Display answer in UITextField? - iphone

Lets say I have:
int a = textbox1;
int b = textbox2;
answer = a + b;
How do you get "answer" to display in textbox3? I'm sure this is a very simple question, but believe it or not, I have done a lot of researching and found nothing. If you could please give an example as "Text" and as "numbers with decimals" I would greatly appreciate it!! Thank you in advance!

Use the text property of NSString to get and set it's text. Use intValue method of NSString to convert the string to integer (assuming that the string contains a valid integer). And finally use stringWithFormat to create a string which contains an integer.
Here is the one line code.
textBox3.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", [textBox1.text intValue] + [textBox2.text intValue]];

a and b should probably be floats or doubles if you want decimal values. You can try something like this:
double a = [[textBox1 text] doubleValue];
double b = [[textBox2 text] doubleValue];
[textBox3 setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f", (a + b)]];


How to convert NSDecimalNumber to CLLocationDegrees without losing precision?

I need to convert NSDecimalNumber with lat/lon values which I need to convert to CLLocationDegrees. I used -[NSDecimalNumber doubleValue] method. But the value loses its precision. I want the values to be same. The following is what I am talking about(I hope everyone would be aware about this issue already).
NSString *coordStr = #"-33.890934125621094";
NSDecimalNumber *lat = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:coordStr];
NSLog(#"%#", lat); // -33.890934125621094
NSLog(#"%lf", [lat doubleValue]); // -33.890934
Is there any way that I should do instead of doing the above?
Try out to convert the String with the doubleValue method
NSString *coordStr = #"-33.890934125621094";
NSLog(#"%.17g",coordStr.doubleValue); //-33.890934125621094
Check out this post: How to print a double with full precision on iOS?
the docu says: typedef double CLLocationDegrees; so you can double test = coordStr.doubleValue; the problem is only, that NSLog doesn't print the complete value. but instead the double var saves the complete value.
CLLocationDegree is a double. So the maximum precision can only equal that of a double datatype.

How to convert from text to number integer?

i have input only number from text field and i want to change it to integer. what code should i write in?
just say text field say for 10 and i want to take that 10 = x, x = integer. so if i use it for mathematic process a = x + 1 and display say 11. is there any chance? i hope you understand what i mean. thank you. i think both of you will answer this simple question but i not because im beginner. im a 3d design graphic switch 180 degree become xcode programming. BTW ive tried this before but it cant.
NSInteger number = [[txtBtn text] integerValue];
Edited :
i've got this error, local declaration of 'number' hides instance variable, pointed to number at result = (number * 2) - 1; and i put the code like this.
NSInteger number = [[txtBtn text] intValue];
result = (number * 2) - 1;
i dont know whats wrong.
Are you sure it's a TextField and not a UIButton you are trying to get the integerValue from?
[txtBtn text]
I created a TextField and a UIButton, and implemented your code:
- (IBAction)btnClicked:(id)sender {
NSInteger i = [[inputField text] intValue];
int result = (i*2)-1;
NSLog(#"%i", result);
the output results is correct.
ex: type 5, output in console is 9.

How do I get the floatValue Amount of a Currency-Formatted Label?

I have a Label, let's call it currencyFormattedLabel, the value of which was earlier formatted in another method as currency (with currencyFormatter).
Now, I want to use the number equivalent in that Label. However, when i go to get the number, I only get a value of 0.00.
Maybe this will help explain:
float x = [currencyFormattedLabel.text floatValue];
NSLog(#"x = %.2f", x);
So, if the currencyFormattedLabel is $2.00, this method always ends up returning: x = 0.00
What i want is for it to return x = 2.00.
Is there a way to take my currencyFormattedLabel and get the number value of it?
Thanks for any help you can give!
The dollar sign in the NSString is throwing things off. You will have better luck using NSScanner.
NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:currencyFormattedLabel.text];
float x;
[scanner scanFloat: &x];
NSLog(#"x = %.2f", x);
You could also use:
float x = [[currencyFormattedTextLabel.text substringFromIndex:1] floatValue];
if you knew the number would always be predceeded by a dollar sign.

Removing characters after the decimal point for a double

How can I remove the all the characters after the decimal point.
Instead of 7.3456, I would just like 7.
This is what I do to get the number so far with decimal places.
[NSString stringWithFormat:#" %f : %f",(audioPlayer.currentTime),(audioPlayer.duration) ];
Many Thanks,
You can specify what you want using format string :
[NSString stringWithFormat:#" %.0f : %.0f", (audioPlayer.currentTime),
If you want this for display, use an NSNumberFormatter:
double sevenpointthreefourfivesix = 7.3456;
NSNumberFormatter * formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setMaximumFractionDigits:0];
NSLog(#"%#", [formatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:sevenpointthreefourfivesix]]);
2011-12-20 20:19:48.813 NoDecimal[55110:903] 7
If you want a value without the fractional part, use round(). If you want the closest integer value not greater than the original value, use floor().
floorf() is the function you're looking for.
you are after
[NSString stringWithFormat:#" %.00f : %.00f",(audioPlayer.currentTime),(audioPlayer.duration) ];
When formatting float you can tell the precision by the number before the f
Cast to int:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#" %i : %i",(int)(audioPlayer.currentTime),(int)(audioPlayer.duration) ];
Casting like this always rounds down (eg: just removes everything after the decimal place). This is what you asked for.
In the case of rounding to the NEAREST whole number you want to add 0.5 to the number
[NSString stringWithFormat:#" %i : %i",(int)(audioPlayer.currentTime+0.5f),(int)(audioPlayer.duration+0.5f) ];
This will round to the nearest whole number. eg: 1.2 becomes 1.7 and casting to int makes 1. 3.6 becomes 4.1 and casting makes 4. :)
Why not just cast the audioPlayer.currentTime to an integer before you use stringWithFormat?
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", (int)(audioPlayer.currentTime)];
All you need to do is type-cast the double to an int, like so: int currentTime_int = (int)audioPlayer.currentTime;.
You can use this same approach for the other variable.
Many of the shorter answers here will work correctly. But if you want your code to be really clear and readable, you might want to explicitly specify your desired conversion from float to int, such as using:
int tmpInt = floorf(myFloat); // or roundf(), etc.
and then separately specifying how you want the integer formated, e.g.
... stringWithFormat:#"%d", tmpInt ... // or #"%+03d", etc.
instead of assuming that an inline cast shows what you want.
You may also use
double newDvalue =floor(dValue);
it will remove all the decimals point
using %.0f for string format will be good also

objective-c converting strings to usable numbers

I have strings that look about like this:
stringA = #"29.88";
stringB = #"2564";
stringC = #"12";
stringD = #"-2";
what is the best way to convert them so they can all be used in the same mathmatical formula?? that includes add, subtract.multiply,divide etc
Probably floatValue (as it appears you want floating-point values), though integerValue may also be of use (both are instance methods of NSString).
[stringA doubleValue]
These are all wrong, because they don't handle errors well. You really want an NSNumberFormatter.
If you have the string #"abc" and try to use intValue or floatValue on it, you'll get 0.0, which is obviously incorrect. If you parse it with an NSNumberFormatter, you'll get nil, which is very easy to distinguish from an NSNumber (which is what would be returned if it was able to parse a number).
Assuming that you have NSString variables.
NSString *stringA = #"29.88";
NSString *stringB = #"2564";
NSString *stringC = #"12";
NSString *stringD = #"-2";
suppose, you want to convert a string value to float value, use following statement.
float x=[stringA floatValue];
suppose, you want to convert a string value to integer value, use following statement.
NSInteger y = [stringC intValue];
Hope, it helps to you.