However, I have trouble seeing how to apply it in the context of an enterprise application environment where there's not much of algorithms going on and a lot of data transfer and services.
So I'd like to ask how to implement the following problem in FP style.
I want to implement an events bus service. The service has a register method for registering listeners and publish for publishing events.
In an OO setting this is done by creating an EventBus interface with both methods. Then an implementation can use a list to hold listeners that is updated by register and used in publish. Of course this means register has a side effect. Spring can be used to create the class and pass its instance to publishers or subscribers of events.
How to model this in FP, given that clients of the event bus service are independent (e.g., not all are created in a "test" method)? As far as I can see this negates making register return a new instance of EventBus, since other clients already hold a reference to the old instance (and e.g., publishing to it will only publish to the listeners it knows of)
I prefer a solution to be in Scala.

I think you should have a closer look at functional reactive programming techniques. Since you want something in Scala, I suggest reading Deprecating The observer pattern paper by Ingo Maier, Tiark Rompf and Martin Odersky.

The sketch of the solution is that publish should return IO[Unit]. Listeners should be iteratees. Registration also returns IO[Unit].


Play framework web application: when to use Akka?

I'm transitioning from Java to Scala, and started using Play as application server. My Java legacy application (the one I'm trying to replace) is built on three layers: servlets, session beans and entity beans. I read that Akka actors would replace session beans, is that accurate? When is it appropriate to use Akka actors in a Play web application?
I don't think there is any thumb rule like convert Session Beans / Entity Beans to actors.
You may need to look at your requirements. It's worth considering what the actor model is used for: the actor model is
a concurrency model that avoids concurrent access to mutable state
using asynchronous communications mechanisms to provide concurrency
This is valuable because using shared state from multiple threads gets really hard, especially when there are relationships among different components of the shared state that must be kept synchronized.
However, if you have domain components in which:
You don't allow concurrency, OR
You don't allow mutable state (as in functional programming), OR
You must rely on some synchronous communications mechanism,
then the actor model will not provide much (if any) benefit.
Take a look at this URL if you haven't already http://www.infoq.com/news/2014/02/akka-ejbs-concurrency
To answer the second part of the question:
When is it appropriate to use Akka actors in a Play web application?
Scala is not just syntactical sugared Java but meant to write Functional Programming(FP). Scala makes writing functional code easier and more obvious. When you do this all your methods become functions(no state change is held).
From here when you do want to hold global state, you encapsulate it within an Actor and interact with it only via a messaging queue.. and therefore don't have to concern yourself with threading logic.
A great course to get started with this is https://www.coursera.org/course/progfun
A great book to get started with Scala is:
Scala for the Impatient by Cay S. Horstmann

CQRS - is it allowed to call the read side from the write side?

I started with reading about CQRS and I'm little confused.
Is it allowed to call the read side within the write side for getting additional informations?
http://cqrs.nu/Faq/command-handlers here they say it is not allowed, but in the cqrs journey code I found that they call a service 'IPricingService' which internally uses a DAO service class.
So what I must do to get additional informations inside my aggregation root?
CQRS Journey should not be seen as a manual. This is just a story of some team fighting their way to CQRS and having all limitations of using only Microsoft stack. Per se you should not use your read model in the command handlers or domain logic. But you can query your read model from the client to fetch the data you need in for your command and to validate the command.
Since I got some downvotes on this answer, I need to point, that what I wrote is the established practice within the pattern. Neither read side accesses the write side, not write side gets data from the read side.
However, the definition of "client" could be a subject of discussion. For example, I would not trust a public facing JS browser application to be a proper "client". Instead, I would use my REST API layer to be the "client" in CQRS and the web application would be just a UI layer for this client. In this case, the REST API service call processing will be a legitimate read side reader since it needs to validate all what UI layer send to prevent forgery and validate some business rules. When this work is done, the command is formed and sent over to the write side. The validations and everything else is synchronous and command handling is then asynchronous.
UPDATE: In the light of some disagreements below, I would like to point to Udi's article from 2009 talking about CQRS in general, commands and validation in particular.
The CQRS FAQ (http://cqrs.nu/Faq) suggests:
"How can I communicate between bounded contexts?
Exclusively in terms of their public API. This could involve subscribing to events coming from another bounded context. Or one bounded context could act like a regular client of another, sending commands and queries."
So although within one BC its not possible to use read-side from write-side and vice-versa, another bounded context or service could. In essence, this would be acting like a human using the user interface.
Yes assuming you have accepted the eventual consistency of the read side. Now the question is where. Although there is no hard rule on this, it is preferable to pass the data to command handler as opposed to retrieving it inside. From my observation there are two ways:
Do it on domain service
Basically create a layer where you execute necessary queries to build the data. This is as straightforward as doing API calls. However if you have your microservices running on Lambda/Serverless it's probably not a great fit as we tend to avoid a situation where lambda is calling another lambda.
Do it on the client side
Have the client query the data then pass it to you. To prevent tampering, encrypt it. You can implement the decryption in the same place you validate and transform the DTO to a command. To me this is a better alternative as it requires fewer moving parts.
I think it depends.
If in your architecture the "command side" updates the projections on real-time (synchronously) you could do that calling the query api. (although that seems strange)
But, if your projections (query side) is updated asyncronously would a bad idea to do it. Would be a posibility to get a "unreal" data.
Maybe this situation suggests a design problem that you should solve.
For instance: If from one context/domain you think you need information from another, could a domain definition problem.
I assume this, because read data from itself (same domain) during a command operation doesn't make much sense. (in this case could be a API design problem)

Implementing Chain of Responsibility with Services

I'm thinking about a platform-neutral (i.e. not .NET MEF) technique of implementing chain-of-responsibliity pattern using web services as the handlers. I want to be able to add more CoR handlers by deploying new services and not compiling new CoR code, just change configuration info. It seems the challenge will be managing the metadata about available handlers and ensuring the handlers are conforming to the interface.
My question: any ideas on how I can safely ensure:
1. The web services are implementing the interface
2. The web services are implementing the base class behavior, like calling the successor
Because, in compiled code, I can have type-safety and therefore know that any handlers have derived from the abstract base class that ensures the interface and behavior I want. That seems to be missing in the world of services.
This seems like a valid question, but a rather simple one.
You are still afforded the protection of the typing system, even if you are loading code later, at runtime, that the original code never saw before.
I would think the preferred approach here would be to have something like a properties file with a list of implementers (your chain). Then in the code, you are going to have to have a way to instantiate an instance of each handler at runtime to construct the chain. When you construct the instance, you will have to check its type. In Java, for instance, that would take the form of instanceof (abomination ordinarily, but you get a pass for loading scenarios), or isAssignableFrom. In Objective C, it's conformsToProtocol.
If it doesn't, it can't be used and you can spit an error out to the console.

Is it appropriate to use a ReactiveCollection in an API?

Is it appropriate to expose a ReactiveCollection in an API? Specifically, in a service class that would be used internally on multiple applications. But as a thought experiment, we can also consider in public use as well.
I've been investigating Rx and ReactiveUI, and these seem like powerful tools. However, I don't have enough experience with them to determine if it is a good idea to require others to take a dependency on them.
More details:
I'm creating a tracking service class that would track connected clients. From my view, all that would be necessary for consumers to use this class is to expose an observable collection (possibly a ReactiveCollection) that exposes the connected clients, and notifies of changes to the collection which are managed by the service. The entitity representing the connected clients would also take advantage of INotifyPropertyChanged to notify of updates to the clients' state.
Since ReactiveCollection is a derivative of .NET's ObservableCollection (i.e. the non-Rx WPF/SL one), you could expose it as an ObservableCollection instead.

Events in Zend Framework application

I'm looking for a reference to a good implementation of event driven architecture based on Zend Framework. Could you share your experience in this topic?
I've found two solutions, but haven't used them yet:
I don't have much practical experience in this topic, but since no one else seems to be replying, I suppose I'll share what I think of this...
This is perhaps a bit tricky thing in PHP apps, since they typically only run for the duration of a request, so the benefit of being able to subscribe and listen to generic events during that short phase may not be very large.
However, I think there can be some benefits in allowing you to decouple your code more.
From what I can tell, the Symfony dispatcher looks better - mainly because it looks simpler.
I've used a sort of dojo pubsub type system myself: Basically you have an event publisher, to which classes can publish events. This is a sort of global event handling, where you don't specifically subscribe to the class itself - instead you subscribe to a specific event, and it doesn't matter what class publishes the event.
The benefits of this vs. subscribing to a specific class is that the code is decoupled more: In my case, it's a ZF app, and classes which subscribe to events can simply do it in the bootstrap, vs. having to do subscriptions in controllers (or where ever the publishers are created)
The downside of this approach is that it can make dependencies between things harder to track. For example you only see an event publish call, but you have no idea what sort of things listen for it without digging further into the code.
In my case I don't really know if the application has got any benefits from using this architecture - in fact I've several times considered removing it entirely and just using the objects which listen to the events directly.