Facebook FQL checkin table - facebook-fql

Why any query I do on the checkin table me back empty array? I am using the test console (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/fql.query/).
Even the example shown here (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/checkin/)
returns me an empty array.
Thank you very much,

You need to get the "user_checkins" permissions to access that information.
Check this out: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions/
Cheers ;)


Why facebook fql query is showing blank result?

I am trying to get like_info of a post in graph explorer by FQL.Like_info/Comment_info/Share_info whatever i query the result is empty.See the image.
Have any idea about it?
I guess you're using the stream table then? Please add some FQL query code so that we can follow what you are trying to achieve!
Notice that you need the read_stream permission with the appropriate access token for the respective User/Page as described here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/stream/#permissions

How to retrieve the comments or at least the number of comments hidden on a Facebook post?

I'm trying to retrieve the comments marked as spam/hidden or deleted by the admin of a page.
I can't find a way to do that.
Please help!
if its not in facebooks API documentation then I dont know what to tell you, you most likely cant do it. I would think that stuff that has been deleted is only accessible if your Zuckerburg.
Have you tried using FQL. Try querying FQL comments table.

Facebook Insights about post

I am trying to retrieve metrics post_impressions_unique, post_consumptions or anything started with a post but Facebook always return empty array for me.
Anyone know what is the problem here?
Are you sure you have the right permissions?
You need read_insight permissions to view post impressions using fql or the graph api.
Here is more information Facebook Developer Guide
As well as needing the read_insights permission, this information is only available for posts made by your page, so check you're actually checking the right posts
Make sure you pass in the entire object ID of the post. It will be of the format pageid_postid (eg. 24379523495_8924592457245) and you need to quote it in single quotes - otherwise you'll get an error about an unexpected underscore.

How to get the "shares" of a wall post with FQL

I can't find them in the "stream" table, nor if with a "link_stat" query... any solutions ?
I think there is no such table (like the "like" table) in fql,but if you want to query the share count, you can retrieve it from the graph api without fql (see here for a share count example). Unfortunately, there seems to be no option yet to get the user or user-ids who shared a facebook object, just the share-count. Correct me if i´m wrong..
You can get them via "link_stat" table.

Facebook Comment Like count

i testing the webpage where i want to pull current users comment like count on my webpage.
I tested so many code but anything is not working for me.
Can anyone show me how to pull the like count for current users comment.
I tried Javascript, php sdk but could not pull the information.
Thanks in advance.
In addition to having a unique ID for each comment, you should have a common ID that references the page/topic they are on. Its then very easy to do a SQL select where page ID is that particular page and get the count.