How to get and play iPhone Default sound files? [duplicate] - iphone

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Play alert sound (same as default message ringtone)
How to get and play iPhone default Sound files in iPhone.

You can do this, but it's undocumented. You wouldn't be able to do this in an App Store app. See here: Play alert sound (same as default message ringtone)


Reverse playback audio file in ios objective c [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to reverse an audio file?
Is there any way/library in objective-c to make the audio file in reverse order.
Actually in my application user record his voice and then change the recording in various sounds. Now I have to use the reverse voice.
Please suggest me what should I do.
There is no direct way to achieve such feature on audio file.
My suggestion to do this is to crearte chunks of audio files and merge them in reverse orderin one audio file.
You can use AVMutableComposition,AVMutableCompositionTrack,AVAssetExportSession APIs to achieve this.
You can also get more help from trimming movie file mentioned in Apple documents and same you can do for audio file.

how to add airplay function in our application? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
AirPlay support, MPMoviePlayerController and MPVolumeView relation
I am implementing one iphone application in which I want to add airplay functionality.
I dont know is possible of not.
Please give me idea about that.
Thanks in advance
If the device supporting airplay is enabled and within the same network, the player provides the option to play via airplay automatically. However there is a explicit flag which you can set stating to enable airplay for MPMovieController. Youtube player detects its autmatically, so does the quicktime player.

What's the best way to play a .mp3 in iPhone App ? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Iphone sdk support for playing mp3 files over the network
I need to play a .mp3 in my iPhone app. The .mp3 is on a server, and I just have the URL of it. It would be nice if it could be played in a UIWebView. In any case I want to stay in my app, and stream it.
The easiest way is to use MPMoviePlayerController. Despite the name, it fully supports audio-only streaming.
What omz said.
Btw, this is a very nice article which gives an overview of the history of iDevice media APIs:
It will give you some idea of the options available.

Play song from the internet [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
downloading mp3 file from server in iphone programing.
How can I play music from the internet in my iPhone program? I want to play the song depending on the rate of download. Please guys, help. I have tried for one week.
I assume you try to open it with Safari? Could you be more specific as to why it doesn't work and what kind of source (file) that is?
Ideally you download it on your Mac or PC and sync it to your iPhone. If that is not possible you could try another browser like Opera. Alternatively there are several streaming apps which play music (free of charge) like or pandora.
good luck*

Speech recognition in iphone sdk? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
iPhone App › Add voice recognition? [closed]
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Is there any via which we can identify the speech saved by the user at any time.what i want to do i want to save some user voices in the iphone and when user call any one sound iphone should react on that way i.e like if i say camera it would open the camera and if i say gallry it would open the photo gallery.
Is there any API provided by apple in any SDK upto 4.0 beta.or we have to use any third party tool for it .
There's no api as far as i know... Overall iPhone isn't a kind of device you want to do such things on, in terms of performance at least. The regular scheme to do speech recognition on the iphone is to sample the mic, send the recorded stuff onto server, and fetch the result.