Needed help in UINavigationController in iPhone - iphone

I am learning iPhone since i am new bee and wanted to implement something like the following please guide me:
Actually what i want is that i have a navigation controller with 3 screen
1st Screen: Having a button to got Next Screen
2nd Screen: Having some images and Button to upload them onto some web portal and a button to go to next screen
3rd Screen: Having a label Only
Now when i am on 2nd screen i press on Upload Button to upload it onto my web portal it takes about 5-6 minutes depending upon the size of the data. So i want to achieve that i would display a little progress bar on the UINavigation bar and a label which shows me that this much files sent and this much left and i can also goto the next or previous screen using the back button and UIButton on 2nd screen and it keeps on showing me the uploading label and progress bar onto the navigation bar. So please guide me friends how can i achieve this. I have implemented everything regarding uploading and label updating for this much files left and this much files done but what i am not getting is how to add label and progress bar on NAvigation BAr and update it on other screens as well. please guide me. i will be very thankful to you.
I am waiting for some positive responses. Guide me through some code and guidelines and tutorials. i am new bee in iPHone

See ASIHttpRequest library it has some code which you want.


How do I set up a Navigation Link in SwiftUI on iPad so the buttons to navigate aren't in a sidebar?

I'm working on an app that I would like to have the following navigation structure:
I want to have a welcome view with "Sign up" and "Sign in" buttons as most of apps have:
First Page
I would like it to be such that this view doesn't have any navigation view bar at the top but the two buttons will navigate to the appropriate page e.g. the sign in page will ask for just login info, sign up page with ask the user for data.
Sign In Page
This however, while seemingly simple has been very confusing to achieve in SwiftUI when it comes to the iPad. When I try to use the Navigation Link it doesn't work as the links are stuck in a side bar that is hidden. I can't seem to find any solutions that work online as nearly everything is for the iPhone. Can anyone advise how to stop the links being placed in a sidebar on iPad?
Thanks a lot

How do you make a multi-page app in Xcode for IPhone?

I am new to Xcode and am having trouble with my single view/view-based application for iPhone.
I have 2 buttons on the view and I need simple beginner instructions on how to make 1 button go to a different page and have a back button and have the other button on that view do the same as the first button.
Can anyone help? Thanks!
You are likely looking for a UINavigationController. There are many good tutorials for getting started with that.
This has links to some sample code:
You need navigation based app. Take a look at here: to understand what a navigation based app and how that works with uitableview.

Load tableview on first start up only and populate tab bar accordingly

Ok I'm making an iPhone app that (only on the first time the user opens the app) loads a tableview with a list of, for example, sports teams. The user checks the sports teams he wants and taps the done button. Then the tab bar loads with the teams the user selected in the tab bar. Any way how to do this as far as a tutorial/ code? Thanks!
I think this link may help you: How to set iPhone tab bar icon in code?. For more help on how to use TabBarControllers, there are tons of sample code AND sample projects found here: UITabBarController Class Reference. Hope that helps!

How to get rid of 'more...' button in tab bar app?

ive searched for 2 weeks solid on this and cant find an answer. ive posted on a couple of other sdk forums and nobody seems to have a clue...
i am building a tab bar app and i want to have 6 pages with 6 icons on the tab bar at the bottom. by default if you add more than 4 icons to the tab bar, when you build the app you get the 'more...' button. i dont want that.
everyone tells me its not possible, but obviously it IS possible because there are a number of apps with 6 icons in the tab bar.
the free app 'college football live!' for instance, has 6 icons in the tab bar
screenshot of the app
the only thing ive been able to find is this piece of code for a tutorial here...
im not sure if that code can be changed to create 6 icons or not, but if anyone can help me out with this i would really appreciate it.
I think the most easy way do to this is to create your own tab bar.
on screen only 5 tab can see possible if you want to implement more button there is two ways to do this thing first is use toolbar instead of tabbar controller and other is use button at bottom to show it like tabbar

How do I create a simple two-screen iPhone app?

I've gone through most of the example code and I still need some help. I want to make an uber-simple app: show one screen at startup with a label and a button. click the button and we slide over to another screen (I suppose these are called views) which has another label and the "back" button in the top menu bar. I just want to click back and forth between the two screens.
How do I do this?
Take a look at the NavBar sample on Apple's Developer website.
You'll need to use a UINavigationController to accomplish the "slide"/"back button" behavior you're talking about. It is as simple as you might think, as long as the app is setup correctly. Essentially, UINavigationControllers allow you to push and pop instances of UIViewController or subclasses thereof, and take care of the animation and view history tracking for you.
The best way to get started, by far, is just open XCode, choose "New Project", and start with the "Navigation-Based Application." Dig around that project for a while and I think you'll start to see clearly what needs to be done.
You can checkout how to get started with that using this tutorial: at