setCredentialTreatment is not available in SQLite - zend-framework

I ran into a strange error, I want to share it with you.
I had to convert my MySQL database to SQLite, which was actually a piece of cake with the program called DBConvert.
So I changed in my application.ini:
resources.db.adapter = "PDO_SQLITE"
resources.db.params.dbname = APPLICATION_PATH "/../data/db/db_name.db"
And try to show my website, everything looks correct. Except when I try to login to my website, it gives the following error:
The supplied parameters to Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable failed to produce a valid sql statement, please check table and column names for validity.

setCredentialTreatment(SHA(?)) is not supported by SQLite.
Remove that setCredentialTreatment line, and change the following:


Object reference exception when importing content in Episerver

We are using Optimizely/Episerver CMS 11.20. When trying to export a page hierarchy from our production environment and then import the resulting ExportedFile.episerverdata file to our acceptance test environment I get the following error:
[Importing content 70725_133679] Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I have no idea what 70725_133679 is referring to. Is there a way to look this up, e.g. via an SQL query against the "EPi" database?
It refers to a specific version of some content (which could be just about anything).
You could try to browse to https://yoursite/EPiServer/CMS/#context=epi.cms.contentdata:///70725_133679 (note the ID at the end) to see which content it is.
Got another answer on a Optimizely forum (thanks to Surjit Bharath):
The following SQL against the EPi database gives information about the referenced content:
select * from tblContent where pkID = 70725 
select * from tblWorkContent where pkID = 133679
This too points to a submit button. I have yet to understand why that block would cause an exception during import, but now I at least have a place to start digging.

How to delete Sqlite Database in Ionic3

I am using the sqlite plugin in my Ionic App
databaseName = 'offline.db';
this.sqlite.deleteDatabase({ name: this.databaseName, location: 'default'});
I tried this code it throwing an error. destroyDatabase does not exist. But the function does exists maybe the code might be wrong. Please Help.
Check your code carefully, because:
In the code it says: "destoryDatabase(){" .
It may be because you didn't close the "}" and also the name is wrong.
But you wrote that the function "destroyDatabase" exists.
As you can see, they're not the same at least in typo.
Check that and please add more code.

Entity Framework - migrations - #objname is ambiguous

I've bumped into a problem when trying to update my database. I Changed a FK and the virtual property inside my model. When I try to update the database now I'm getting this error:
Either the parameter #objname is ambiguous or the claimed #objtype (COLUMN) is wrong.
On this line code it stops the update-database:
RenameColumn("dbo.test", "test_Id", "ProgramId");
And the -verbose attribute is showing me that this line of code is giving me the error:
EXECUTE sp_rename #objname = N'dbo.test.test_Id', #newname = N'ProgramId', #objtype = N'COLUMN'
I don't know why it is giving me this error, does anyone know what is going wrong with the automatically generated migration file?
Thanks, Brent
I tried whay you said in my project which was using EF Core, I didn't get just RenameColumn in migration class, I got :
DropForeignKey(...) ,
DropIndex(...) ,
and then AddColumn(...),
CreateIndex(...) and
and of course worked fine when I updated database.
But I searched for your issue , it seems SQL get confused somehow, the all solutions for problems like you, were saying use [] around tableName or ColumnName, it seems you have another name like these names and SQL can't specify them.
If you just tell me more about your entities before and after changes, I can follow your footstep and get error like you.

how to change mysql_query to mysqli_guery

I am using in a script mysqli_query but i think there is something wrong with the syntaxes. The script did work before, but changing everything form mysql_query to mysqli_query, data is not put anymore correct in the database.
This was the original query:
mysql_query( "INSERT INTO download_manager (SET filename='".mysqli_real_escape_string($_GET['file'])."'),
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE downloads=downloads+1");
I changed it with mysqli_query this way:
mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO download_manager (SET filename='".mysqli_real_escape_string($_GET['file'])."'),
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE downloads=downloads+1");
Can someone tell me what i did wrong?
My connection looks like this:
$link = #mysqli_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_database) or die ("Error " . mysqli_error($link));
Ensure that the handle stored in $link was generated from a call to mysqli_connect and not mysql_connect:
If that fails, check for an error:
The mysql and mysqli PHP modules are distinct, and you can't mix functions between the modules.
Enable error reporting to ensure you are able to see useful error messages.
Ensure the database credentials and connection details are valid.
Use mysqli_error after mysqli_xxx function calls to detect issues within the mysqli module.
Use the # token sparingly to avoid hiding useful errors.

How do I get the text-form verification code when doing auto site access in Perl?

I'm playing around with Win32::IE:Mechanize to try to access some authentication-required sites automatically. So far I've achieved moderate success, for example, I can automatically log in to my yahoo mailbox. But I find many sites are using some kind of image verification mechanism, which is possibly called CAPTCHA. I can do nothing to them. But one of the sites I'm trying to auto access is using a plain-text verification code. It is comnposed of four digits, selectable and copyable. But they're not in the source file which can be fetched using
I searched for the keyword that appears on the webpage but not in the source file through all the files in the Temporary Internet Files but still can't find it.
Any idea what's going on? I was suspecting that the verification code was somehow hidden in some cookie file but I can't seem to find it :(
The following is the code that completes all the fields requirements except for the verification code:
use warnings;
use Win32::IE::Mechanize;
my $url = "";
my $eccode = "myeccode";
my $username = "myaccountname";
my $password = "mypassword";
my $verify = "I can't figure out how to let the script get the code yet"
my $mech = Win32::IE::Mechanize->new(visible=>1);
sleep(1); #avoids undefined value error
$mech->field(ECCODE => $eccode);
$mech->field(MEMBERACCOUNT => $username);
$mech->field(PASSWORD => $password);
$mech->field(verify => $verify);
Like always any suggestions/comments would be greatly appreciated :)
I've figured out a not-so-smart way to solve this problem. Please comment on my own asnwer posted below. Thanks like always :)
This is the reason why they are there. To stop program like yours to do automated stuff ;-)
A CAPTCHA or Captcha is a type of
challenge-response test used in
computing to ensure that the response
is not generated by a computer.
This appears to be an irrelevant number. The page uses it in 3 places: generating it; displaying it on the form next to the input field for it; and checking for the input value being equal to the random number chosen. That is, it is a client-only check. Still, if you disable javascript it looks like, I'm guessing, important cookies don't get set. If you can execute JavaScript in the context of the page (you should be able to with a get method call and a javascript URI), you could change the value of random_number to f.e. 42 and fill that in on the form.
The code is inserted by JavaScript – disable JS, reload the page and see it disappear. You have to hunt through the JS code to get an idea where it comes from and how to replicate it.
Thanks to james2vegas, zoul and Shoban.
I've finally figured out on my own a not-so-smart but at-least-workable way to solve the problem I described here. I'd like to share it here. I think the approach suggested by #james2vegas is probably much better...but anyway I'm learning along the way.
My approach is this:
Although the verification code is not in the source file but since it is still selectable and copyable, I can let my script copy everything in the login page and then extract the verification code.
To do this, I use the sendkeys functions in the Win32::Guitest module to do "Select All" and "Copy" to the login page.
Then I use Win32:Clipboard to get the clipboard content and then Regexp to extract the code. Something like this:
$verify = Win32::Clipboard::GetText();
$verify =~ s/.* (\d{4}).*/$1/msg;
A few thoughts:
The random number is generated by something like this in Perl
my $random_number = int(rand(8999)) + 1000; #var random_number = rand(1000,10000);
And then it checks if $verify == $random_number. I don't know how to catch the value of one-session-only $random_number. I think it is stored somewhere in the memory. If I can capture the value directly then I wouldn't have gone to so much trouble of using this and that extra module.