Has anyone used phonegap framework and how would they rate it? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 11 years ago.
Since I have found nearly nothing about phonegap development on stackoverflow as of yet, I thought I would ask the community what they think about this framework. Is it easy to use? Do the benefits of using a crossplatform framework outweigh the restriction of javascript/html/css only development. My company wants to develop a simple merchant type application, but they are worried about reinventing the wheel by first developing an iPhone app and then also developing an android version. What do you guys think?


What is M2M Mihini framework? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I was reading about Machine to Machine(M2M) technology where it was mentioned that Mihini is the framework that will be used to create M2M applications. My doubt is,
How to integrate the Mihini framework in Koneki Lua Development environment.
How to use that framework.
Has Mihini framework is released for use.
Is there tutorials available to use Mihini framework in Koneki.
The Mihini code is hopefully going to be posted on eclipse.org this week. It has been undergoing our normal IP due diligence, so sorry for the delay.
In the meantime, there is a little documentation on how to get going with Koneki and Mihini on this page[1]. I've been playing with this stuff in the evenings and hope to be able to add some more content there soon.
Please be patient for just a little bit longer :)
[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Mihini/Run_Mihini_on_an_Open_Hardware_platform

Oracle Forms With iOS [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I searched alot for oracle forms for iOS devices but i did'nt find a way to do that. Is there any to use oracle forms in iPhone or iPad ?
I read somewhere on a website that oracle forms need JRE as iOS devices didn't have JRE so it is not possible. But there are few applications using oracle forms so there must be a way.
There is a company called OraPlayer that promise to run forms from any mobile device.

iphone locking all functionality except calling [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am thinking of making an app for my younger brother's iphone, through which i could lock all functionality of iPhone except making and receiving calls for the time he is doing homework. Will apple allow me? if "yes" then how?
There are no public APIs to do what you're asking. If you managed to use Apple's private APIs to do this (which would take an extremely large amount of effort), Apple would reject your app from the app store. That said, if you're just looking to install the app on his phone, you can do that with a $99 developer license and Xcode.

What is Metro, is it going to replace .NET completely? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Heard that Microsoft is planning to release Metro (http://connect.microsoft.com/metro), calling next generation technologies and some of them said its going to replace .NET, is it true?
How Metro is important for a .NET developer?
Metro style is a new type of ux. It will not be replaced and in fact the new windows 8 has two modes. It all depends on the goal of your application. Take a look at this blog it explains it pretty well.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Metro is the new GUI, started with Windows Phone 7, prior to that similar interface used in MS Zune player.

Sample code for iAd in iOS 4 [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking for code samples and tutorials for integrating iAd in iOS 4. What are some good resources for this?
I always find the Apple samples to be of great quality and incorporate the current best practices when it comes to iOS development (they should know). For integrating iAds, there is a recently published sample app in the iPhone Dev Center under the "iOS Reference Library" - just search for "iAdSuite".
Both sample code and a tutorial: