How to retrieve the comments or at least the number of comments hidden on a Facebook post? - facebook

I'm trying to retrieve the comments marked as spam/hidden or deleted by the admin of a page.
I can't find a way to do that.
Please help!

if its not in facebooks API documentation then I dont know what to tell you, you most likely cant do it. I would think that stuff that has been deleted is only accessible if your Zuckerburg.

Have you tried using FQL. Try querying FQL comments table.


Facebook Group Search post without comments

As title, in my facebook group, I need to retrieve only post without comments.
I see the search box and notice that searching something will give an url with
and maybe there is a way to search post without comments by url.
Thanks for help!
You must use the Graph API to retrieve data from Facebook. There is example code how to get the group feed in the docs:
You canĀ“t filter by posts without comments, you need to do the filtering on your own after getting the posts.

How do i get latest comments without using FQL with the help of graph API?

I am looking to get the latest comments for the Facebook page which I have created, I can fetch it using FQL, but now I don't want to use FQL Because it'll be Deprecated after few months, so I need to Do it through Open Graph API,
Can anybody help me out here?
Help will be appreciated.
/{page-id}/tagged shows the posts that this page was tagged in and the 'posts to page'
...if you mean the user posts. If you want to get the latest comments to page posts, you need to get the latest posts with /page-id/feed first and use the /post-id/comments endpoint for each one. Or easier: /page-id/feed?fields=comments
If you need older entries, you need to use paging:

Get all Posts and Comments made by "me()"

i am trying to retrieve all posts and comments "me()" created. But I dont find any way to do this. There only seem to be a way to retrieve the posts on the "me()"'s wall - but no way to retrieve all posts created by "me()" on the walls of other users.
The obvious way would be to use the actor_id field in the streams table, but thats not indexed, so the query wont work.
Google didn't return a solution either - even through i expected this to be a common problem ?
I already know how to retrieve all statuses and likes but posts and comments seem to be unsolvable...
Any Ideas?
Thanks will return what you're looking for.
You need the read_stream permission to access this resource. (documentation)
You definitely want posts of type status and wall_post.
Currently, there doesn't seem to be a way to retrieve the same data over FQL.

Facebook Graph Api to read recommendations

While I can access several data using fbgraph api, I couldn't find way to read the "recommendations" data.
For example: For the facebook page , its recommendation content appearing on right side below cover photo.
Could someone please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Don't think this is currently possible.
I have checked the Docs for FQL and Graph API with no luck ...
Hopefully facebook will allow access sooner or later
I tried this query with the FQL Explorer:
SELECT review_id, rating, message, reviewer_id FROM review where reviewee_id='492378670299'
It returned results, but not as many as I expected.
If anyone has a better answer, I'd be happy to know...

Facebook Insights about post

I am trying to retrieve metrics post_impressions_unique, post_consumptions or anything started with a post but Facebook always return empty array for me.
Anyone know what is the problem here?
Are you sure you have the right permissions?
You need read_insight permissions to view post impressions using fql or the graph api.
Here is more information Facebook Developer Guide
As well as needing the read_insights permission, this information is only available for posts made by your page, so check you're actually checking the right posts
Make sure you pass in the entire object ID of the post. It will be of the format pageid_postid (eg. 24379523495_8924592457245) and you need to quote it in single quotes - otherwise you'll get an error about an unexpected underscore.