Can Facebook Live Stream Plugin be used on site outside of Facebook? - facebook

Does anyone out there have a working example of the Facebook live stream plugin
that exists on a NON facebook webpage (meaning one that isn't located in the facebook domain ie. a canvas app)?
Has anyone successfully managed to integrate the Facebook Live Stream plugin into their site?
I cannot successfully do this using the code given by facebook which is:
<div id="fb-root" ></div>
<script src="">
</script><fb:live-stream event_app_id="MYAPPID" width="400" xid=""
height="500" always_post_to_friends="false"></fb:live-stream>
Facebook has almost 0 documentation on this and whatever they do have is vague. I've searched forums regarding the issue but they are all full of people who can't get it to work and no decent solutions posted.

The problem here was that I had "accept 3rd party cookies' turned off in my browser and the plugin needed to access these in order to work.


Facebook Iframe link only open within the iframe

I feel like people have been having the opposite of this problem, I cannot figure how to have links open up outside of fb and not with the iframe.. I am posting material that rests in an FB app hosted by my server. The page has links to other sites, but when they open up they are still in the facebook iframe.
using basic:
<a href= "http...."><b></b>
looks like this
Click link...
I'm a rookie and any help would be great. Thanks
target="_blank" works if you have set up an app for the iframe.
Have you tried the target attribute?

How to add google docs forms to facebook fan page?

I'd like to place my google docs form(for newsletter sign-up) on my facebook page.
using this tutorial I was able to create an app, but no content showed
So I wanted to know if there was another way of doing this, or anyway of doing this at all.
I had the same issue with using the iframe that google docs give you and using the url for the application tab on Facebook. The resulting facebook page is blank.
What I did to resolve this is whip up a simple html file that does the embedding from google and placed it on my (ssl encrypted) server. Then I used the url to that file as the application tab URL in my facebook app. Viola it worked.
Is Facebook not allowing embeds from There's a simple workaround.
Here's the code from my html file on my server with the formkey mangled to protect privacy.
<iframe src="" width="500" height="780" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>
There's a php class that i've been using. It provides functionality to capture form elements into a google doc.
That's a possibility but requires a larger learning curve if you're not familiar with PHP:

Facebook sharing on mobile web

Can someone tell me how to implement facebook recommendation or like on mobile (iPhone, Android) web browser?
I following the guides for plugin approach and FB.ui approach:
but, none of them gave a mobile web sharing experience for recommentation/like. All of them give me desktop version of recommendata/like page.
Is there any tutorial or examples for Facebook sharing on mobile web? Can anyone help?
<div id="facebook_code"><iframe src="[FACEBOOK USER NAME OR ID]&layout=standard&show_faces=false&width=250&action=like&colorscheme=dark&height=80" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" class="facebook_like_button" allowTransparency="true">
Using the like button was a little bit of a fit, but here is how you do it.
The class is so you can style and position a div, the code calls facebook's like.php script so no need to include an extra call to a js file. The code I used also removes the pop up box that you can not style with the FB faces in it, it just displays names. Leave enough vertical room, in this case 80px for the text to wrap with the BLANK likes this text.
You might have to open a web view/safari because either way you're going to have to prove that the user is logged into facebook somehow.
I'm not sure their iOS SDK supports this but have a look at it on GitHub and maybe check the forks to see if anyone has found a way to add the like button.
You may also be interested in sharing rich content and media using Kik API. It lets you integrate your mobile app into Kik Messenger and use Kik's own transport and infrastructure to share content with other mobile app users. It is also very simple to integrate - about 5 lines of code, in simpler scenarios. There is more info on Kik API website: and
Disclaimer: I'm one of the developers behind Kik API :)

how to use facebook comments plugin into facebook page

We have a Face book page.We add a custom FBML tab.Now we want to add Comment Face book plugin.I tried to add an script what i got from Face book Social Plug in.The code is
<div id="fb-root"></div><script
<src=";xfbml=1"></script><fb:comments numposts="10" width="425"
After that i put this script to custom FBML page but its not reflecting any thing please suggest to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance.
You should start over and not use FBML but use an iframe instead.
You are trying to create an app on a page tab. To do this take a look at the FB dev site and it shows you how to get started with an iframe based app and then how to get that to work on a page tab.
Once you move to iframes you can use all of the social plug-ins and other advanced features like the Graph API.
<fb:comments xid="some_unique_id_doesnt_matter_what" canpost="true" candelete="false" publish_feed="true" numposts="10" returnurl="">
this is what you are looking for.. your code doesnt work in FBML, yours is XFBML
is optional

Facebook API / httpclient wrapper for crawling through the wall posts & group posts of any user?

I am completely new to facebook api and working on a very small project. Before getting into details of their api doc, I wanted to ask a quick question.
My application needs login with a facebook userid/password, go to a friends wall / groups wall, crawl through all the wall posts and dump them in database for further analysis. A simple http client would do the trick if facebook weren't completely unusable without javascript. Since its going to be a desktop app, I am reluctant to go for a full fledged server based app.
So what should be the simplest way of crawling through FB friend / group wall? Please correct me if I'm asking the wrong question because I have Zero FB knowledge.
PS: I would like a java based library / wrapper but any language would do...
the current api has some serious bugs. Either you only get 50 items from the wall or only the items of the last 30 days, which comes first.
Please check the facebook developer bug list first. Developer Bug list
The Facebook Graph API would be the best solution, but if it is buggy, as Herr Kaleun pointed out, and you need more than 50 items or 30 days of posts, then I have another idea.
It may not satisfy your distribution requirements, but if it does you can implement this as a GreaseMonkey user script. GreaseMonkey is a system for web client automation that is javascript-aware. It lives in the web browser and is written and controlled by javascript, and can also pragmatically simulate a user affecting javascript. GreaseMonkey is a Firefox plugin, but Chrome also has native support for user scripts (the language is slightly different, but most GreaseMonkey user scripts will work in Chrome).
Ok, on a quick search, It seems that the answer is the FB Graph API. I can see there are wrappers of graph api in almost all language. For Java, I found the RestFB & BatchFB. Please feel free to refer to any more useful / advanced api if available.
I couldn't find any extended permission set to access a user's group wall / a user's friends wall? is it atall possible with an Application?
Your group needs to be publicly viewable You need to have signed up to make a Facebook app, in order to get the APP_ID AND SECRET_KEY.
Then, (example in PHP, but should easily be transposed to another language):
$url =
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url));
foreach($data->data as $d)
<a href="<?=$d->from->id?>">
<img border="0" alt="<?=$d->from->name?>"
<a href="<?=$d->from->id?>">
on <?=date('F j, Y H:i',strtotime($d->created_time))?>
This will get the wall posts. As far as limits, I don't know.