Splash screen should check data from database - iphone

hi i am creating an map application ,
initially when i click on the application icon on iphone a Splash screen showing application logo and a loading bar should be shown.
Expected Process:
Screen should achieve following objectives of initialization
1.Initialization of Synchronization Web Service
2.Create or Open available database on the device and keep the referece in the memory for quicker calling.
3.Validation of available UserInformation Record in database
4.Build up a Weather Map which should hold all 37 types of weather available for easy future reference
On each processing step progress bar should grow/fill with 25%
How could this be possible.Please anybody help me in achieving this tasks

The splash screen is just an image that should be called default.png. It will display during the launch of you app.
To realize what you want you have to define the first view controller with the same background and a UIProgress and do your sync and other processes.
When initialization is done you have to display your "real" first view controller

When user launch the application you could show a splash screen for 1 or 2 second after that you could show the progress (status) of your application using text msg.
for example "Initialization of Synchronization Service" ,"Storing to data base", "Loading map" .
The above text msg. is just a reference,you could have more descriptive text to show on screen along with progress bar.


How to show application boot loader page

During first application start on Flutter I see empty page for 3-4 seconds.
How to not show this empty screen or better show screen without status bar with progress loader.

Conditional Activity Start

I want to start the application by giving the user to disable/enable the Splash Activity at start.
I created a activity without layout and decided to load the splash activity or directly goes to main activity based on SharedPreference setting that user saves.
The concept works fine but the startup activity shows for a very short time before it switches to Splash or Main activity.
How can I resolve that?
Any other way that I can achieve this?
Thanks for not answering me at all!!!!
I just found that, If I make a decision on Splash Activity itself, it works fine.
In fact, On Splash Activity itself, if the SharedPreference lookup returns the True, it shows the Splash activity itself and if not, it goes to Main Activity by running the intent.
That works fine

Instruments UI Automation tests for iPhone app

I'm a newbie in UI Automation using instruments and I have the following question:
- the application starts and I get the mainWindow screen (which contains SignIn and Register buttons)
- I've managed to write the JavaScript code in order to tap one of the two buttons.
-> after tapping one of the buttons, another screen is displayed. let's say the Sign In screen which contains two fields: username and password.
In this case, how can I tell Instruments that this is another screen and this contains another elements that should be retrieved in order to fill the fields and tap the Sign In button ?
I only know to retrieve the mainWindow. I don't know how to write the code for a next screen
Did you try to capture what you do with the small record button in the Javascript editor window? That way you can find out how Instruments can call the elements you use.
See also this thread:
UI Automation - how to capture - record using javascript editor

Needed help in UINavigationController in iPhone

I am learning iPhone since i am new bee and wanted to implement something like the following please guide me:
Actually what i want is that i have a navigation controller with 3 screen
1st Screen: Having a button to got Next Screen
2nd Screen: Having some images and Button to upload them onto some web portal and a button to go to next screen
3rd Screen: Having a label Only
Now when i am on 2nd screen i press on Upload Button to upload it onto my web portal it takes about 5-6 minutes depending upon the size of the data. So i want to achieve that i would display a little progress bar on the UINavigation bar and a label which shows me that this much files sent and this much left and i can also goto the next or previous screen using the back button and UIButton on 2nd screen and it keeps on showing me the uploading label and progress bar onto the navigation bar. So please guide me friends how can i achieve this. I have implemented everything regarding uploading and label updating for this much files left and this much files done but what i am not getting is how to add label and progress bar on NAvigation BAr and update it on other screens as well. please guide me. i will be very thankful to you.
I am waiting for some positive responses. Guide me through some code and guidelines and tutorials. i am new bee in iPHone
See ASIHttpRequest library it has some code which you want.

Double title bar issue iPhone app

I have noticed that whenever a phone call comes in while my app is in use (Or I simulate in-call status bar using the simulator), and the phone call ends, I end up with a double status bar in my app. The status bar goes away if I click any other tab and come back to the original tab (my app has a UITTabBar in it).
I have tried so many options that I am losing track now. The most I have read are to set your UIView's size to be flexible in interface builder but nothing seems to work.
Please look at the screenshots. I am pasting a default view of the sizing options in interface builder but believe me I have tried every single configuration option there.
Do you have some heavy compute-bound processing taking place on the main thread? The main thread should be dedicated to UI updates, with non-UI stuff kicked off onto separate threads.