Android 2.2: Where is the option for speech input in the emulator? - android-emulator

My Nexus One has it:
Settings includes a "Voice
recognizer settings" in the list of
"Voice input & output settings".
Google Search has a microphone
button next to it, so when I touch
it, a dialog prompts me to say what
I want to search.
On the emulator (API level 8, Android 2.2) however, any of the above is nowhere to be found.
Isn't voice search part of Android 2.2? If so, why is it found on my Nexus One (Froyo) but not on the emulator?
What do I need to do to make at least the "Voice input & output settings" available?
Update 1: I followed the instructions for creating the recognizer-enabled AVD as suggested below, but I still receive the "Recognizer no present" message:
What else do I need to do?
Is it possible that despite installing Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 8, revision 2 and creating a special AVD with it, I still need to install the Voice Search app from the Android Market?
Update 2: I followed Michael's correction to install Google's Voice Search app. This solved the "Recognizer no present" problem but now I am presented with a new problem:
The app's suggestion "Speak again" is bogus: Speaking again presents the same error message over and over again.

In your emulator image, can you install Google Voice Search as in Converting speech to text. The app is in the marketplace at I think this is the only way to add the Recognizer Intent. Recognizer is not part of the base Android, it is considered an additional component that ships with Google Voice Search and is included in some phones.
I thought that including the Google APIs in your emulator target image would work, but it appears that I was mistaken. I thought you needed to build the target to include "Google APIs" since this capability is not core android, but an additional Google feature.


Can't test my Google Home Action in Actions Console Simulator

We've been having trouble keeping Wonder available on Google Assistant and Home. We keep resubmitting and then find out there's some bug that gets us taken down.
One thing that has made it hard is that we cannot test Wonder in the simulator in the Actions Console. Here is what a session looks like: Wonder test session
When I expand the last message I see the following error: Cannot use standard Google Assistant features in the Simulator
Is there any way you could help us get this fixed?
The Google Assistant available in the simulator has a subset of the features of the assistant available in your phone or Google Home device. If you want to use the entire set of voice interactions, please use the assistant on your physical devices. If you want to test your smart home action, you can use Test Suite.
Also note that Google Home projects do not support dialogflow anymore. I see you have the dialogflow-es-fulfillment tag in your project. If your project is set up as a dialogflow project, you might need to set up a new Smart Home project on the actions on google console. sharesheet questions

Im using's sdk for unity, im having 2 questions im hoping someone could answer:
1: Is it any way to restrict the share sheet from sharing to certain apps? for example some apps that doesn't handle links well and in special the sms service.
The reason we do not want the ability to send by sms is that the app needs permission to access the phone book and thus the google play service will need an "privacy policy" link.
2: If its not then i would like to know if you guys could lead me in the right direction when writing a privacy policy because i do not have any legal education and do not know how to wright it. Is it sufficient to state that we are using your sdk? The demands are things like "you should see to it that the code is secure and encrypted" (Something like that) though i'm using your sdk and do not have a clue about how it works.
There is no way to change the list of apps from the share sheet in Branch's Unity SDK. Although Branch does have an end point to exclude certain apps using the Android SDK.
You will need to export your Unity 3D project to Android Studio. Once you successfully export the project, you can use the Branch Android SDK endpoint to exclude any app by providing the Package name of the App.
This is the sample code to update your Share Sheet:
//define the share sheet style
ShareSheetStyle shareSheetStyle = new ShareSheetStyle(context, shareTitle, shareDescription)
.setCopyUrlStyle(getResources().getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_send), "Copy this URl", "Link added to clipboard")
.setMoreOptionStyle(getResources().getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_search), "Show more")
.setSharingTitle("Share With");
//to exclude whatsapp from the Share Sheet
//to exclude android messages app from the Share Sheet

GameAnalytics, validating in app purchases on Unity

I'm setting up for the first time GameAnalytics in my Unity3D project.
I'm try to figure out if there is a way to validate in app purchases for both android and iOS from it.
In the docs I found I understood that you need to work with native sdks to get this feature, am I right?
Could it be an option to configure from the dashboard an android and an iOS game and then changing the keys in unity with precompilator instructions? (like #if UNITY_ANDROID)?
I am an SDK developer # GameAnalytics.
There is a way to make the GA servers validate Android and iOS IAP purchases in business events. From Unity.
Short story
You need to send the receipt in the business event after the purchase.
You can read our complete Unity tech guide in the Github Repository.
Regarding IAP validation you should read this section.
About the keys
You should create a game for Android and iOS in our tool at
Inside the Unity Editor you can add platforms (Android / iOS) and then add specific keys to each.
You can read more about the in-editor settings in the wiki docs as well. Including how to login and select games directly in the editor.
Let me know if you have any issues. You could also file a support case with our friendly support staff.
When you install the Game Analytics unity package, you are essentially installing the native libraries for each platform (Android, iOS, ...) located in the Plugins folder.
If you want to target multiple platforms in your code with an API like Game Analytics, I recommend you use the preprocessor tags as you mentioned since the functions from Game Analytics are platform specific.

GoogleTv Emulator Basic Text Entry

I recently set up my googleTV emulator on Ubuntu 12 Desktop edition. Added Android SDK and the ADT plugin for Eclipse. When I start the emulator, I see the google Icon and some buttons as expected with 4 other icons on the TV screen.
When I do select the TV option,I am propmted to enter the ZIPCode for LiveTV. Thats when I realised that I cant enter text using my keyboard!
My direction keys are working with the simulator for navigation but I just cant enter the ZIP code / Search Text .
Has anyone experienced the same issue ?
Please file an issue at and I will have someone look into it. AFAIK this was working correctly - can you provide some more detail on your system setup? SDK versions, any recent library updates etc.

get location on android sdk

I am very new to android.I am using android 2.3.I want to know how to get location through gps or network provider on the android emulator.When I run my application on the emulator,it does not give me the name of the network provider but displays "network".I am creating an application which requires user's current location.
can anyone please help me to do it and even how i can test if it works on emulator.
Two parts
Emulator will not give you a location. However, you can simulate a location. If you are using Eclipse, go to DDMS perspective and in the left side, you will see Emulator Controls. Scroll down to see Location Controls. You can enter location coords here.
You need to download Google API for Android (This is different from Android API). Go to your Android SDK and AVD Manager (in Eclipse this is under Menu 'Window'). Select Available Packages --> Third party Add-Ons --> Google Inc and select the API versions you want. Run the GPS emulation using these emulator