zkoss Color Picker CE - zk

do Color Picker in zkoss framework is available for Community Version?

There's a third-party component on google code now.

you can integrate a jQuery's plugin to work with ZK. Here is the tutorial of jQuery4j


How does the coloring work the latest Flutter SVG package (flutter_svg 2.0.0+1)

After upgrading the flutter_svg package to the latest version as of this date (2.0.0+1).
The linting says that the color member is depreciated, but there's this parameter called "colorFilter", but it has different enum properties that somehow render differently. Can someone explain how to just add normal color properties to an SVG or how the colorFilter properly works thanks.
Link to the package on pub dev
Please to you SVG package down grade to version and resolve this problem
In my case, I used ColorFilter.mode with BlendMode.scrIn and it works fine, other modes didn't seem to be working visiually properly. So if you want to set color to svg, it should work if you used it with right BlendMode.
I had bottom navigation where I had to change colors of active svg icons.
code example

How to customize file_picker UI in flutter

I find it difficult to customize the UI of the file picker. I want to implement a picker with my own new UI rather than a native picker. What should I do?
waiting for a good answer!
I'm not good at English, so I got help from a translator. thank you for reading.
Is it possible to customize with this plugin?
You can use the photo_manager plugin to get all the photos and make your own file picker, but there is no way to modify the file_picker ui as it calls native file pickers directly.
you can use file_manager plugin it support android and linux by the time this answer was written .

Arc menu like Pinterest (longpress and drag & drop) on flutter

I want to implement Arc Menu like Pinterest.
on iOS:
Is there any similar package/solution on Flutter?
try these,
I was also in need of this feature, so I developed a dart package for this:
It's called pie_menu and available here on pub.dev.
Please share your thoughts if you give it a try. 🥧

How use Tailwind-css in a Flutter application

I'm moving the first steps with Flutter and I was wondering if is possible to use tailwinds styles and components.
thank you
Well, i don't think there is an equivalent to MaterialApp for Tailwind CSS. but you can try this package:
And also building your own.
flutter devs for this issue I created a package that can be used as Tailwind CSS styling for your flutter projects here you can check it:

Dropdown list for Insert/edit video

I am integrating TinyMCE in my CMS and want to have a feature to choose a video/audio by selecting media icon instead of typing the path in Source field.
I was able to achieve this for choosing images through image_list
but, did not have luck using external_media_list_url
You are referencing documentation for TinyMCE 3.x which is no longer being updated. Your screenshot appears to be TinyMCE 4.x so you should look at the documentation for that release:
There are APIs to create your own file picker for TinyMCE 4:
...and example of that is here: