How to show just one (e.g. the first) error message to a form field with Zend framework where validation has failed? - zend-framework

Is there any way to do that with a decorator or do I need to dig deeper into ZF?

If you have multiple validators attached to one form element and want only the first error message to pop up, you can set breakChainOnFailure option to TRUE for each validator. In this case, if one of the validators fails, all the subsequent validators are skipped.
new Zend_Validate_StringLength(array('min' => 6, 'max' => 12)),
->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_Alnum());

if $foo is in an instance of Zend_Form and there is an form element username inside this form then
$foo->username->getMessages() ; will return array of errors messages to show only one you simply need to do array_pop($foo->username->getMessages()); . Basically zend decorators uses error view helper to display the messages . You need to extend the default decorator and remove the view helper simply by echo

There are many ways you can do this. My personal favorite is to extend the validator you want to use to only return one custom message. For the email validator this is especially helpful since it shows some crazy error messages that you may not want to show anyway. You can see this method here:


Zend: Form Validation After AJAX

I have a form done with Zend. I load it with ajax in a dialog. It has 2 selects. Depending on what is selected in the first select, it loads the content of the second one. However, when I submit the form I get a validation error because the options of the second form weren't there at the time of creating it.
Is there a way to fix this "issue"? It does what it needs to do but I don't want it to verify that field anymore. Any way to specify that I don't want that?
You can disable the inArray validator. When constructing the form's select element, set
'registerInArrayValidator' => false
Also, a different solution would be to overload the isValid method, inspect the selected option for the first select element and then populate the options for the second element. Then call parent::isValid to check if the form is in fact valid or not.

How to remove a validator from a Select?

I have a form where I need to add/remove validators dynamically. Based on a dropdown selection, other form fields may have different validation rules.
For other kinds of inputs, I've used replace(methodThatCreatesTheInput()) to get rid of a previously added validator. (Not knowing of a better way. Specifically, there doesn't seem to be any way to directly remove a validator from a component...)
With Select, from wicket-extensions, this approach fails with something like:
WicketMessage: submitted http post value [[Ljava.lang.String;#5b4bf56d]
for SelectOption component [8:myForm:targetInput] contains an
illegal relative path element [targetConsortiums:1:option] which does not
point to an SelectOption component. Due to this the Select component cannot
resolve the selected SelectOption component pointed to by the illegal value.
A possible reason is that component hierarchy changed between rendering and
form submission.
The method that creates the Select:
private FormComponent<?> targetSelection() {
Map<Class<? extends Target>, List<Target>> targets = targetService.getAllAsMap();
SelectOptions<Target> propertyOptions = new SelectOptions<Target>("targetConsortiums",
targets.get(Consortium.class), new TargetRenderer());
SelectOptions<Target> consortiumOptions = new SelectOptions<Target>("targetProperties",
targets.get(Property.class), new TargetRenderer());
Select select = new Select(ID_TARGET, new PropertyModel<Target>(model, "target"));
return select;
(Why use a Select instead of normal DropDownChoice? We want the two types of choices to be clearly separated, as documented in this question.)
Any ideas how to solve this? What I'm trying to achieve is, of course, very simple. Unfortunately Wicket disagrees, or I'm using it wrong.
Wicket 1.4.
I don't know how to do this on Wicket 1.4, but on Wicket 1.5 there is a remove method for validators on FormComponent (see javadoc)

Symfony2 access all form errors without form_bubbling

I want to know if it is possible to access all of my form's errors without using form_bubbling since it gives the error to the parent and individual objects loose their error...I need both the form to know globally if there are errors to display a global "please fix your errors" message and the individual elements to know if they contain errors because I will add an error CSS class to invalid form inputs.
Thanks in advance!
Most efficient way I found to get the numbers of errors of a form, regarless its form_bubbling is trueor false is to add, in the controller, some variable indicating it :
return $this->render('Acme:Contrats:index.html.twig', array(
'myform' => $form->createView(),
'myformHasErrors' => !$form->isValid(),
If anyone find another one, please comment/answer this.
After speaking to people in Symfony's IRC channel, there exists two ways to do this in a Twig template:
form.has('errors') for a boolean stating whether or not the form contains errors.
form.vars.errors|length for the number of errors contained in the form.
Problem solved. All of this can be used without using error_bubbling.

I'm not specifying the form action but it (automatically) gives different values in some cases

I'm creating my form using the Form helper, so the action of the form is specified automatically....
this form is used for editing a post..
so, the URL has the structure:
and the form's action should be automatically generated as posts/edit/id
but the problem is, in some cases, I open the HTML code and I find that the form's action is only posts/edit without the id which causes the update to fail...
I spent a lot of time to figure out what situation brings this wrong action:
i'm generating fields dynamically (using javascript & ajax) depending on the post's category..
when the value of one of the dynamically generated fields is invalid, the generated action becomes posts/edit !!
I really need help, cuz I don't know why this is happening !!!
and I don't wanna waste more time digging into the core of cakephp...
so, if any of cakephp experts has an idea about this, plz help me !!
thank you in advance !
Use the url parameter, which allows you to explicitly define a url for the form:
echo $form->create('Post', array('url' => $html->url(array('action'=>'edit', $id))));
It sounds like $id probably isn't getting set, because it should be getting passed along if it is. You need to make sure it's set to edit the record in question. Make sure your javascript is including the hidden field with the record's id in it.
Normally done like this, with the form helper: echo $this->Form->input('id');
Also, if one of the fields is invalid, the form shouldn't actually be submitting properly, if you are using cake's validation, so this is to be expected.

How can I use the sfValidatorEmail validator in Symfony to validate a single email field

I have a form with 2 elements that will be submitted and then update part of a user profile.
I don't want to use the entire generated form and have to remove all the fields except for the two I need. I just want to be able to create a quite simple form to do my update.
Is there a way to utilize Symfony's sfValidatorEmail inside the action on the returned value of an email field?
Since the regex is already written in the validator, I would like to reuse it, but I don't know how to use it in the action after the non-symfony form has been submitted.
Two approaches here - you could construct a simple form anyway extending from sfForm/sfFormSymfony (doesn't have to be ORM-based) that just contains the 2 fields you want. That way you can use the existing validation framework, and then use $myForm->getValues() after everything has been validated to get your values for your profile update.
Alternatively, as you've mentioned, you can use the sfValidatorEmail class in your action like so:
$dirtyValue = ""
$v = new sfValidatorEmail();
catch (sfValidatorError $e)
// Validation failed
The latter approach quickly leads to messy code if you have many values that need cleaning, and it's worth putting the logic back into a form to handle this in the usual manner.
If you're submitting a form with 2 elements, it should be a form on the edit and update end, period. Symfony forms are lightweight, there's no performance reason to not use them. Instead, make a custom form for this purpose:
class ProfileUpdateForm extends ProfileForm
public function configure()
$this->useFields(array('email', 'other_field'));