Directly add Clip icon to Home Screen of an iphone when webapp is first accessed - iphone

I want to know that is there any way that I can add my webapp's clip icon to the Homescreen of an iPhone directly when user first acessess my webpage through the Safari ?

No, the only way your webapp can be added to the user's home screen is if he/she manually does it.


PWA add to home screen does not work as expected

I've started with PWA, I want to add home screen icon to my app, but it's added to apps menu instead of home screen
It's usually added to BOTH app and home screen.
But many times it will place the icon on the second home screen for me.
Even if there is a spot open on the first.

Change notification image of Facebook apps

Does anyone know if/how it's possible to change this icon when a user receives a notification through the Facebook API?
Link to nofification example: (I want to change the wheel icon to a custom icon)
That icon is nothing but your app's icon.
In the App Settings, open App Details and add Icons and save the changes.

Can i set the default page for a web-capable site added to the home screen?

I'm developing a mobile site, with web-capable settings for iphone.
when the site is added to the home screen, it launches from a specific page
(ie. the one the user whas on when adding to the home screen)
is it possible to set your home page (or any) as default to open with the home-screen button?

iPhone webClip browser app suggestions

I want do build an webclip browser app. I will display all my webclips in to a scroll view when the user taps on one I want to add that web clip to the iPhone.
How to I tell to the iOS to install that webclip from my app?
Any docs, example, tutorials are welcome.
If by webclip you mean adding a link to a web address to the home screen then you can't do that programatically.
I think only Safari can do this so you would have to open the destination webpage in Safari and instruct the user how to add it to the home screen.
See this for a discussion on the feature. Javascript for "Add to Home Screen" on iPhone?

Link Target in iPhone Based web app

I am building a web application that is to be run by adding the app to the home screen. Currently it has a list of users, clicking on a user takes you to a detail screen for that user and on that screen is a notes link to take the user to another screen with a grid of notes and a text box to add more notes.
When any links are clicked/tapped, the link is opened in Safari, not the current full screen Safari instance. I tried setting the target of the link to _self, but this had no effect.
Any ideas?
I learned a full screen iPhone webapp can only be a single web page. Any link you try to open will launch Safari instead of replacing the current page. To combat this, I used postbacks with panels to hide/load/show requested data.
I use target="_webapp" and it works just use for example <a href="" target="_webapp"> and it gonna open the link without exit landscape (full screen) i dont know why but with some of my webapps works and sometimes dont.