iPhone webClip browser app suggestions - iphone

I want do build an webclip browser app. I will display all my webclips in to a scroll view when the user taps on one I want to add that web clip to the iPhone.
How to I tell to the iOS to install that webclip from my app?
Any docs, example, tutorials are welcome.

If by webclip you mean adding a link to a web address to the home screen then you can't do that programatically.
I think only Safari can do this so you would have to open the destination webpage in Safari and instruct the user how to add it to the home screen.
See this for a discussion on the feature. Javascript for "Add to Home Screen" on iPhone?


Flutter - Opening store/market screen of a particular app inside the app

I would like to create a button inside my app when user taps it, it will open the market/store screen inside the app, not a redirect to official market/store app.
I do not know how to achieve it. Can someone help me to create it in Flutter.
Example: When you see an ad about downloading app in Reddit, if you press to download link it is opening an official market/store screen but there is no redirect to store/market app completely.

Directly add Clip icon to Home Screen of an iphone when webapp is first accessed

I want to know that is there any way that I can add my webapp's clip icon to the Homescreen of an iPhone directly when user first acessess my webpage through the Safari ?
No, the only way your webapp can be added to the user's home screen is if he/she manually does it.

Preload WebSite

I am using the iPhone simulator that is part of the SDK to test a jQuery Mobile website. I have the startup of the simulator scripted but once the simulator is up and running, I still have to click on Safari/enter the website URL. Is there a way to preload Safari/website URL through the shell script?
You can do the following... Once you open your webpage via mobile safari, look at the bottom tool bar where you see a set of icons. Click on the centre one "Share" and you get a list of options. Select "Add to home screen" and give it a name when prompted. Now, you will have this page added to the home screen and you can simply open this with a click.

Link Target in iPhone Based web app

I am building a web application that is to be run by adding the app to the home screen. Currently it has a list of users, clicking on a user takes you to a detail screen for that user and on that screen is a notes link to take the user to another screen with a grid of notes and a text box to add more notes.
When any links are clicked/tapped, the link is opened in Safari, not the current full screen Safari instance. I tried setting the target of the link to _self, but this had no effect.
Any ideas?
I learned a full screen iPhone webapp can only be a single web page. Any link you try to open will launch Safari instead of replacing the current page. To combat this, I used asp.net postbacks with panels to hide/load/show requested data.
I use target="_webapp" and it works just use for example <a href="http://your.link" target="_webapp"> and it gonna open the link without exit landscape (full screen) i dont know why but with some of my webapps works and sometimes dont.

Adding Icon on desktop of iPhone

I want to place an icon on the iPhone screen form my application, like placing an icon and if i will touch that icon it will do the desired operation, like opening a sound file or an image.
So i want to ask is it possible to place an icon on screen through an application and do some events on it.
You can't do that. The only icon that will appear on the iPhone home screen will be the icon for your application itself.
Expanding on the web shortcut idea suggested by Gene, it might be possible you achieve what you want by having a web short cut using a specific protocol handler to open your app with a web short cut added to the home screen. Take a look at this article:
I believe that would still require the user to add the shortcut though, I don't think a third party app can add web shortcuts.
I found it annoying that google maps cannot be page bookmarked onto the home screen. Here is an almost quick solution:
Create a Tiny URL of the target Google Map. SF Bay Area Traffic is http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=37.55111,-122.121277&spn=0.810034,1.182404&z=10&layer=t
Mail yourself the Tiny URL.
Select the URL in the email application.
Before Safari realizes that it is a Google Map url, touch the x on the url line to cancel the transfer to the Google Map App.
Touch the + at the bottom of Safari and touch "Add to Home Screen"
Name it appropriately and, there you have it, a Google Map entry on your home screen.
Andynormancx is correct. The only exception to this rule (that I know of) is a web shortcut -- within Mobile Safari, you can select "add to home screen", and a shortcut to the bookmarked page will appear on Springboard. The icon is a partial screenshot of the web page.
I don't know if this would be useful to you, though I suppose you could bookmark a link to a sound file or image.
What you can do is create an application and under ApplicationDidLoad in your ApplicationViewController.h
You would type in your code. (If you don't have the SDK, then don't post the question with the tags iPhone-SDK and Cocoa.)
In addition to Gene's answer, you may want to set the following meta tags:
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="https://path/to/icon.png" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />