Cant see the IP for my OWASP Broken Web Application (BWA) running in Oracle Virtual Box - owasp

I imported the OWASP BWA web application image into Virtual Box and started it up. Its supposed to show me the IP on which I can access my web application. Instead I see text that states that the web application can be accessed at http:///. How can I see what IP I can access BWA on? I have my Network Setting set to Host Only.

I got this problem because the VirtualBox dhcp server was disabled for the network that the BWA VM was on.
From the main VirtualBox screen:
File -> Host Network Manager and enable the dhcp server
I only had one network showing and that had the dhcp server disabled. If you have more than one network, you will have to dig around to figure out which one to enable.

Resetting the Host network Manager in to this configuration helped me to fix it.
Then Restart the instances or
service networking restart

I got this problem because I created more than one Host-only networks. After deleting till only one left, I started the VM again and it worked.


How can I set up virtualbox to connect to both external internet and server?

I am trying to use a Virtual Box VM to create a development environment I can share with a few dozen other developers. We are all on an internal network and need to connect to external web sites via proxy server. On the VM (guest) I am putting:
windows 10 64 bit
weblogic server
Several other dev tools
My requirements are:
From the guest OS I need to be able to hit the internet (ie
From the guest OS I also need to be able to open chrome and hit the server webpages running on the guest OS using
I have modified the guest OS host file such that maps to Ideally that should mean anything going to will get resolved to
Our proxy to reach the internet is I am able to connect to the internet (pages like as long as I enable the proxy ( in chrome proxy settings. However I need to be able to enter in the browser and be able to load the homepage. I am able to hit the server using localhost:8007 but I need to work since authentication cookies wont get passed correctly to localhost:8007 urls.
When I enter in chrome it keeps trying to redirect to the IP address of the host OS 10 . * . * . * and the server is not running on the Host OS.
When I enter 'curl' in a command prompt on the guest OS it actually does prints the correct response from my server (no idea why chrome is different / not respecting the host file config).
Any idea how to configure Virtual Box or chrome such that the external pages as well as the guest server pages work?
For internet access on VM, you need to configure network card as BRIDGE, NAT or NAT NETWORK. In your case NAT NETWORK will be better solution, because this will allow you bo be you VM visible in network, just like your Host.
If you have and Internal network you mus have also another card configured for VM for internal network.
To be your VM accessible from Internal Network via http... the coomputers in network have to setup DNS entry pointing to your VM.

Accessing Virtual Server Running inside Hyper-V

I have created a Linux server inside Hyper-V. Normally If we have IP of server then we can browse pages being severed. But How to do that in case of Hyper-V VM.
Basically i am unable to reach server using the IP because it is Virtual.
I have creating network switch but it didn't help. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
In Hyper-V manager there is a networking tab at bottom which shows IP of the machine if it is running.

How to fix too slow browsing problem to Ubuntu Webserver from Windows Domain Controller Environment?

I had a Web Server, which is configured with Ubuntu. Some web applications are hosted there and Clients from windows user browse/use those applications through the network. Application accessibility was smoother and faster and also was running without any interruptions.
But all the issues start when I configure the Windows Server and put all the users under a DOMAIN CONTROLLER. Now all the applications accessibility become too slow. Sometimes some pages are not loading at all.
I am mentioning all the IP configurations bellow-
Network Default Gateway:
Web Server-
Windows Server (Domain Controller)-
Using this Windows Server IP as DNS IP for all Client PC and also for the Web server.
Clients IP range: to
Please See the Graphical view of my Configuration from the link below:
It was a DNS issue. I restored the Previous DNS settings in all clients and server then everything goes to normal condition.

not able to open port in googlecloud

i am configuring voip server on centos 7 (google cloude) but some ports are blocked .
I disabled Firewall in centos
I added firewall rule to google networking.1
plz help m new to it.
You are doing it properly. Also, you can enable your Firewall in centos and just open the required ports.
To make sure that these ports are in fact open now and available to you, you should try running a small sample server on that port and try to access it from outside on that same port. If you can do so, then the networking part is done. Rest should be configured on your VOIP side.

rdp web client of virtualbox

thank you for reading my question.
I want to login the virtual machine romotely through rdpweb shipped with virtualbox sdk.Of course, the virtual machine was installed in the virtualbox.The rdpweb(a folder) contains 4 files, webclient3.html, swfobject.js, webclient.js and RDPClientUI.swf.
Firstly, I copy rdpweb to the /.../tomcat/webapp. So i can visit webclinet3.html now. And there is a image which shows what i get.Sorry, i haven't enough reputation for posting a image.I just can put a link to the image.
An error happened. Google says that putting the crossdomin.xml to the root of webapp would solve the bug.The bug may be aroused by flash.But it is invalid for me. Why ?
My physical host is win7(ip:, and my virtual guest is windowsxp(ip: The version of the virtualbox is 4.1.8.
Any help would be appreciated!Thank you very much.
I am so sorry for my poor english.
Your configuration looks like you have configured your WinXP guest with a bridged network adapter, and you are trying to connect directly to it. Have you enabled Remote Desktop on the WinXP guest? Go to the Control Panel -> System applet, then choose the remote tab and be sure to check both boxes to allow remote desktop connections. You will also need to make sure the firewall will allow this connection to the guest.
VirtualBox also have the capability to serve up a virtual machines display over RDP or VNC (VNC in the OSE - Open Source Edition). If you are wanting to use that capability then you should be connecting to the HOST IP address - not the guest. Since your host is Windows 7 you will also need to adjust the Remote Display Server Port for your guest (in the VM Settings in VirtualBox) to use a port besides 3389. I usually pick 3390. Your screenshot doesn't show somewhere you can enter the TCP port, so this approach may not be supported, but you could try appending :3390 to the IP address.
Original Answer:
Could you post the crossdomain.xml file you are currently using? This is almost certainly a problem with it.
My guess is that your crossdomain.xml file should look something like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- -->
<allow-access-from domain="" />
You could start with just putting * instead of the IP address in the file as well - though that is generally not recommended as it opens the possibility that the flash player can access any resource on any network. It would make it easier to access other virtual machines you might use in the future with different addresses.