Play framework web application: when to use Akka? - scala

I'm transitioning from Java to Scala, and started using Play as application server. My Java legacy application (the one I'm trying to replace) is built on three layers: servlets, session beans and entity beans. I read that Akka actors would replace session beans, is that accurate? When is it appropriate to use Akka actors in a Play web application?

I don't think there is any thumb rule like convert Session Beans / Entity Beans to actors.
You may need to look at your requirements. It's worth considering what the actor model is used for: the actor model is
a concurrency model that avoids concurrent access to mutable state
using asynchronous communications mechanisms to provide concurrency
This is valuable because using shared state from multiple threads gets really hard, especially when there are relationships among different components of the shared state that must be kept synchronized.
However, if you have domain components in which:
You don't allow concurrency, OR
You don't allow mutable state (as in functional programming), OR
You must rely on some synchronous communications mechanism,
then the actor model will not provide much (if any) benefit.
Take a look at this URL if you haven't already

To answer the second part of the question:
When is it appropriate to use Akka actors in a Play web application?
Scala is not just syntactical sugared Java but meant to write Functional Programming(FP). Scala makes writing functional code easier and more obvious. When you do this all your methods become functions(no state change is held).
From here when you do want to hold global state, you encapsulate it within an Actor and interact with it only via a messaging queue.. and therefore don't have to concern yourself with threading logic.
A great course to get started with this is
A great book to get started with Scala is:
Scala for the Impatient by Cay S. Horstmann


Component based entity system in scala

I'm searching some library which implement the Component Based Entity System (ECS) framework used in multiple game and implementend in many game engine (unity, libgdx, etc.)
I'm starting a little game project in scala ( ECS roguelike), and at this time i only find a java library named ashley.
Do you know if other ECS libraries (in Scala) exists, or if the only way is to use or reimplement this library in scala (ashley) ?
Another related question, the Actor paradigm and Component Based Entity System is not so distant, what is the difference ?
Regarding the question about differences with an Actor system, the purpose of an Actor system is to allow asynchronous communication between actors. i don't see anything in ECS which is related to asynchronicity. In fact, from one of your links:
Each system will be updated once per frame in a logical order
This implies synchronous, blocking progress through the program, so quite different from an actor system where the components would be sending each other messages in a concurrent fashion.
Regarding your need for an ECS library in Scala. Scala and Java are interoperable, is there any reason you can't simply use ashley within your scala code?

Difference in message-passing model of Akka and Vert.x

Am a Scala programmer and understand Akka from a developer point of view. I have not looked into Akka library's code. Have read about the two types of actors in the Akka model - thread-based and event-based - but not having run Akka at large scale I dont have experience of configuring Akka for production. And am completely new to Vert.x. So, from the choices perspective to build a reactive application stack I want to know -
Is the message-passing model of Akka and Vert.x very different? How?
Are the data-structures behind Akka's actors and Vert.x's verticles to buffer messages very different?
In a superficial view they're really similar, although I personally consider more similar Vert.x ideas to some MQ system than to Akka... the Vert.x topology is more flat: A verticle share a message with other verticle and receive a response... instead Akka is more like a tree, where you've several actors, but you can supervise actors using other actor,..for simple projects maybe they're not so big deal, but for big projects you could appreciate a more "hierarchic system"...
Vert.x on the other hand, offer a better Interoperability between very popular languages*. For me that is a big point, where you would need to mix actors with a MQ system and dealing with more complexity, Vert.x makes it simple and the answer, which is better?...depend, if your system will be constructed only over Scala, then Akka could be the best way...if you need communication with JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Java, etc... and don't need a complex hierarchy, then Vert.x is the way to go..
*(using JSON, which could be an advantage or disadvantage compared to)
Also you must consider that Vert.x is a full solution, TCP, HTTP server, routing, even WebSocket!!! That is pretty amazing because they offer a full stack and the API is very clean. If you choose Akka you would need use a framework like Play, Xitrum Ospray. Personally I don't like any of them.
Also remember that Vert.x is a not opinionated platform, you can use Akka or Kafka with it, for example, without almost any overhead. The way how every part of the system is decouple inside a verticle makes it so simple.
Vert.x is a big project with an amazing perspective but really new, if you need a solution now maybe it would not be the better option, fortunately you can learn both and use both in the same project.
After doing a bit of google search I have figured that at detailed comparison of Akka vs Vert.x has not yet been done ( atleast I cound't find it ).
Computation model:
Vert.x is based on Event Driven model.
Akka is based on Actor Model of concurrency,
Reactive Streams:
Vert.x has Reactive Streams builtin
Akka supports Reactive Streams via Akka Streaming. Akka has stream operators ( via Scala DSL ) that is very concise and clean.
HTTP Support
Vert.x has builtin support of creating network services ( HTTP, TCP etc )
Akka has Akka HTTP for that
Scala support
Vert.x is written in Java
Akka is written in Scala and its fun to work on
Remote services
Vert.x supports services, so we need to explicitly create services
Akka has Actors which can be deployed anywhere on the network, with support for clustering, replication, load-balancing, supervision etc.

Finagle and Akka, why not use them together?

I have not used Finagle nor Akka in practice, but I have been reading a lot of about them.
Finagle being a RPC system and Akka a toolkit for highly concurrent applications, why all the people compare them as two possible solutions which cannot be used together? All searches I've done propose to use one or the other, no one proposes to use them together.
Finagle, for example, has a very interesting way of defining endpoints via thrift and its IDL. With this IDL we could define a custom endpoint and through scooge or whatever code generation tool, it would be possible to have a service with no effort. Also a client to connect to this service is created with a lot of common client issues automatically resolved (reconnection, timeout, retries, load-balancing, connection-pooling, ...).
Akka instead, solves a lot of concurrency headaches and it scales extremely well without all the complexities of hand controlled threading.
As a summary, why not use them together?:
Finagle + Thrift (with its IDL): It facilitates service design and development as well as deployment (which includes ease of scaling-out).
Akka: It uses all the server power through its Actor system and it scales extremely well if I change server properties (for example if it's deployed on EC2 and I convert my node from m1.small to m1.large).
What do you think?
NOTE: Asume that the issue of mapping Futures and Promises is resolved, as well as a mismatch between FuturePools and ExecutionContexts. The pattern would be to convert Finagle to the scala way of using Futures.
You are right in that service discovery and service implementation are orthogonal concerns, and I can follow your argument about using Finagle for the former and Akka for the latter. You could in principle use the two together without seeking a grand unification of futures, since you only need to send the service’s reply back to the requesting Actor in a message, i.e. you would need to add your own little “pipeTo” pattern on top of Twitter futures.

Understanding FP in an enterprise application context (in Scala)

Most examples (if not all) that I see are the sort of a function that does some sort of computation and finishes. In that aspect, FP shines. However, I have trouble seeing how to apply it in the context of an enterprise application environment where there's not much of algorithms going on and a lot of data transfer and services.
So I'd like to ask how to implement the following problem in FP style.
I want to implement an events bus service. The service has a register method for registering listeners and publish for publishing events.
In an OO setting this is done by creating an EventBus interface with both methods. Then an implementation can use a list to hold listeners that is updated by register and used in publish. Of course this means register has a side effect. Spring can be used to create the class and pass its instance to publishers or subscribers of events.
How to model this in FP, given that clients of the event bus service are independent (e.g., not all are created in a "test" method)? As far as I can see this negates making register return a new instance of EventBus, since other clients already hold a reference to the old instance (and e.g., publishing to it will only publish to the listeners it knows of)
I prefer a solution to be in Scala.
I think you should have a closer look at functional reactive programming techniques. Since you want something in Scala, I suggest reading Deprecating The observer pattern paper by Ingo Maier, Tiark Rompf and Martin Odersky.
The sketch of the solution is that publish should return IO[Unit]. Listeners should be iteratees. Registration also returns IO[Unit].

What actor based web frameworks are available for Scala?

I need to build very concurrent web service which will expose REST based API for JavaScript (front end) and Rails (back end). Web service will be suiting data access API to MongoDB.
I already wrote an initial implementation using NodeJS and would like to try Scala based solution. I'm also considering Erlang, for which every web framework is actor based.
So I'm looking for web framework explicitly build using Actors in order to support massive load of requests I'm very new to Scala and I don't quite understand how Actor might work if almost all frameworks for Scala are based on Java servlets which creates a thread on each request which will just exhaust all resources in my scenario.
If you're really going to have 10k+ long active connections at a time, then any standard Java application server/framework (maybe, except for Netty) will not work for you - all of them are consuming lots of memory (even if any kind of smart NIO is used). You'd better stick to a clustered event-loop based solution (like node.js that you've already tried), mongrel backed with zeroMQ, nginx with the mode for writing into MQ polled by Scala Actors, etc.
Among the Scala/Java frameworks, Lift has a good async support for REST (though it's not directly tied to actors). OTOH, LinkedIn uses Scalatra + stdlib actors for their REST services behind Signal ,and feels just fine.
Another option is Play framework. The latest 1.1 release supports Scala. It also supports akka as a module.
As far as Scalatra itself, they have been working on a new request
abstraction called SSGI (akin to the Servlet/Rack/WSGI/WAI layer),
that they said should ennable them to break from solely running as a
Servlet and also run on top of something built with Netty. See thread here.
There's some other interesting frameworks at the Scalatra level of simplicity since designed from the ground up to support asynchronous web services (won't tie up a thread per request): - Not a servlet; built on Netty.
("loosely inspired by ... Scalatra") - Built on Akka actors, Akka Mist. Servlet 3.0 or Jetty continuations
("spray was heavily inspired by BlueEyes and Scalatra.")
And at a lower level: - "Continuation based non-blocking, asynchronous, single threaded web
Not production-ready, but rather interesting-looking. Continuations require the compiler plugin. Indeed, a request starts off as a servlet, but then lift uses comet support found in many servlet containers to break away from the thread, keeping the request context (which the container then doesn't destroy) which then can be used to output data in actors. also has support for rest, but it will block the thread until the actor finishes with its work