Speech recognition in iphone sdk? [duplicate] - iphone

This question already has answers here:
iPhone App › Add voice recognition? [closed]
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Is there any via which we can identify the speech saved by the user at any time.what i want to do i want to save some user voices in the iphone and when user call any one sound iphone should react on that way i.e like if i say camera it would open the camera and if i say gallry it would open the photo gallery.
Is there any API provided by apple in any SDK upto 4.0 beta.or we have to use any third party tool for it .

There's no api as far as i know... Overall iPhone isn't a kind of device you want to do such things on, in terms of performance at least. The regular scheme to do speech recognition on the iphone is to sample the mic, send the recorded stuff onto server, and fetch the result.


convert text to speech in obj c for an iphone app [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicates:
How to implement text to speech functionality in iPad ?
Text to speech on iPhone
converting text to speech in Objective-c, can anyone suggest an API or sample code for this?
Thanx in advance
You need to have a look at these:
In short, there are no APIs for recording phone calls or converting text to speech. You will need to create a speech recognition engine. I suspect the iPhone hardware will not be powerful enough to handle that type of processing though.
APIs for converting Voice/Audio data in to text
API for Voice recognition in among group
iPhone speech recognition API?
Reference: Convert the voice to text in iPhone

What's the best way to play a .mp3 in iPhone App ? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Iphone sdk support for playing mp3 files over the network
I need to play a .mp3 in my iPhone app. The .mp3 is on a server, and I just have the URL of it. It would be nice if it could be played in a UIWebView. In any case I want to stay in my app, and stream it.
The easiest way is to use MPMoviePlayerController. Despite the name, it fully supports audio-only streaming.
What omz said.
Btw, this is a very nice article which gives an overview of the history of iDevice media APIs:
It will give you some idea of the options available.

Play song from the internet [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
downloading mp3 file from server in iphone programing.
How can I play music from the internet in my iPhone program? I want to play the song depending on the rate of download. Please guys, help. I have tried for one week.
I assume you try to open it with Safari? Could you be more specific as to why it doesn't work and what kind of source (file) that is?
Ideally you download it on your Mac or PC and sync it to your iPhone. If that is not possible you could try another browser like Opera. Alternatively there are several streaming apps which play music (free of charge) like last.fm or pandora.
good luck*

speech to text application in iOS? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
iPhone App › Add voice recognition? [closed]
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
i am going to start a speech to text app in iphone and i need a start up for this can i have some open source or else to start with.
and i also need to know how to make speech to text more accurate almost upto 80% accuracy the list of helpful libraries and helpful examples are welcome ,
thanx in advance
Here is the Cocoa class for speech recognition.
Also, O'Reilly has some interesting things to say about working with speech on Mac OS 10.
Finally, there was a similar post here:
iPhone App › Add voice recognition?
As far as libraries go, I'm not sure you will find many specifically for iOS. However, check out libraries like CMU Sphinx and Julius. This will at least get you started in looking at how speech is it produced and perceived.
Good luck with your project. That sounds like a really fun idea!
I have founded some links which help for speech to text convertion
speech to text SDK (not free)
opensource SDK
opensource API

How to convert speech to text in iphone?

I want to build an application where user when talks something on iphone it will convert into corresponding text.
I heard in windows platform it is possible.
Wheather this is possible in iphone ? Any API available for this ?
I used Nuance’s Dragon Speech SDK for this purpose.
Its free for developers and their SDK have a sample project for STT and TTS both.
Tried Speech to text using this SDK on iOS 9 and it works like a charm.
Here is the link.
60 seconds recording time limit.
Recorded audio file is not accessible.
Pauses taken are detected as end of recording.
There's an app for that.
Search for "Dragon Speech".
The question has been asked a lot of times here already, this being one of these questions that received quite a few answers and good ideas.
There is no API for doing speech to text on the iPhone, but you can record the voice on the phone, send the recording to a server that runs the speech recognition software on Windows or whatever OS suits you best, then return the text results back to the phone.
It is possible on the iPhone. Pocketsphinx has been ported. For example, an app called cactus dialer uses pocketsphinx. No API has been published but its not hard to get it built. Many people have.
For full blown dictation it will be hard. You will need to make it server based like Nuance's 'dragon speech' does or accept a smaller vocabulary.