Eclipse->Prefrences->Network connections - eclipse

In eclipse network connection, i need to select 'Active Provider' as 'Native' and add some proxy entries. But i am unable to do so. There is nothing to add proxy entries and its not picking the entries from web browser.
Pls help.

Eclipse's Network Connections is depends on your Local Area Network (LAN) Settings.
For Windows, go to Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Connections -> LAN settings and add address and port of your favourite proxy server, then restart your Eclipse.


Fiddler is not capturing the any browser traffic and showing me this error

I just changed my VPN and tried to capture the browser traffic in fiddler logs.
I tried by checking the option "Automatically detect settings" (Tools > Winnet Options > LAN Settings)
Also checked the option "Decrypt HTTPs Traffic" (Tools - Options - )
Also Cleared the "Clear Winnet Cache, Cookies, browser cache, temp files" in system.
Can any one tell me how to solve this problem?
I attach my error in the image here, for your reference.
VPN software and firewall clients are common culprits. It’s a known issue, please refer below link,
Some VPN's doesn't allow you to pass traffic for other applications.
If you're professional and using the VPN's provided by Company, ask the company/support team regarding issue. They have their own setup for these type of applications.
Some New VPN's like Z-Scaler will not allow the web traffic to other applications and they're trying to resolve this issue asap. But for temporary solution, they have a kind of setup which we can use to work?
Make sure you tried all the options of fiddler and if it is new VPN, Google it and that VPN may already provided which applications will not work with their VPN's

Cant see the IP for my OWASP Broken Web Application (BWA) running in Oracle Virtual Box

I imported the OWASP BWA web application image into Virtual Box and started it up. Its supposed to show me the IP on which I can access my web application. Instead I see text that states that the web application can be accessed at http:///. How can I see what IP I can access BWA on? I have my Network Setting set to Host Only.
I got this problem because the VirtualBox dhcp server was disabled for the network that the BWA VM was on.
From the main VirtualBox screen:
File -> Host Network Manager and enable the dhcp server
I only had one network showing and that had the dhcp server disabled. If you have more than one network, you will have to dig around to figure out which one to enable.
Resetting the Host network Manager in to this configuration helped me to fix it.
Then Restart the instances or
service networking restart
I got this problem because I created more than one Host-only networks. After deleting till only one left, I started the VM again and it worked.

How can I use my xampp server so that everyone from the outer web can acces it

I'm now having problems with this for over a week.
I'm running a minecraft server on my computer. Therefore I used to have a "fixed" ip. I forwared all ports for the server and my friends can access without any problems.
Later I thought I could make a little Homegape for statistics and stuff. So I installed xampp. I forwarded the ports 80, 8080, 8000, 7171. I (and everybody else in my local network) can access it via the address. But nobody else! (And I want to repeat that people can reach my computer over the minecraft port (25565) and no other port!)
How can I fix that problem? I'm pretty sure there is a simple node in one of the config's which I haven't seen yet. I googled for days. So I found out that I should forward these ports. But that's all I could find.
My firewall is (for testing of course!) disabled!
Probably your firewall is blocking xampp or apache. If you are at windows 7, try to go to Control Panel -> System Security -> windows firewal > allow a program through windows firewall and then search "apache" or "xampp" and mark to allow public and private connections
Additionally you can try this also:
Launch "Windows Firewall"
Go to "Advanced Settings"
Select "Inbound Rules" in the left pane
Select "New Rule" in the right pane
In the New Inbound Rule Wizard, select "Port" as Rule Type, then click on "Next"
Select "TCP and put "80" (and any other ports you want to open) in "Specific local ports", then click on "Next"
Select "Allow the connection", then click on "Next"
Select the network location where the rule should apply (select them all if you're not sure), then click on "Next"
Give a name and an optional description
I solved the problem.
I am using cox and they are blocking port 80. Well now I am using https and port 443 and everything works fine!

Can eclipse RSE connect to a local port (ssh tunneled)?

I am using eclipse with RSE, and it works well connecting to my linux server when I am in the same network, but as the server is behind a firewall with a gate entry, I need to make a ssh tunnelling when outside its network.
I have not find a way of adding the local port where I have the tunnel to the host name nor in other places.
Is it possible to connect to localhost:port with RSE?
Finally I found it.
You can not add a port in your initial connection configuration, so the way of doing it is to create a connection to localhost and give a proper name (in order to be able to map more ports later)
Then you will see your new resource
Your new connection is done in port 22 but you can change this and the name for the connection in the following steps.
For changing the user name, click in the resource ('remote_server_1' in this example) and in the properties (the bottom panel) you can change the default userID.
Now the next step is to change the port. For doing that you need to click either in the node Sftp Files or Ssh Shells
Go to the port and and change it to the local port where you have previously forwarded your ssh connection.
And that's it!, click now in the arrow in My Home or Root and you will be pronpted for your credentials:
Just in case you have the same problem for connecting remotely with eclipse, this is what I have installed, the dsdp/tm v 3.2
installing the RSE was a bit of trial and error because you need to unselect some packages not related with your architecture like winCE and others.
These are the packages that I installed in the plugin:
You can also right click on SFTP files -> Properties -> Subservice -> Port

Error connection to CVS

I try to connect to CVS through eclipse. After entering (host, repository path, user, password) and by clicking finish, it gives me the following error :
Error validating location : "Could not connect to :pserver:username#host:/CVS/Myproject:I/O exception occured: ProxyHTTP: java.IOEXCEPTION: proxy error (the specified socket layer (SSL) port is not allowed.ISA Server is not configured to allow SSL REQUEST FROM THIS PORT. most web browser use port 443for SSL request .)"
What could I do ?
If you need to access the Web via a proxy server, but use an internal CVS server that shouldn't be accessed via the proxy, you can add the CVS server to Eclipse's proxy bypass list.
To do this, go to Windows→Preferences→General→Network Connections and click 'Add Host'. You'll likely want to use wildcards to specify all internal servers, e.g. * or 163.189.*.
Obviously a problem with your proxy server. Try disabling proxy settings in Eclipse or ask your system administrator to fix the proxy server configuration.
In my particular case, i solved this issue going to: windows -> preferences -> network connections and set Active Provider = Direct
As soon as i modified this i was able to check out the code.